ACADEMIC PLANNING. 5.1 The College and the Faculty Association recognize the importance of the College engaging in a planning process to permit the College to fulfil its obligations. Such planning shall be undertaken in the spirit of collegiality, with open communication, consultation in committee, and in accordance with Article 1. The parties recognize that such planning involves the need for flexibility in the allocation of resources, consistent with fair treatment of academic staff members, and the provisions of this collective agreement. 5.2 Within the context of the planning process, recommendations and decisions regarding the academic offerings of the College shall be made by the College after due consideration of the recommendations of the College Forum. 5.3 When instituting, developing, reducing, or eliminating programs, the College recognizes the need to institute these changes in accordance with its responsibility to society and in a way that will minimize the disruption to the careers of academic staff members. 5.4 The College and the Faculty Association recognize that the quality of instruction depends significantly upon the maintenance and development of full-time academic staff to teach credit courses. The College is committed to maintaining the quality of instruction at this institution and shall work toward decreasing the proportion of (full- time equivalent) sessional to full-time appointments. 5.5 When implementing a significant new service or program, the Xxxx shall give due consideration to the staffing complement and the workload associated with its implementation, such that the latter does not exceed a normal workload. 5.6 Any academic policies and procedures developed by the College shall be fair, transparent, equitable, and consistent with the terms of the collective agreement. 5.7 The number of academic staff members with Instructor appointments shall not exceed fifteen per cent (15%) of the number of in-scope members in the faculty category with tenure-track and tenured appointments, for a total of two (2) Instructors. Before any proposed new Instructor position is advertised, the College shall verify that such an appointment will not result in this two (2) Instructor limit being exceeded. 5.8 College and Faculty Association representatives shall meet, at the request of either side, to discuss the matter of appointment categories in the College, to identify any anomalies which may exist. The College undertakes to deal effectively with these anomalie...
ACADEMIC PLANNING. 5.1 The University and the Faculty Association recognize the importance of the University engaging in a planning process to permit the University to fulfil its obligations. Such planning shall be undertaken in the spirit of collegiality and with open communication in a timely manner. 5.1.1 The parties recognize that such planning involves the need for flexibility in the allocation of resources, consistent with fair treatment of academic staff members and the provisions of this collective agreement. 5.2 Within the context of the planning process, recommendations and decisions regarding the academic offerings of the University shall be made by the bodies charged under The University of Xxxxxx Act with these responsibilities. 5.2.1 Tenured, tenure-track, and term academic staff members have the right to participate in the collegial governance and the academic planning of the institution. 5.3 When instituting, developing, reducing, or eliminating programs, the University recognizes the need to institute these changes in accordance with its responsibility to society and in a way that will minimize the disruption to the careers of academic staff members. 5.4 The University and the Faculty Association recognize that the quality of instruction depends significantly upon the maintenance and development of full-time academic staff to teach credit courses. The University is committed to maintaining the quality of instruction at this institution and shall work toward decreasing the proportion of (full-time equivalent) sessional to full-time appointments. 5.5 When implementing a significant planning initiative, service, or program, department heads or Deans shall give due consideration to the staffing complement and the workload associated with its implementation, such that the latter does not exceed a normal workload. 5.6 Any policies and procedures developed by the University shall be fair, transparent, equitable, and consistent with the terms of the collective agreement. The University shall inform academic staff members of changes to policies, or new policies, affecting them. The University shall consult with academic staff members, per Article 5.11, on significant changes to policies before implementing them.
ACADEMIC PLANNING. The University and the Faculty Association recognize the importance of the University engaging in a planning process to permit the University to fulfil its obligations. Such planning shall be undertaken in a spirit of collegiality and with open communication. The Parties recognize that such planning involves the need for flexibility in the allocation of resources, consistent with fair treatment of academic staff members, and in accordance with the provisions of this Collective Agreement. The Parties agree that planning is essential to the proper functioning of the University, and to the ability of the University to provide programs that fulfil the needs of the communities and students that it serves. The Parties agree, therefore, that it is mutually desirable that planning take place in consultation with academic units, including Sessional Academic Staff Members. When Sessional Academic Staff attend academic planning, unit meetings, they shall be paid in accordance with Appendix A – Sessional Academic Staff Member Hourly Rate. Within the context of the planning process, recommendations and decisions regarding the academic offerings of the University will be made by bodies charged with those responsibilities under the First Nations University of Canada Act and the University of Xxxxxx/FNUniv Federation Agreement. When instituting, developing, reducing, or eliminating programs, the University recognizes the need to institute these changes in such a way as to minimize the disruption to the careers of Sessional Academic Staff Members, while recognizing its special responsibility to First Nations’ peoples. Consultation in committee, wherever it appears throughout the Collective Agreement, means that the consultative process shall include, but not be limited to, the following elements: meetings scheduled at a reasonable hour and location; agendas circulated and minutes kept; secret ballots as needed, such as for elections; and, a reasonable effort to consult those who are absent from campus. The department, or equivalent unit, at a consultation in committee, may decide to establish a standing committee which shall have specified authority to act on its behalf in certain matters. Such a standing committee shall have terms of reference agreed to by the department or equivalent unit, in consultation in committee, and these terms of reference shall address such matters as the scope, purpose, and selection of the standing committee, quorum, minutes, and similar matte...
ACADEMIC PLANNING. To facilitate a seamless transition, AACC students should work closely with their academic advisor at AACC to develop a comprehensive academic plan as early in their academic career as possible and prior to transfer. Students and advisors are encouraged to utilize a variety of advising resources including the 4 Year Program Articulation Pathway (accompanying this agreement), AACC Catalog, BSU Undergraduate Catalog, respective departmental websites, and ARTSYS (the USM online articulation database), to ascertain transferability of coursework.
ACADEMIC PLANNING. 9.1 The University and the Faculty Association recognize the importance of the University engaging in a planning process to permit the University to fulfil its obligations. Such planning shall be undertaken in a spirit of collegiality and with open communication. The Parties recognize that such planning involves the need for flexibility in the allocation of resources, consistent with fair treatment of academic staff members, and in accordance with the provisions of this Collective Agreement. The Parties agree that annual and long-range planning is essential to the proper functioning of the University, and to the ability of the University to provide programs that fulfil the needs of the communities and students that it serves. The Parties agree, therefore, that it is mutually desirable that both annual and long-range planning take place in consultation with academic staff, including Sessional Academic Staff Members. 9.2 Within the context of the planning process, recommendations and decisions regarding the academic offerings of the University will be made by bodies charged with those responsibilities under the First Nations University of Canada Act and the University of Regina/FNUniv Federation Agreement. 9.3 When instituting, developing, reducing, or eliminating programs, the University recognizes the need to institute these changes in such a way as to minimize the disruption to the careers of academic staff members, while recognizing its special responsibility to First Nations’ peoples. 9.4 Consultation in Committee
ACADEMIC PLANNING. 5.1 The University and the Faculty Association recognize the importance of the University engaging in a planning process to permit the University to fulfil its obligations. Such planning shall be undertaken in the spirit of collegiality and with open communication 5.1.1 The parties recognize that such planning involves the need for flexibility in the allocation of resources, consistent with fair treatment of academic staff members and the provisions of this collective agreement. 5.2 Within the context of the planning process, recommendations and decisions regarding the academic offerings of the University shall be made by the bodies charged under The University of Regina Act with these responsibilities. 5.2.1 Tenured, tenure-track, and term academic staff members have the right to participate in the collegial governance and the academic planning of the institution. 5.3 When instituting, developing, reducing, or eliminating programs, the University recognizes the need to institute these changes in accordance with its responsibility to society and in a way that will minimize the disruption to the careers of academic staff members. 5.4 The University and the Faculty Association recognize that the quality of instruction depends significantly upon the maintenance and development of full-time academic staff to teach credit courses. The University is committed to maintaining the quality of instruction at this institution and shall work toward decreasing the proportion of (full-time equivalent) sessional to full-time appointments. 5.5 When implementing a significant planning initiative, service, or program, department heads or Deans shall give due consideration to the staffing complement and the workload associated with its implementation, such that the latter does not exceed a normal workload. 5.6 Any policies and procedures developed by the University shall be fair, transparent, and consistent with the terms of the collective agreement. 5.7 The number of academic staff members with Instructor appointments, excluding Instructors in the ESL Program and the Institut français, shall not exceed thirteen per cent (13%) of the number of in-scope members in the faculty category with tenure-track and tenured appointments. Before any proposed new Instructor position is advertised, the University shall verify that such an appointment will not result in this limit being exceeded. The thirteen per cent (13%) limit excludes an agreed-upon number of academic staff members curr...
ACADEMIC PLANNING. 3.1 To facilitate a seamless transition, students should work closely with their academic advisor at CSM to develop a comprehensive academic plan as early in their academic career as possible and prior to transfer. 3.2 Students and advisors are encouraged to utilize a variety of advising resources including the 4 Year Program Articulation Pathway (accompanying this agreement), CSM Catalog, UMBC Undergraduate Catalog, respective departmental websites, and ARTSYS (the USM online articulation database), to ascertain transferability of coursework.
ACADEMIC PLANNING. To facilitate a seamless transition, CCBC students should work closely with their academic advisor at CCBC to develop a comprehensive academic plan as early in their academic career as possible and prior to transfer. Students and advisors are encouraged to utilize a variety of advising resources including the CCBC Catalog, Xxxxxx Undergraduate Catalog, respective departmental websites, and ARTSYS (the USM online articulation database), to ascertain transferability of coursework until they complete 45 credits, at which time students will be provided an advisor from their academic department. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with their assigned advisor periodically. Students are required to meet with their advisor prior to registering for subsequent DocuSign Envelope ID: 312E829A-621C-4E50-A88C-49EF2C48FAD5 semesters. Students who are majoring in Nursing or Social Work, will always be advised by their respective department. Students, in consultation with their academic advisor, will develop an individualized degree plan for completion of all general education, graduation and major requirements as outlined in the Morgan Undergraduate Catalog. These requirements include a minimum of 120 credits, of which at least 30 credits must be earned at Morgan.
ACADEMIC PLANNING. 7.1 The University and the Faculty Association recognize the importance of the University engaging in a planning process to permit the University to fulfil its obligations. Such planning shall be undertaken in a spirit of collegiality and with open communication. The parties recognize that such planning involves the need for flexibility in the allocation of resources, consistent with fair treatment of academic staff members, and in accordance with the provisions of this collective agreement. The parties agree that annual and long range planning is essential to the proper functioning of the University, and to the ability of the University to provide programs which fulfil the needs of the communities and students which it serves. The parties agree, therefore, that it is mutually desirable that both annual and long range planning take place in consultation with Faculty. 7.2 Within the context of the planning process, recommendations and decisions regarding the academic offerings of the University will be made by bodies charged with those responsibilities under the First Nations University of Canada Act and the University of Xxxxxx/FNUniv Federation Agreement. 7.3 When instituting, developing, reducing, or eliminating programs, the University recognizes the need to institute these changes in accordance with its responsibility to First Nations peoples in such a way as to minimize the disruption to the careers of academic staff members. 7.4 The University and the Faculty Association agree that the quality of instruction depends significantly upon the maintenance of full-time academic staff to teach the credit class program. Therefore, the University will make every effort to avoid increasing the proportion of credit classes taught by other than full-time staff.


