Seniority Groupings. 10.1 For the purpose of seniority, employees will be grouped as:
Seniority Groupings. 3.1 For the purpose of promotion and seniority, employees shall be grouped as follows:
(a) Station, Freight Terminal, and Train Service Employees.
Seniority Groupings. For the purpose of seniority, owner-operators will be grouped by terminal including outlying points. Seniority Lists
Seniority Groupings. 9.1 For the purpose of promotion and seniority groupings, the following classifications and groupings shall apply:
A. Masters
Seniority Groupings. 11.1 For the purpose of seniority, all employees shall be grouped as follows: Seniority Districts Regions
11.2 Separate seniority lists will be maintained for Special Agents on each seniority district. Should other classifications mentioned in the certification order be introduced, the matter of seniority grouping with respect to such employee(s) will be the subject of negotiation between the parties.
11.3 Seniority Lists will be posted in the respective seniority districts in January of each year. Such lists will show the name, position, location and seniority date of an employee in each group in which such employee holds seniority. Copies of seniority lists will be furnished to the all members of the Employees' National Executive.
11.4 Seniority will date from the date of last permanent entry into the service on a position in a seniority group covered by this Agreement. In the case of employees promoted from one seniority group to another covered by this Agreement, the date of first permanent service in the group to which promoted will apply.
11.5 Except when affected by a reduction in staff and unable
Seniority Groupings. 10.1 For the purpose of promotion and seniority, employees shall be grouped as follows: Local 4285
1. Unlicensed Deck Department
2. Unlicensed Engine room Dept.
3. Passenger Services Department
4. Life Raft Maintainer Certified
5. Life Raft Maintainer Uncertified Current Certified Life Raft Maintainers will be grandfathered and provided a seniority date with the Certified Life Raft Maintainer group to reflect their current Unlicensed Deck Department seniority date.
Seniority Groupings. 11.1 For the purpose of seniority, all employees shall be grouped as follows: Seniority Districts Divisions
Seniority Groupings. 48.1 For the purpose of promotion and seniority, employees shall be grouped as follows: Local 4286
1. Pursers, Assistant Pursers and Xxxxxx-Stewards.
2. Senior Chief Stewards, Chief Stewards and Assistant Chief Stewards.
Seniority Groupings. For the purpose of promotion and seniority, employees shall be grouped as follows:
(a) Station, Freight Terminal and Train Service Employees. Stores Department Employees. Seniority of employees is restricted to the group in which seniority is established except that:
(a) In order to establish a spare list in B Group, employees in A Group with a seniority date prior to October will be canvassed locally to allow them the opportunity to transfer to the B spare list. Transfers are to be arranged as soon as possible but not later than within days. Employees so transferring will have their names promptly removed from the seniority list of the group they left and placed on the list of the group to which transferred. Employees in A Group with a seniority date prior to October who decline the opportunity to transfer to B spareboard when canvassed will lose all rights to transfer thereafter. In all cases, transfers by employees under this provision will be final. In instances of staff education, an employee in either group with a seniority date prior to October if unable to claim a position in his/her own group at the station or terminal affected will be permitted to displace into the other group at that station or terminal transferring all seniority to the other group.
Seniority Groupings.
10.1 For the purpose of promotion and seniority, officers shall be grouped as follows:
A. Deck Officers: