SCHOOL DANCES Sample Clauses

SCHOOL DANCES. School dances are a privilege not a right. The school administration reserves the right to prohibit a student from attending a school dance as a disciplinary measure. No outside guest will be allowed into a dance without a current guest form on file (forms are available in the Main Office). Guest forms must be on file three days prior to the date of the dance. Students must arrive by the designated time or they may not be admitted. Once students leave a school dance, they may not return. Students will be subject to random breathalyzer tests. Students are expected to use good judgment with attire and are expected to conduct themselves in a decent and acceptable manner while in attendance. Students who behave poorly will be warned once and dismissed from the dance thereafter. Prom is open to students in grades 11 & 12 only. Celina City Schools will institute a random alcohol/liquor screen using a breathalyzer machine at school functions. The purpose of the alcohol/liquor screen is to help insure that all students enter the school-sponsored functions while not under the influence or having consumed alcohol and/or liquor. Any student having an alcoholic substance in, on, or about their person or in their vehicle is in violation of this policy. The policy includes any school-sponsored event including any pre and post activities. This policy applies to all school-sponsored functions regardless of location. The particulars of the screens are as follows:
SCHOOL DANCES. All dances and prom are for East Central High School students only unless otherwise announced by administration. At some dances, students are allowed one guest from outside the school provided the guest is at least a freshman, not older than 20 years of age, and has been previously registered in the office. All students not enrolled in high school will have to have a limited background check on file with East Central High School. An announcement will be made prior to the scheduled dance if guests are welcome to attend. Guests attending the dance are subject to the same rules and regulations as East Central High School students. In addition, the following procedures will be followed for all dances and prom: 1. All school rules apply. 2. Proper dress is required. 3. No student will be admitted more than one hour past the starting time of the dance without pre-approval from the administration. 4. All students, including guests, may be tested using AlcoBlow prior to being admitted to any dances. Students and guests testing positive will be denied admission to the dance and will receive the appropriate consequences, in addition to their parents/guardians being contacted. Refusal to submit to testing at a school-sponsored dance will result in consequences as if a positive test occurred.
SCHOOL DANCES. Dances are intended for the enjoyment of ICCP students. They are, in fact, an internal program of the high school. The following expectations exist for all students: • All dances (unless specifically stated) are restricted to ICCP students. • Students may not be admitted to a dance if they arrive after the posted entry time. • A student who leaves the building unescorted by a faculty member during the dance may not return to the dance. • Any student found to be in possession of/or using any drug/alcohol, or who, by his/her behavior gives evidence of being under the influence of any drug, will only be allowed to go home with his/her parent(s)/guardian(s). The student will be subject to the school discipline procedures. • Administration will make all decisions regarding appropriate appearance. If dressed inappropriately, students will not be allowed to enter the dance. • ICCP forbids sexually explicit dancing such as, grinding, freaking, juking, and or any other type of dancing which may be perceived as vulgar or provocative. Consequences for violation of this policy: signature on the handbook agreement form constitutes the first warning, second violation – sit out: third violation – removal from dance, no refund, and parents will be notified. IC Catholic Prep has contracted with Blackbaud Tuition Management Services for tuition payment/collection. The Blackbaud Tuition Plan is mandatory for all ICCP families. Please read the following tuition policy information carefully. • Any outstanding obligation (i.e., from prior year) must be paid prior to the beginning of the following school year in August. • The total tuition for a year is divided into ten equal monthly payments to Blackbaud which begin in August and end in May.
SCHOOL DANCES. Supervision of school dances shall be compensated the same as officiating at an athletic event. Teachers supervising school dances shall temporarily be considered extensions of the school administrative staff and shall, therefore, act with authority to properly control conduct and/or attendance at same. {00084965.DOC}


  • School Day The school day for members of the bargaining unit shall not exceed seven and one-half (7½) hours of consecutive time which shall include a duty-free, uninterrupted lunch period of no less than thirty (30) minutes.

  • Orthodontics We Cover orthodontics used to help restore oral structures to health and function and to treat serious medical conditions such as: cleft palate and cleft lip; maxillary/mandibular micrognathia (underdeveloped upper or lower jaw); extreme mandibular prognathism; severe asymmetry (craniofacial anomalies); ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint; and other significant skeletal dysplasias.

  • Wellness i. To support the statewide goal for a healthy and productive workforce, employees are encouraged to participate in a Well-Being Assessment survey. Employees will be granted work time and may use a state computer to complete the survey. ii. The Coalition of Unions agrees to partner with the Employer to educate their members on the wellness program and encourage participation. Eligible, enrolled subscribers who register for the Smart Health Program and complete the Well-Being Assessment will be eligible to receive a twenty-five dollar ($25) gift certificate. In addition, eligible, enrolled subscribers shall have the option to earn an annual one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00) or more wellness incentive in the form of reduction in deductible or deposit into the Health Savings Account upon successful completion of required Smart Health Program activities. During the term of this Agreement, the Steering Committee created by Executive Order 13-06 shall make recommendations to the PEBB regarding changes to the wellness incentive or the elements of the Smart Health Program.

  • School Year Teacher assignable time will be capped at 1200 hours per school year.

  • Prosthodontics We Cover prosthodontic services as follows:

  • Schools The Project must apply for concurrency review at Lake County Public Schools. The school district has a specific application process. The Project must be shown to have appropriate school concurrency before building permits are issued.

  • Students Payments which a student or business apprentice who is or was immediately before visiting a Contracting State a resident of the other Contracting State and who is present in the first-mentioned State solely for the purpose of his education or training receives for the purpose of his maintenance, education or training shall not be taxed in that State, provided that such payments arise from sources outside that State.

  • School Any public elementary or secondary school including a charter school, universal pre- kindergarten program authorized pursuant to Education Law § 3602-e, an approved provider of preschool special education, any other publicly funded pre-kindergarten program, a school serving children in a special act school district as defined in Education Law § 4001, an approved private school for the education of students with disabilities, a State-supported school subject to the provisions of Article 85 of the Education Law, or a State-operated school subject to the provisions of Articles 87 or 88 of the Education Law.

  • Rosters 8.1 As far as practically possible, the Employer will draw up a roster 1 week in advance. Changes to rosters may occur with 24 hours notice or, subject to the availability of the Employee, with less notice if by mutual consent. 8.2 The Employer will ordinarily roster Employees in a manner that is both fair and equitable to ensure that, where applicable, the allocation of weekend and public holiday hours are equally divided between Employees on a rotating basis.

  • Volunteer Peer Assistants 1. Up to eight (8)