Lead Teacher Sample Clauses
Lead Teacher. In the event the Administration deems it necessary to designate a teacher for the purpose of instructing other staff members in implementing an existing or a new learning program, which is outside the designated teacher’s normal duties and responsibilities, said teacher shall be paid ten ($10.00) dollars per hour of actual instruction time in addition to the teacher’s regular salary. The Administration shall have the sole and exclusive right to designate who, when, and how many lead teachers it deems necessary at any given time and for any given program. Lead teachers shall be granted at least one (1) day per month of released time upon the teacher’s request and demonstrated necessity therefore to the School Administration. Teachers who have reasons justifiable to the Administration for not accepting a lead teacher assignment will not ordinarily be required to perform such duty. When such assignment becomes a requirement, the issue of said requirement shall be subject to the Grievance Procedure. The Board reserves unto itself the right to use personnel from outside the District for lead teacher position whenever it deems appropriate.
Lead Teacher. The District may assign a unit member to a position of Lead Teacher, with the unit member’s consent. The Lead Teacher will have five (5) periods per day reserved for this assignment in lieu of an assigned student period, to be scheduled by the site administrator. The unit member will teach two periods, assigned by the site administrator. The hours of the Lead Teacher will be from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (30-minute lunch period) and serve one additional month (20 days) of extra duty beyond the standard work year. In total, the Lead Teacher shall provide 206 days of service paid at his/her daily rate of pay. The extra duty stipend shall be computed as 14.6%. This shall replace the Lead Teacher stipend of $5,250. Example: Placement on salary schedule divided by 186 days times 206 days times 14.6%.
Lead Teacher. Only bargaining unit members with a minimum of three years of bargaining unit service in the district shall be selected as Lead Teachers. Lead Teachers shall be and shall remain as a full time teacher. Expansion or enhancement in the Lead Teacher programs shall be done through the Superintendent EEA Liaison Committee.
Lead Teacher. When filling the lead teacher position, priority will be placed on credentials (i.e. administrative certificates, lead teacher experience, or years of teaching) of certificated staff. A staff member with a teaching certificate will fill this position. The lead teacher will be mutually agreed upon between the district and the association. A lead teacher will be identified and given a lead teacher contract by the first contracted day. In the event of an administrator and lead teacher absence, a clear chain of responsibility will be followed. This chain of responsibility will be mutually agreed upon between the district and association and be established before the first contracted day.
Lead Teacher a. Lead Teacher positions will provide opportunities to highly qualified teachers for professional advancement, growth and leadership while remaining in the teaching profession. Teachers in the District will have career options that do not require leaving the classroom to assume greater responsibility in shaping and improving public education in Rochester, as measured by student attainment and performance. Lead Teachers will increase the opportunity for success of students and teachers by exhibiting, teaching and inspiring excellence in the profession.
b. Lead Teachers shall agree to a schedule consisting of both teaching responsibilities (or direct student contact) and additional professional responsibilities. Lead Teachers shall agree to accept assignment(s) meeting the District’s instructional needs as identified to the Joint Governing Panel by the Superintendent of Schools.
c. Lead Teachers’ duties may include, but not be limited to, the following types of instruction-related or profession-related functions: mentor teachers, adjunct faculty at schools of education, curriculum development/implementation specialists, staff development specialists, test/exam specialists, research specialists, demonstration teachers, NBPTS preparation coordinator, and discipline-based subject area instructional coordinators.
d. The District will ensure the posting of Lead Teacher job announcements. Applications may be considered for a variety of Lead Teacher positions, based on availability and the applicant’s qualifications. Applications will be kept on file for one year for future consideration based on the expansion and/or needs of the program.
e. In addition to submitting a properly completed application form, each applicant will be required to have the following documents submitted to the CIT Office. A letter of reference from a building principal and, if desired, another supervisor. A letter of reference from an Association Faculty Representative. Letters of reference from two other District teachers who are knowledgeable about the applicant’s teaching skills. One additional letter of reference from an individual knowledgeable about the applicant’s professional skills.
f. Methods for soliciting parent and student input into the selection of Lead Teachers will be developed and implemented by the Panel by July 1, 1989.
g. All applications and references will be confidential.
h. Qualifications for employment as a Lead Teacher will include the following: -At least seven ...
Lead Teacher. Tesla will be a teacher led school. The lead teacher will coordinate and oversee the daily operation of the school and will work closely with the Tesla Governance Board to ensure that the educational goals of the school are met. Communications from AASD needed for procedural purposes will go to the Tesla Lead Teacher as well as the Tesla Principal. The Tesla Lead Teacher will meet regularly (minimum once per month) with the assigned principal to provide consistent and collaborative communication.
