Salaries/Wages Sample Clauses

Salaries/Wages. All Police Officers employed at the time this Agreement is ratified by the POAM shall receive compensation for work performed hereunder according to the following schedule: $20.20 $22.03 $23.88 $25.74 $27.58 $30.56 $42,016 $45,822 $49,670 $53,539 $57,366 $63,565 $20.60 $22.47 $24.36 $26.25 $28.13 $31.17 $42,856 $46,739 $50,664 $54,610 $58,514 $64,836 $21.02 $22.92 $24.84 $26.78 $28.69 $31.79 $43,713 $47,674 $51,677 $55,702 $59,684 $66,133 $21.44 $23.38 $25.34 $27.32 $29.27 $32.43 $44,588 $48,627 $52,711 $56,816 $60,878 $67,455 All Police Dispatchers employed at the time Agreement is ratified by the POAM shall receive compensation for work performed hereunder according to the following:
Salaries/Wages and Benefits shall be for those for staff assigned to the Unit only.
Salaries/Wages. The charges to directly hire someone and put them on payroll.
Salaries/Wages. It is agreed that the “Salary Schedule of Ranges” will be adjusted during the term of this agreement based on the actual change in the CPI-U percentage using Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA region index as follows:  Effective pay period which includes January 1, 2024 – CPI-U percentage will be calculated using the rolling average from November 2022 to September 2023.  Effective the pay period which includes January 1, 2025 – CPI-U percentage will be calculated using the rolling average from November 2023 to September 2024, with a minimum of 1% and a maximum of 4%.  Effective the pay period which includes January 1, 2026 – CPI-U percentage will be calculated using the rolling average from November 2024 to September 2025, with a minimum of 1% and a maximum of 4%.
Salaries/Wages. Registered Nurses Step Criteria Rate 1 August 2024
Salaries/Wages. Effective January 1, 2003, see Appendix A - Page 1. Effective January 1, 2004, see Appendix A - Page 2. Effective January 1, 2005, see Appendix A - Page 3. Wage increases are only retroactive for employees employed on the date of ratification by the parties, and for persons who retired from January 1, 2003 to the date of ratification. This will be pro-rated for new hires and part-time employees. In the event that the County suffers a reduction in revenue sharing or other source of income, the parties will meet upon the request of the Employer with respect to mutually agreeing on possible measures to resolve the problem, including the possible deferral of wage increases or other reductions.
Salaries/Wages. A. Effective July 1, 2022, or the first full pay period following City Council approval of this MOU, whichever is later, there will be a general wage increase of 5% for all employees covered by this MOU. The Fiscal Year 2023 wage tables for the classifications covered by this MOU will be modified to reflect this increase. B. Effective July 1, 2023, there will be a general wage increase of 5% for all employees covered by this MOU. The Fiscal Year 2024 wage tables for the classifications covered by this MOU will be modified to reflect this increase. C. In the salary/wage schedules for new employees, B step will be eliminated for new hires beginning July 1, 1994. Employees hired on or after July 1, 1994, will move from "A" step to "c" step after one year for initial appointments as well as subsequent promotions, transfers, or other appointments. This represents an increase of approximately ten percent. Current employees will continue with the present five step salary/wage schedule.
Salaries/Wages. The Grantee shall not be reimbursed for direct salaries or multipliers (i.e., fringe benefits, overhead, and/or general and administrative rates) for Grantee’s employees.
Salaries/Wages. 10.1 Wages as set forth in the matrix attached as Appendix A for non‐licensed positions, Appendix B for licensed positions, and Appendix C for Clinical Trainer 2 Position shall be effective June 1, 2021: Across the board increase to wage appendices: 3.0% keeping the steps suspended. June 1, 2022: Across the board increase to wage appendices: 3.5% keeping the steps suspended.
Salaries/Wages. See Appendix A. Retroactive wages for employees employed on January 1, 2006.