  • Academic Program A. Upon successful completion of the major requirements, as indicated below in III.B, SDSU will accept 38 technical course credits from the A.A.S. degree in Business – Business and Technology. Additional transferable system general education credits may be earned at WDT and may be transferred to SDSU. Students must meet all Board of Regents policies and university graduation requirements in order to receive a degree. B. Requirements to be completed at SDSU to earn a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Entrepreneurial Studies are outlined below. The general education coursework to meet South Dakota Regental System’s General Education Requirements (SGR) must also be completed as outlined below. This coursework may be taken at WDT if equivalent courses are available. Please note that BOR Policy 2.5 states, “Total transfer credit for work at two-year technical or community college may not exceed one-half of the hours required for completion of the baccalaureate degree at the accepting institution unless an approved program-specific waiver exists.” For this program, that number is 60 credits. 1. SGR Goal #1: Written Communication: ENGL 101 Composition I and ENGL 201 Composition II (6 credits) 2. SGR Goal #4: Humanities and Arts/Diversity (6 credits in 2 disciplines or a sequence of foreign language courses) 3. SGR Goal #5: Mathematics: MATH 121-121L or MATH 123 (4-5 Credits) 4. SGR Goal #6: Natural Sciences (6 credits) 1. Natural Sciences Class (4 credits) from the approved list in SDSU Bulletin, taken as needed to earn 10 or more science credits from at least two different disciplines, with a minimum of two lab 2. A minor, second major, teaching specialization: Satisfied in full by completion of the A.A.S. degree from WDT. 3. AHSS 111, Introduction to Global Citizenship and Diversity, (3 credits) Bachelor of Arts Degree (3-9 credits): 1. Completion of a Modern Foreign Language through the 202 level (0-6 credits) 2. A minor, second major, teaching specialization: Satisfied in full by completion of the A.A.S. degree from WDT. 3. AHSS 111, Introduction to Global Citizenship and Diversity, (3 credits) 1. BADM 485 - Business and Financial Decisions in a Global Economy (3 credits) (Capstone) 2. BLAW 350 - Legal Environment of Business (3 credits) 3. DSCI 424 - Operations Research or ECON 423 - Introduction to Econometrics (3 credits) 4. ECON 201 - Principles of Microeconomics (3 credits) 5. ECON 301 - Intermediate Microeconomics or ECON 431- Managerial Economics (3 credits)

