Section 10.7.2 Sample Clauses

Section 10.7.2. 31 The District shall make available to the President or designee a published notice of open positions 32 within seven (7) working days after the position is determined to be open. Should the open 33 position require the use of a substitute for an interim period, the interim period will be no longer 34 than seven (7) working days following the date of said posting.
Section 10.7.2. 37 If the District determines that a specific position needs more time, up to thirty (30) minutes can 38 be added without posting, upon consultation with the Chapter President. 39
Section 10.7.2. 40 Assignment of extra custodial work shall be done based first upon seniority within each building. 41 If no one within the building wishes to bid on the extra custodial work, the work will be offered to 42 other district custodians on a seniority basis.
Section 10.7.2. 43 Any person who is hired into an unfilled position and who worked in the position for more than 44 thirty (30) consecutive workdays shall receive Step 1 wages on Schedule A for that category, 45 beginning with the 31st consecutive workday. 47 48
Section 10.7.2. 7 In the event that the District determines hours must be reduced at a site or within a classification 8 (excluding Bus Driver-Dispatcher), the District will ask for volunteers for displacement. In the 9 absence of volunteers, employees at that site/classification shall be displaced in reverse order of 10 seniority. 12 When there are open positions within the displaced employee’s classification, the District will 6.1.1. During the hiring process the displaced 14 employee will be placed in an open position pending the outcome of the process. 16 An employee is considered displaced and eligible for increase in hours for twenty-four (24) 17 calendar months from the date of displacement and shall maintain displaced status despite the 18 number of job refusals. Once a displaced employee has accepted a new position with equal or 19 greater hours, they will no longer be considered displaced.
Section 10.7.2. 20 The District will determine annually, the positions available for all classifications. If the 21 District determines there is a need to significantly modify positions and hours, the district will 22 hold a meeting with the classification to determine employee positions for the following year. 23 This process will follow the guidelines identified in this section. 24 25 • Meeting will be scheduled prior to the last student day. 26 • The district will create a list of positions available that includes hours and any specific 27 responsibilities and/or training required. The positions posted will be as described in 28 the most recent job description, pursuant to Section 1.3 and 18.3 of the Agreement. 29 • The position list will be made available to the PSE President and the Classification 30 Representative for review. 31 • Once PSE and HSD agree the position list is accurate, clear and understandable, all 32 employees in the classification will be given notice of the meeting, the position list and 33 the seniority list for the upcoming school year.
Section 10.7.2. 32 All bumping by Paraeducators, to avoid layoff, shall be on a lateral or downward level when the 33 senior employee is qualified to perform the duties of the position. The District shall have the 34 authority to direct such a bump between positions that are similar in wages, hours and working 35 conditions during a layoff situation. This shall supersede any and all other areas of this contract 36 language related to layoff and recall, when done in consultation with the Association. 37
Section 10.7.2. 21 For the purposes of Reduction in Force (RIF) only, employees holding positions of Head 22 Maintenance, Bus Mechanic, and ELC Lead Teacher will not be reduced in the same manner as 23 Custodians, Bus Drivers and ELC Assistant Teachers. The District may retain the Head 24 Maintenance or Bus Mechanic positions regardless of the seniority of the individual. 26 In the event of a Reduction in Force (RIF) within the Custodial or Bus Driver classification the 27 District will reduce the classifications by seniority last hired first laid off.
Section 10.7.2. 35 In the event that the District determines hours must be reduced at a site or within a 36 classification (excluding Bus Driver-Dispatcher), the District will ask for volunteers for 37 displacement. 39 In the absence of volunteers, employees at that site/classification shall be displaced in reverse 40 order of seniority. 41 42 When there are open positions within the displaced employee’s classification, the District will
Section 10.7.2. 45 All current employees covered by this collective bargaining agreement who submit a completed 46 online application packet will be screened when applying for an AAEOP (Auburn School 47 District) position.