Secondary Preparation Time. All secondary employees directly involved in classroom instruction shall have the equivalent of one (1) instructional period per regular workday which time shall be used for classroom preparation.
Secondary Preparation Time. The preparation time for secondary teachers shall be the length of one (1) class period daily.
Secondary Preparation Time. Each secondary teacher will have daily individual planning time which is equivalent to one (1) traditional scheduled instructional period. In the event of a block schedule implementation of double traditional periods, it is agreed that the subsequent planning time is composed of both individual and organization planning time. A traditional period is defined as the minimum length of time of one
(1) standard, secondary period in 1996-1997. Effective as soon as possible within the strictures of the secondary schedule, it is understood that the one (1) standard, secondary instructional period in 1996-1997 shall be adjusted to accommodate up to fifteen (15) minutes of additional instructional time per day as determined by the District Administration. The District agrees that no secondary teacher will be assigned to teach more than five (5) traditional scheduled periods per day if the classes convene daily for a full year. Encore teachers, who are teachers of courses which are scheduled to meet less than six (6) times out of the six (6) day cycle, may volunteer to be assigned to a maximum of thirty-six (36) periods per six (6) day cycle. Any secondary encore teacher who volunteers to be scheduled for more than thirty (30) periods per six
Secondary Preparation Time. A preparation period is defined as an unassigned class period without students. Upon teacher request and mutual agreement with the Site Administrator, a student may be assigned. Preparation periods are times built into a teacher’s workday to better serve students’ educational needs. Teachers are expected to be on campus during this time except when necessary for professional responsibilities. In situations which require the teacher to leave campus during the preparation period for school related purposes, notification must be given to the site administrator/designee. Preparation time, where assigned, shall be used on-site for instructional planning, lesson preparation, assessment, and conferences with parents and/or pupils.
Secondary Preparation Time. All teachers in grades 7-12 shall also receive a preparation period equal to one classroom period each day.
Secondary Preparation Time. Each secondary Employee shall have at least five (5) preparation periods per week with at least one (1) preparation period per day for four (4) days in each and every week.
Secondary Preparation Time. Secondary teachers (Grades 7-12) shall have, in addition to a duty free lunch, a minimum of one preparation/conference period of time per day totaling at least two hundred, ten (210) minutes of preparation time per week, to be used for planning and/or conferences.
Secondary Preparation Time. 1. All secondary teachers will have a minimum of one (1) instructional period per day or an equivalent amount of time in the class schedule cycle determined at the site. There shall be a minimum of 255 minutes (with the exception of shortened work weeks/days due to holidays other bargained times) of preparation each week.
2. This time shall be directed by the employee and free of student supervision.
3. Teacher preparation periods shall be scheduled during the student day.
4. During state testing windows and conference weeks, efforts will be made to provide equity in preparation periods.
Secondary Preparation Time. Each Certificated Professional Teacher assigned to a secondary school position shall have an average of forty-five (45) minutes of continuous duty-free preparation time each workday. In the event that the building administrator is required to alter the normal building schedule, preparation time may likewise be altered.
Secondary Preparation Time. 17 Full time middle school and high school teachers shall have one preparation 18 period per day. Only on an emergency or voluntary basis may a teacher be 19 required to substitute for another teacher during the preparation period. 20 Emergency shall be defined as a natural disaster or unforeseen circumstances.