REDRESS PROCEDURE. 9.01 All request and/or complaints shall be taken up with an employee's immediate supervisor.
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REDRESS PROCEDURE. Teachers who disagree with the observation and/or evaluation procedures may invoke the following redress procedure:
REDRESS PROCEDURE. If a respondent fails to reply to a grievance within the designated time, the may submit the grievance to the subsequent step in the procedure. The Union may continue or process a grievance through the procedure on behalf of a estate with the written consent of the estate. Arbitration The grievance may be referred to arbitration by the Union only after both steps in the grievance procedure have been exhausted unless a step has been waived by mutual consent of both parties in writing, through their authorized representatives. The party seeking arbitration shall notify the other party in writing of its desire to submit the grievance to arbitration within twenty (20) days of the Director’s reply. The notification shall contain the name of the party’s appointee to the Board of Arbitration. The recipient party shall, within ten (10) days of receipt of such notification, advise the other party of its appointee to the Board of Arbitration. The two (2) appointees shall, within fifteen (15) days of the appointment of the second of them or at time mutually agreed upon, appoint a third person who shall be the Chair. If the recipient party fails to appoint an arbitrator, or if the appointees fail to agree upon a Chair within the time limit, the appointment of the Chair shall be made by the Minister of Labour upon the request of either party. The Board of Arbitration shall hear and determine the grievance and shall issue a binding decision upon the parties and upon any Member affected by it. The decision of a majority shall be the decision of the Board of Arbitration and if there is no majority the decision of the Chair shall govern. No person shall be appointed as arbitratorwho has been involved the negotiation of this Agreement or in attempts to settle the grievance. Each of the parties hereto will bear the expenses of their and the parties will share equally the expenses of the Chair. All cost related to witnesses called by a party will be paid for by that The Board of Arbitration shall not have any authority to alter or change any of the provisions of this Agreement or to substitute any new provisions in lieu thereof, or to give any decision contrary to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
REDRESS PROCEDURE. The parties may agree in writing to seek appointment of a single Arbitrator. Should they be unable to agree on a single Arbitrator, the parties may jointly request the Minister of Labour to make an appointment. Each of the parties will share equally (half and the expenses of a single Arbitrator.
REDRESS PROCEDURE. 9.01 All request and/or complaints shall be taken up with an employee’s immediate supervisor.
REDRESS PROCEDURE. At the end of each selection phase (see Section 8), the applicants will be informed (via e-mail) about the final outcomes of their Applications. Then, they may request for clarifications and further information about the decisions. Applicants will have the possibility to submit a request for redress/appeal, through the email energyforfuture@ xxxxxxxxx.xx (including “E4F Application – Request for Redress” in the subject of the e-mail), within 5 days from the communication of the results. The E4F Programme Manager will forward the request to the Redress Committee (composed by the Interview Committee members) for review. If the Redress Committee accepts a redress request, the Programme Manager will initiate a new evaluation of the proposal, at the corresponding stage of the Selection process. When the process ends, the candidate will be communicated with the final decision and the comments of the committee in charge for that.
REDRESS PROCEDURE. 24.00.00 Grievance shall mean a complaint in writing relating to the interpretation, application, administration, or alleged violation of any provision of this Agreement. The procedures as outlined shall be used.
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REDRESS PROCEDURE. Any complaints against the project selection procedural failures have to be submitted by the applicant to SUAVE consortium, xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxx.xx within 5 calendar days after the notification of the evaluation results. The applicant shall clearly specify procedural failure(s) that happened during the assessment of the proposal and include clear references to the relevant programme documents (Terms and Conditions, application form, etc.). Prior to filing a complaint, the applicant is strongly advised to request additional information from the SME regional contact point within the timeframe (5 calendar days) available for submitting a complaint. Only one request for redress per assessed application will be considered by the Committee, made up of one representative of each project partner. All requests for redress will be treated in confidence. The Application Review Panel will examine the complaint on the basis of the information brought forward by the applicant, will assess the case and decide whether the complaint is justified or not and will inform the applicant and the consortium on the decision taken. If the complaint is considered justified, the Application Review Panel will notify the evaluators to re-evaluate the project application and the related assessment part, subject to the complaint. The evaluators will then provide the Application Review Panel with an updated assessment. The final decision on the complaint will be communicated by the Application Review Panel to the applicant in writing within 20 working days from the date of submitting the complaint. This decision will be final, binding to all parties and not subject to any further complaint proceedings within the programme if the complaint is based on the same grounds.
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