Section 16.1.2 Sample Clauses
Section 16.1.2. In the event that an employee is working additional time of thirty (30) minutes or more for 20 thirty (30) days or more the employee may request a review to increase hours with 21 management. If such time is denied, Management must indicate in writing a valid justification 22 for the denial.
Section 16.1.2 contained in this Agreement either by application or interpretation is to be construed so as to 18 in any way cause directly or indirectly the District, its Board, officers, employees, or agents to grant 19 compensation or increases thereto in excess of those permitted by law or regulation. 21 Should the Legislature appropriate additional classified compensation increases, the parties will meet 22 to discuss how such increases might be accomplished, if and when during the term of this Agreement 23 the State dollars for such are received by the District. 27 A R T I C L E X V I I 28
Section 16.1.2. 39 Employees requested to work a shift regularly filled by a higher classification employee shall receive 40 compensation equal to the higher classification based upon their own work experience step on the first day 41 and thereafter working that shift. Only one (1) employee will move up on the schedule when a vacancy is 42 filled.
Section 16.1.2. Rights of Trustee as Holder of Senior Debt; Preservation of Trustee's Rights............80
Section 16.1.2. 41 Employees attending training courses or seminars requested by the employee and approved by 42 the District will suffer no loss of regular salary, if the course requires them to attend on their 43 regular school employment time, but no salary payment will be made for any time an employee 44 would not have regularly worked; however, expenses incurred for transportation and/or training 45 course fees and tuition’s will be paid by the school district. Cost for any certification required 46 by the district or state will be paid by the district.
Section 16.1.2. 26 A new employee may be given longevity credit on the salary schedule based on like work 27 experience outside of school district employment. Such longevity will be applied using one salary 28 schedule step for every two years of experience to a maximum placement at Step 3.
Section 16.1.2. 38 As a result of the wage reopener negotiated between the parties during the 2019-2020 contract year, 39 effective/retroactive to September 1, 2019, wage rates referenced on the current 2019-2020 40 Schedule A will be increased by five and one-half percent (5.5%) for all bargaining unit employees. 41 The current Schedule A wage rates already include the two percent (2%) state-funded inflationary 42 increase provided for in RCW 28A.400.205 for the 2019-2020 contract year. The longevity salary 43 schedule (Schedules B and C) will be adjusted accordingly. 44
Section 16.1.2. 28 Retroactive pay, where applicable, may be delayed until the payroll department can handle it, 29 but in any case, no later than 60 calendar days after ratification of this Agreement.
Section 16.1.2. Effective September 1, 2023: Wages shall be as set forth in the attached wage schedule, which 25 reflects the following adjustments from the 2020-2023 collective bargaining agreement in addition 26 to the state-funded inflationary adjustment of 3.7%: 27
Section 16.1.2. District shall provide appropriate uniforms for Maintenance, Grounds and Mechanic employees.