RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF LESSEE. Subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, Lessee is hereby given the following rights and privileges.
RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF LESSEE. Subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, Lessee is hereby given the following rights and privileges: A. Storage - Lessee has the right and obligation to store aircraft on Lessee's Leased Premises. At least one aircraft must be housed on a regular basis in all hangars. Lessee shall be permitted to use the hangar for flight planning, and other uses permitted by Lessor by prior written approval under Section 2.A., provided that the primary use during the term of this Lease shall be for the storage of aircraft. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Lessor acknowledges that Lessee may, from time to time and on a temporary basis, not have any aircraft stored in the hangar. The lack of aircraft in the hangar may be because the aircraft are in use, are temporarily located at facilities in other geographic locations, or Lessee may be selling or disposing of one or more aircraft and in the process of acquiring one or more new aircraft. Failure to house the prescribed number of aircraft shall constitute a material act of default, upon determination by the Lessor. Lessee understands that a violation of this paragraph gives the Lessor the rights set forth in Article 11. 991292-8leb-130804kka Hangar Land Lease Agr (081304) - 4 - B. Aeronautical Facility Use -Subject to established fees, the Lessee shall be permitted to use, in common with others, existing and future aeronautical facilities at the Airport as they may exist or be modified, augmented, or deleted from time to time. These facilities shall include, but not be restricted to the landing areas, their extensions and additions, roadways, aprons, and any air navigation facilities or other conveniences for the flying, landing, and taking-off of aircraft. Nothing herein shall prohibit the Lessor from modifying, augmenting, or deleting any such facilities.
RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF LESSEE. A. Lessee shall engage in and conduct said Restaurant business at and on the Property for the convenience of patrons and tenants of the Airport and the general public desiring such services at the Airport; which right, without limiting the generality hereof, shall include: 1. The right, subject to necessary licensing, to serve food, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages, and other items pertaining to the operation of a restaurant. The right to sell tobacco products, ice cream products, gum, candies, and similar items commonly offered for sale at a restaurant. 2. The non-exclusive right to provide in-flight food service to scheduled and supplemental airlines, private and executive aircraft who have requested said services of Lessee, and the right to prepare food on the Property and deliver, or cause to be delivered, to and for the purpose of consumption elsewhere. 3. The right to use, operate, and maintain equipment owned by Lessor and shown in Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof ("Equipment"). 4. The right to equip, install, operate and maintain on the Airport, at Lessee's expense advertising facilities; provided however, that in all cases the number, size, location, general type and design, and the method of installation shall be subject to the prior approval of the Director of Aviation or his designated representative. This limitation shall apply to and include all signs, placards, posters, or other forms of identification or advertising media, installed, placed upon or affixed to the Property exclusively to Lessee hereunder. 5. The right, subject to prior approval of the Director of Aviation, of plans and specifications, location and inspection of same; to make improvements, modifications, revisions and other alterations to the Property. Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties in writing prior to the beginning of construction or installation, all costs of such improvements, modifications, revisions and alterations shall be borne solely by Lessee, and all such improvements, modifications, revisions or alterations shall become and remain the property of the Lessor. 6. Lessee, its employees and invitees shall have the right of ingress and egress between the main entrance of the Airport as the same now exists or may hereafter be relocated and the Leased Premises over, upon and through such streets and no other as from time to time shall be designated by the Director of Aviation. Driveways from existing streets into the Leased Premises shall be...
RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF LESSEE. The Lessor, for the duration of this lease, demises and lets unto the Lessee all such mining rights and privileges in said premises as are vested in or exercisable by the Lessor and which it has the lawful right to demise and let to the Lessee, and, subject to the foregoing and the limitations in this lease set forth (including those applicable to the Eagle or No. 2 Gas seam area surrendered as aforesaid), the Lessee shall have the superior right to use so much of the surface of the leased premises and any stratum thereof and of the stone, the sand and water therein and thereon as may be necessary or convenient in the exercise of the mining rights herein demised, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing: 1. The right to use and occupy so much of the surface as Lessee deems to be necessary or convenient for the erection, maintenance, and operation thereon of plants, tipples, shops, storehouses, merchandise establishments, warehouses, office buildings, dwelling houses for the housing of employees employed in connection with coal mining operations of the Lessee as herein set forth, and all other structures which Lessee may deem to be convenient in Lessee's coal mining or other operations; and the Lessor shall not operate or maintain or permit to be operated or maintained by any person, firm, or corporation, except the Lessee, any merchandising business on the premises which is competitive with any of Lessee's merchandising and incidental commercial activities. (The selling on the leased premises of coal mined on the leased premises from seams or areas of seams not leased to the Lessee hereby, or of oil, gas, timber, lumber, or other products of or from the lands embodying the leased premises, shall not for the purposes hereof be considered a merchandising business prohibited to Lessor or its other lessees or assigns.) Incidental commercial operations of any of Lessee's facilities installed primarily for its own and/or its employees' use shall be considered to be within such operations permitted to Lessee. 2. The right to have and use the surface for the construction, repair, and maintenance of roads, tramroads, railroads, airways, bucketways, and other transportation facilities necessary or useful in Lessee's mining and incidental operations, with the right to change or have changed the location of any road or transportation facility now or hereafter on the premises. In locating any such road or transportation facility the Lessee will give reasona...


  • ASSOCIATION RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES A. There will be no reprisals of any kind taken against any teacher solely by reason of his/her membership in the Association or for participation in any of its lawful activities. B. The Association will be provided with copies of minutes of public session official Board meetings. The Board will be provided copies of minutes of public session meetings of the Association. C. The Association may request and shall be given a place on the agenda of all regular Board meetings for brief reports and announcements. D. The Superintendent shall be available upon reasonable request to meet with representatives of the Association. E. The principal of each school shall be available upon reasonable request of Association representatives to discuss questions relating to the implementation of this Agreement in his/her school. F. The Association will be provided with the names and addresses of all new teachers and all retiring teachers as soon as such information is available. G. The Association will have the right to have placed in the Superintendent’s packet for all new teachers a letter prepared by the Association which informs said teachers that the Association is recognized as the exclusive negotiating representative for all teachers in the Xxxxxx County Public School System. H. The Association shall be given a place on the agenda of the orientation program for new teachers to explain the function and benefits of membership. I. In order for the Association to properly fulfill this Agreement for the benefit of all teachers and the welfare of the school system, the Association representative may visit schools and talk with teachers, provided that the exercise of this right will not interfere with the educational program. The Association representative will check in at the front office of the school upon his/her arrival. J. The Association shall continue to use school buildings without cost at reasonable times for meetings provided the use of the building shall not result in any additional cost to the Board. The principal of the building in question will be notified in advance of the time and place of all such meetings. K. The Association representative will have the right to schedule meetings of the teachers before or after school work days or at any other times which do not disrupt the normal school program. L. There will be bulletin board space of appropriate size reserved for the Association, in an appropriate place in each school building, for the purpose of displaying notices, circulars, and such material. Copies of all such material will be given to the building principal, but his/her advance approval will not be required. M. The Association will have the right to place Association notices, circulars, and other materials in all teachers’ mailboxes. Copies of all such material will be given to the building principal and Superintendent, but his/her advance approval will not be required. The Association will also have the right to use the interschool mail to distribute prepackaged and labeled material, and its office shall be a designated stop on the interschool mail distribution route for delivery of interschool mail, so long as the Association office is on a regular route. N. No teacher will be prevented from wearing pins or other identification of membership in the Association. O. Teachers shall be allowed to attend professional meetings with the approval of the Superintendent. P. The rights and/or privileges granted to the Association in this section will not be granted to any other teachers’ group or organization during the term of this Agreement. Q. Officers and members of the Association recognize that school equipment, time, and materials are intended primarily for the use of pupils. R. Unless a teacher requests that his/her address and phone number not be distributed, the Association faculty representative shall be provided with a faculty list, including home addresses and telephone numbers, by September 15. S. Association officers and/or representatives shall be permitted to draw upon a total of fifty

  • INSPECTION PRIVILEGES Authorized agents of the Union shall have access to the Employer’s establishment during working hours for the purpose of adjusting disputes, investigating working conditions, collection of dues, and ascertaining that this Agreement is being adhered to, provided, however, that there is no interruption of the Employer’s working schedule. The Employer agrees that in situations where a specific form of identification may be required by law to access a location, it will assist the Local Union in obtaining such identification so as to per- form their duties consistent with this Article.