Section 9.8.1 Sample Clauses
Section 9.8.1. 27 Librarians who previously held the position of Paraeducator will retain all of their years of 28 seniority within that classification. This will apply to seniority rights including any new or 29 open positions or any layoff or reductions should they occur under Article IX of the CBA.
Section 9.8.1 single job posting for a food service, custodial or bus driver open position may be used by the 35 District to fill the open position and any subsequent open position within the same job classification.
Section 9.8.1. 7 Upon approval by the Board, such leave shall be granted for the period of actual illness or 8 injury up to one (1) year. If additional time is necessary, written application must be made to 9 the District and up to one (1) additional year may be granted at the discretion of the District.
Section 9.8.1. If the District has a different system for computing leave benefits, and other benefits, then the 14 employee shall be granted the same leave benefits and other benefits as an employee in the 15 District who has similar occupational status and total years of service.
Section 9.8.1. 31 Employees shall submit a written request for personal leave to their immediate supervisor for
Section 9.8.1. 30 When the District posts a temporary position with a definite termination date, existing 32 A new employee hired to fill the temporary position, or the position of the transferred 33 employee, will, on the posted termination date, be released from employment without further 34 benefit under the contract. 36 If that job is continued beyond the initial termination date and is reposted for more than the 37 initial term, all employees who meet the minimum qualifications will have the right to apply. 38 All applicants will receive equal treatment in the screening process when the position is filled 39 on a permanent basis. 40 41 In the event an employee in the previous paragraph holds a position for a period of more than 42 one (1) year or the position is posted for a second continuous instructional year, said position 43 shall be posted as a regular position. Should a temporary employee be hired for a regular 44 position within the same classification and within six (6) months of the end of their occupancy 45 of a temporary position, their hire date will be retroactive to the beginning of the temporary 46 position, minus any break in service. Notwithstanding the immediately preceding sentence the 47 District has the right to post such position as a regular position prior to the one (1) year limit.
1 This provision shall not apply to after school programs funding. The Union and the District will 2 meet to determine if additional grants qualify for this exemption.
Section 9.8.1. 8 The employee will retain accrued sick leave, vacation, and seniority rights while on approved leave 9 of absence. Vacation leave, sick leave, seniority rights and other benefits shall not accrue while the 10 employee is on approved leave of absence. The employee will receive no credit for salary 11 advancement while on leave of absence. However, if such leave was for the purpose of service in the 12 United States Military, the salary placement shall be in accordance with the provisions of the 13 Veteran Reemployment Act.
Section 9.8.1. 12 An employee who is laid off, but holds seniority in multiple classifications, may bump the 13 least senior person in previously worked classifications, with like hours. Employees must 14 meet requirements of the position bumped into.
Section 9.8.1. 49 The leave request shall be made at least one (1) day in advance.
Section 9.8.1. An employee returning from an extended leave, which has been approved in writing, will be 35 returned to the same position if it exists. If the position does not exist, the returning employee 36 shall be reinstated to the next position equivalent in duties and salary as to that held at the time 37 the request was approved.