Data Reporting Requirements Sample Clauses
Data Reporting Requirements. Seller shall report quarterly savings to the contractually named point of contact from the individual sites utilizing this BOA. Savings shall be calculated in one of the following two established methodologies (noted in the Order of Precedence clause):
(1) BOA pricing paid below Seller’s pricing previous price paid (Historically Pricing or established GSA Pricing).
(2) BOA pricing paid below Seller's most preferred supplier pricing.
Data Reporting Requirements. All data collected pursuant to this Agreement shall be fully and cooperatively shared among the Parties. SNWA shall develop and maintain a shared-data repository for the storage and retrieval of data and information collected pursuant to this Agreement. The monitoring reports specified in section 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 will be posted on SNWA’s website within one week of their annual transmission to the Nevada and Utah State Engineers’ Office.
Data Reporting Requirements. PROVIDER must comply with data reporting requirements contained in the MSHN-SUDSP Manual and in this contract. The PROVIDER is responsible for submitting timely reports and/or other reporting requests with due date(s), and/or requested information with due date(s) to MSHN, and as may from time to time be required, to comply with all reporting requirements as specified in the Medicaid Managed Specialty Supports and Services Concurrent 1915(b)/(c) Waiver Program(s), the Healthy Michigan Program, the Flint 1115 Waiver and Substance Use Disorder Community Grant Programs Master Agreement between MSHN and MDHHS.
Data Reporting Requirements. PROVIDER must comply with data reporting requirements contained in the MSHN-SUDSP Manual and in this Agreement. PROVIDER is responsible for submitting timely reports and/or other reporting requests with due date(s), and/or requested information with due date(s) to MSHN, and as may from time to time be required, to comply with all reporting requirements as specified in the MDHHS Contract.
Data Reporting Requirements. A. The CONTRACTOR shall comply with the reporting requirements reflected in Division 5 of the California WIC and Division 1 of Title 9 of the CCR.
B. When applicable, the CONTRACTOR shall administer assessment tools as part of the COUNTY's program requirements; the CONTRACTOR shall collect and report on assessment tool data.
C. The CONTRACTOR shall follow the COUNTY’s data reporting requirements. Methods may include collection and reporting of the following:
1. Client and Service Information (CSI) data; DocuSign Envelope ID: 026E3214-3E9C-49D2-A998-983422F41A19
2. COUNTY data system data;
3. PSC–35 and CANS Assessment Tool per the DHCS 2018 Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services (MHSUDS) Information Notice 18-007;
4. SOGIE information;
5. Outcomes from CAT pre- and post-administration; and
6. Other data reporting requirements as requested by the BHSD.
D. Data Submission
1. The CONTRACTOR shall collect treatment and service data for outcomes data reporting. The CONTRACTOR shall enter direct and outreach services into the COUNTY’s data information system.
2. When applicable, other data collection methods may include but not limited to entering data into a database as specified by the COUNTY and electronic submission of data to the COUNTY using other formats such as Microsoft Excel.
3. All client demographic information, service and other appropriate data shall be entered into the COUNTY's client tracking and services application system. ln addition, the CONTRACTOR must have a current electronic health record system or plans to implement one with the capability of exchanging data with other systems.
4. The CONTRACTOR shall use the outcomes and performance tools defined by the BHSD. The CONTRACTOR shall perform outcomes evaluations in a manner that optimizes data accuracy and validity and shall submit quarterly reports to the BHSD Program Monitor.
Data Reporting Requirements. 46.1. CONTRACTOR shall comply with data reporting compliance standards as established by DHCS and/or SAMHSA depending on the specific source of funding.
46.2. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all data stored or submitted to the COUNTY, DHCS or other data collection sites is accurate and complete.
Data Reporting Requirements a. Seller shall report quarterly savings to the contractually named point of contact from the individual sites utilizing this BOA. Savings shall be calculated in one of the following two established methodologies (noted in the order of precedence):
1. BOA pricing paid below seller pricing previous price paid (Historically Pricing or established GSA Pricing).
2. BOA pricing paid below seller's most preferred supplier pricing.
b. Seller shall report annual savings data, based on a fiscal year of October 1 - September 31, to the ICPT steering Committee Chair.
Data Reporting Requirements a) The Contractor shall ensure that staffing is sufficient to support CJTA-related data analytics and related data systems to oversee all data interfaces and support the specific reporting requirements under Contract.
b) The Contractor will work with HCA should system data reporting submission requirements change (such as using Edifecs).
c) The Contractor shall ensure that all Subcontractors required to report programmatic data have the capacity to submit all HCA required data to enable the Contractor to meet the requirements under the Contract.
d) There are three quarterly reports that the Contractor will be responsible for submitting: The Quarterly Progress Report (QPR), the Revenue and Expenditure Report (R&E), and the Programmatic Treatment Report (PTR):
1. The Contractor will be responsible for submitting the QPR. The HCA will provide the Contractor with a template form that will report on the following program elements:
i. Number of individuals served under CJTA funding for that time period;
ii. Barriers to providing services to the Criminal Justice Population;
iii. Strategies to overcome the identified barriers;
iv. Training and Technical assistance needs;
v. Success stories or narratives from individuals receiving CJTA services; and
vi. If a Therapeutic Court receives CJTA funded services, the number of admissions of individuals into the program who were either already on MOUD, referred to MOUD, or were provided information regarding MOUD.
2. The Contractor will be responsible for submitting the R&E on a quarterly basis. The HCA will provide the Contractor with a template form that captures the fiscal expenditures for that quarter. The Contractor:
i. Will use the Excel document provided by the HCA;
ii. Will report the amount of CJTA expenditures in their Contractor for each state fiscal quarter (State Fiscal quarters end on March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31);
iii. Complete the document in its entirety; and
iv. Submit the internally reviewed and complete R&E report within 45 days of the end of each State Fiscal Quarter.
3. The Contractor is responsible for submitting the PTR each quarter through a Managed File Transfer (MFT). The HCA will provide the Contractor with an excel workbook template that will capture a variety of demographic and programmatic data that supports the services being provided by the state appropriations. In addition, this process will include the following:
i. The Contractor will ensure that their subcontractor h...
Data Reporting Requirements. The Contractor shall meet the following data requirements on reports defined within these Business Requirements and the CALNET Reporting Guidelines.
1. The Contractor shall provide reports that allow the State to perform the following oversight functions:
a. Identification and Validation of Products/Services and rates;
b. Compilation of statistics on Products/Services from a high level to a detailed level;
c. Development of inventory and expenditure reports;
d. Identification and Validation of the Contractor’s Customer Billing (to include all charges, service taxes, surcharges, and sur-credits, refunds, and adjustments); and,
Data Reporting Requirements. Actively Engaged Patients