Scope of the Collective Agreement Sample Clauses
Scope of the Collective Agreement. (a) The terms and conditions laid down in this Agreement shall apply to all employees within the work area otherwise covered by the agreement.
(b) However, employees holding managerial positions or whose right to act to a great extent binds the enterprise or whose duties make them the employers' representatives because of the special confidential nature of their duties shall not be covered by this Agreement.
Scope of the Collective Agreement. The provisions of the collective agreement apply to employees who work in warehouses/goods distribution and in transport companies that are affiliated with the Virke, and where the collective agreement is invoked. When the terms of the Main Agreement for the establishment of a collective wage agreement exist, this agreement can be applied as a wage agreement in a staffing company/temporary employment agency that is a member of Virke, and which has employees who are hired out and perform work within the operational area of this agreement, cf. first paragraph.
Scope of the Collective Agreement. This Collective Agreement is applicable to Air Transat Cabin Personnel (Flight Attendants and Flight Directors) as well as cabin personnel assigned as Cabin Attendant Instructors.
Scope of the Collective Agreement. Scope
1. The collective agreement applies nationwide but with the exemption clauses mentioned in individual articles.
2. The Trades covered by the collective agreement construction sector include carpentry, aluminium facade, joinery, roofing, glazing, floor laying, concrete and reinforced concrete work.
3. The division into zones referred to in subsequent articles are speci- fied as follows: Zone 1 comprises the following municipalities: Albertslund, Allerød, Ballerup, Brøndby, Dragør, Fredensborg, Frederiksberg, Furesø, Gentofte, Gladsaxe, Glostrup, Herlev, Hvidovre, Hørsholm, Copenhagen, Lyngby-Taarbæk, Rudersdal, Rødovre, Tårnby and Vallensbæk (see Annex 9). Zone 2 comprises the following municipalities: Egedal, Frederikssund, Halsnæs, Gribskov, Helsingør, Hillerød, Hø- je-Tåstrup and Ishøj (see Annex 9).
Scope of the Collective Agreement. Subclause
Scope of the Collective Agreement. Scope
1. The collective agreement applies nationwide subject to the exemp- tion clauses mentioned in the individual sub-clauses.
2. The collective agreement covers work that is subject to the price- current for floor workers and for jointless floors, floor grinding and surface treatment of floors.
Scope of the Collective Agreement. The purpose of this Agreement is to establish harmonious and mutually beneficial relationships between Commissionaires Ottawa, the Alliance and the employees and to set forth herein certain terms and conditions of employment upon which agreement has been reached through collective bargaining. I The provisions of this Agreement apply to the Union, employees and the Employer.
Scope of the Collective Agreement. (1) The collective agreement is a minimum collective agreement. When a company is covered by the collective agreement, local agreements must be entered into that supplement Section 2, 5 and 8 of the collective agreement. If there is no employee representative, local agreements are entered into with Finansforbundet. The collective agreement covers employees employed by companies that are members of Arbejdsgiverforeningen for Fintech (AF). Unless otherwise agreed, the collective agreement only applies to companies with 10 or more full-time employees. Unless otherwise agreed locally, the collective agreement does not cover: • Employees who are part of the actual management of the company • Employees who are shareholders etc. with an ownership share of 5 percent or greater • Employees employed in temporary employment not exceeding 1 month • Employees with working hours of 8 hours or less per week • Students - with a student card from an upper secondary or higher education institution, except for salary, cf. § 8.
Scope of the Collective Agreement. The purpose and intent of the parties to this Agreement is to provide for the equitable settlement of matters that fall within the scope of the collective agreement and to provide the highest standards of education to the students of Band Council. It is the intent and purpose of the parties to this agreement to maintain harmonious labour relations among the School Board, the Union, and Band Council. The provisions of this Agreement apply to the Public Alliance of Canada, the employees of the School Board, the School Board, and Band Council. For greater certainty, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed so as to abrogate or derogate from the protection aboriginal or treaty rights of the Band members by the recognition and affirmation of those rights in section of the Constitution Act, in the Covenant Chain of Treaties. Throughout this Agreement, the masculine shall the feminine and the singular shall include the plural as the context may require.
Scope of the Collective Agreement. 1) This CA shall regulate working and employment terms and conditions, individual and collective relations between the Employer and its Employees and the rights and obligations of the Contracting Parties.
2) This CA shall be binding on the Contracting Parties and the Employees who are employed by the Employer for the weekly working hours determined and in employment for shorter working hours. This CA shall not apply to the Employer's Employees who work for the former on a contract-for-work basis performed outside the employment relationship. Employees who perform work at home or as telework are not subject to the provisions of this CA which regulate the schedule of specified weekly working hours, downtime, major obstacles to work, save for the death of a family member, overtime pay, and night work benefits, and/or on wage compensation for work involving risk (Section 52 LC).
3) This CA shall become effective as of 1 March 2021 and shall expire on 28 February 2022.