  • Strategic Planning Facilitate the effective alignment of IT requirements/ Information Resource Management (IRM) plans with strategic business plans and program initiatives. Management Improvements: Development and implementation of improved systems and business practices to optimize productivity and service delivery operations (e.g., analysis, and implementation of improvements in the flow of IT work and program processes and tool utilization, including business system analysis, identification of requirements for streamlining, re-engineering, or re-structuring internal systems/business processes for improvement, determination of IT solution alternatives, benchmarking).

  • Academic Year Academic Year is defined as beginning with the start of fall semester and ending with the completion of spring semester.

  • Procurement Planning Prior to the issuance of any invitations to bid for contracts, the proposed procurement plan for the Project shall be furnished to the Association for its review and approval, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Appendix 1 to the Guidelines. Procurement of all goods and works shall be undertaken in accordance with such procurement plan as shall have been approved by the Association, and with the provisions of said paragraph 1.

  • Selection Planning Prior to the issuance to consultants of any requests for proposals, the proposed plan for the selection of consultants under the Project shall be furnished to the Association for its review and approval, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Appendix 1 to the Consultant Guidelines. Selection of all consultants’ services shall be undertaken in accordance with such selection plan as shall have been approved by the Association, and with the provisions of said paragraph 1.

  • Planning The Operating Committee shall implement the transmission system expansion process described in Article 18. The Operating Committee shall review and approve ISO staff assessments of proposed projects that impact transmission capability to confirm that those projects meet all applicable reliability criteria. The Operating Committee shall review and approve the NYS Transmission Plan prepared by the ISO staff and reliability assessments performed using such NYS Transmission Plan, to ensure conformance with the Reliability Rules. The Operating Committee shall review and approve illustrative NYS Transmission System expansion options developed by ISO staff in response to PSC requests. The Operating Committee, at the request of a Committee member, may review the adequacy of cost recovery mechanisms for transmission expansion.

  • ACADEMIC FREEDOM Academic freedom shall be guaranteed to all employees, and no special limitation shall be placed upon study, investigation, presentation and interpretation of facts and ideas concerning man, human society, the physical and biological world, and other branches of learning subject to accepted standards of professional responsibility, community standards, and District-approved curriculum. These responsibilities include a commitment to democratic tradition, a concern for the welfare, growth and development of children, and an insistence upon objective scholarship. Employees who create work on their own time, own the right to that work.