Reporting Off. Employees must call Dispatch at least thirty (30) minutes prior to the start of their shift and state the reason for the absence. Calls must be made by the employee and not from spouses, family members or others. Employees who report off properly will use one (1) sick/personal day for each absence.
Reporting Off. All school personnel are expected to call their designated supervisor during times that the employee cannot report for duty. Except in emergency circumstances, such reporting should take place at least one (1) hour prior to the official start of work time, two
Reporting Off. When reporting off work, bus drivers shall contact only the bus supervisor for replacement and file an S-47 upon return to work.
Reporting Off. Employees who are unable to report for work shall notify supervision at least one (1) hour before starting time of their shift of such inability to report for work.
Reporting Off. All employees who are unable to report for work shall notify their immediate supervisor or some other person at their normal reporting station prior to their starting time. Employees should give the reason for being unable to report for work and expected date of return to work. For sick leave, reporting off is governed under the Sick Leave Article.
Reporting Off. Bus Drivers and Mechanics must report off work to the Transportation Supervisor not later than 5:00 a.m. the morning of the absence, and must report their availability for returning to work to the Transportation Supervisor not later than 9:00 p.m. the last day of their absence. Any bus driver reporting off for his/her p.m. run must do so by 10:00
a. m. Failure to report off properly for a.m. and/or p.m. runs will result in loss of pay, unless the failure to report is due to a verifiable emergency as determined by supervision.
Reporting Off. Drivers will call the Transportation Coordinator (or designee) when reporting off work due to illness. Calls should be made before 6:00 A.M. While off, a driver should call by 3:00 P.M. to report his/her status for the next day's employment, otherwise it shall be assumed that the driver is returning to work the next day
Reporting Off. The District will maintain a telephone answering service that Employees shall call to report their unavailability for work. All teachers must utilize the approved District report off system. The District may make changes to improve the procedure for reporting Employee absence.
Reporting Off. A bargaining unit member who must be absent will follow District electronic reporting procedures and will make every effort to notify the District of any absence with as much advance notice as possible but no later than 6:00 a.m. on the day of absence. In the case of an extended illness, a member of the bargaining unit may report off for a given number of days. In this case the member shall provide notice of his/her intent to return the next school day.
Reporting Off. If an Employee is not able to report for work, he/she shall so notify the County at least two (2) hours prior to the time that he/she was expected to report to work unless some unforeseen emergencies occur. Where applicable, this report shall be made to the Communication Manager or lead dispatcher then on duty.