Lead Teacher. At its sole discretion the District may fill and assign “lead teacher” positions within the following parameters:
1. The purpose of a “lead teacher” position shall be to provide an identified substitute for the administrators in instances where they are out of the building and where the “lead teacher” assignment is activated. The designated “lead teacher” shall only be considered assigned to and working in his/her “lead teacher” assignment when: (a) all the administrators are out of the building and (b) the assignment has been pre- approved by the District Office, or is approved in an emergency circumstance.
2. A teacher’s acceptance of, and continuation in a “lead teacher” position shall be voluntary and the teacher shall not be entitled to continuation of the “lead teacher” assignment from academic term to academic term. If a teacher wishes to resign from a “lead teacher” position, the resignation shall take effect at the end of the current academic term, provided the employee has given two weeks (14 calendar days) notice to the District.
3. A “lead teacher” shall remain a member of the bargaining unit and as such shall not be assigned any activity or duty that would endanger his/her status as a bargaining unit member, including, but not limited to, participating in the evaluation of other employees.
4. The District shall reimburse the “lead teacher” for reasonable pre- approved expenses related to attending meetings or training outside the District directly related to his/her assignment as a “lead teacher.” If the District directs the “lead teacher” to work beyond his/her normal work year and/or workday, on “lead teacher” related duties, the teacher shall be compensated at his/her hourly rate.
Lead Teacher. 28.1 The Parties have agreed to the establishment of a position known as ‘Lead Teacher’ which at its establishment shall be in accordance with the Job Description attached to the Memorandum of Agreement, dated June 21, 2016. The number of such positions at a given school shall be subject to the discretion of the Superintendent and/or building principal. Such positions shall be filled on an annual basis and for a period of one school year. The appointment to fill one of these positions shall be limited to those candidates who have voluntarily applied for such positions but the building principal is not obligated to select any of the voluntary applicants and may instead choose to leave the position vacant. Those appointed to such positions will not be released from their usual teaching responsibilities and will continue to perform assigned duties in accordance with Article II. In the event that the District requires a Lead Teacher to miss his or her preparation period in order to perform a function associated with the work of Lead Teacher, such lost preparation period shall be compensated in accordance with Section 2.6 APPENDIX A: SALARY SCHEDULES 2016-2017 Salary Scale 2017-2018 Salary Scale 2018-2019 Salary Scale Longevity:
1. Masters + 15, + 30, + 45 Credits must be earned in courses approved by the department head or supervisor and superintendent of schools. Certification of course completion must be submitted to the superintendent of schools by August 15 for changes in scale on September 1, by January 15 for changes on February 1.
2. All credits and advanced degrees must be from an institution accredited by the New England Association of Secondary Schools and Colleges and its affiliates or recognized professional societies.
3. Career and Technical Education teachers possessing a Bachelors Degree are to be placed on the Masters Degree schedule. Career and Technical Education teachers must earn a Master’s Degree and additional requisite credits in order to advance past the Master’s column.
Lead Teacher. The teacher who serves as lead teacher shall enter into an addendum to the individual teacher contract, which shall be valid for the current work year only. The contract addendum shall include but not necessarily be limited to the name of the teacher, the title of the position(s), and the added duty compensation as provided under the schedule below. The standard work day, as provided under Article 1102, shall establish the minimum work day for the teacher who serves as lead teacher, and the lead teacher shall be on call while on site during the work year to respond to critical school matters and to emergencies. The annual added duty compensation rates in the schedule below are based upon assignment as lead teacher for not less than the full standard work year. For service as lead teacher for less than the full standard work year, the added duty compensation shall be prorated accordingly. ADM 01 - 12 13 - 25 26 - 38 39 & up AMOUNT $2,500 $3,000 $3,500 $4,000 Upon written authorization of the teacher received by the Business or District Office not later than October 10th, the District shall deduct the yearly Association dues from the teacher’s paychecks in equal monthly installments beginning with the October payroll. Such authorization shall valid from year to year except that it may be revoked at any time by the teacher pursuant to Article 2102. The Association President shall deliver written notice to the Business Office by September 30th of any change in the annual dues for the then current work year. Not later than the tenth (10th) day of the month, the District shall deliver to the Association the dues collected the prior month and an itemized list of teachers paying dues.
Lead Teacher. 27.11.1. This procedure is to be used at single and dual sites.
27.11.2. No later than April 15, of each school year site managers are to notify each teacher of the open lead teacher’s and substitute lead teacher’s position(s) and make available to eligible teacher the job qualifications, job description and list of responsibilities.
27.11.3. Interested eligible teachers shall submit a statement to the site manager indicating their desire to be considered for a position.
27.11.4. The site manager will meet with each teacher who submitted a statement of interest to discuss the position and the teacher’s qualifications, and to answer any questions.
27.11.5. The site manager will then make a selection and notify all interested teachers.