Staff Education. Contractor shall work cooperatively with NASPO ValuePoint personnel. Contractor shall present plans to NASPO ValuePoint for the education of Contractor’s contract administrator(s) and sales/marketing workforce regarding the Master Agreement contract, including the competitive nature of NASPO ValuePoint procurements, the master agreement and participating addendum process, and the manner in which eligible entities can participate in the Master Agreement.
Staff Education. 8.5.1 The Contractor shall train PMG staff on the goals and operational details of the integrated model of care, and, as appropriate, identification of behavioral health issues and conditions.
8.5.2 The Contractor shall require PMGs to Immediately refer Enrollees to the Behavioral Health Professional located within the PMG (or, if the professional is not available, to the Emergency Room) when an Enrollee manifests suicidal behavior.
Staff Education. 7.3.01 Work to ensure that all Immunization Program Grantee staff are knowledgeable about vaccines and VPDs
Staff Education. The Recipients will disseminate a memorandum to all Deer Trail High School (“School”) and BOCES administrators and providers of special education and related services at the School, regarding the Recipients’ responsibilities under Section 504 and Title II. The memorandum will include, at a minimum, a description of:
a. a free appropriate public education (FAPE), and the Recipient’s obligation to provide FAPE to each qualified individual with a disability in their jurisdiction; and
b. the Recipients’ obligation to fully implement all Section 504 plans and individualized education programs (IEPs), including obligations on staff when Section 504 plans and IEPs indicate that a student will be “provided opportunities.” The memorandum will also include the following sentence: “Please read the attached technical assistance from the Office for Civil Rights in a recent case involving a District student.” The Recipients will attach to the memorandum a copy of the “Additional Concerns” section of OCR’s Resolution Letter in this case. The Recipients will not disseminate the other sections of the letter.
Staff Education. On written request from a permanent employee who has passed initial probation, or a temporary employee who has more than 2 years of service and has passed initial probation, the Worker's Compensation Board may provide Education Leave for a period of normally four (4) months. Requests for leave beyond four (4) months will be considered on an individual basis.
Staff Education. (a) Paid education leave may be granted to any employee taking a course of study which requires their absence from employment with the Town, provided such course of study relates to the Municipal duties of the employee, has been recommended by the Administrator and approved by Council. Paid education leave shall not result in loss of seniority.
(b) Employees requested to attend courses or seminars by the Town shall have all expenses paid and shall continue to receive regular wages while attending. Employees will not receive overtime pay.
(c) The Town agrees to give serious consideration to employee requests to attend work-related courses and seminars.
(d) Department Heads shall make every effort to inform all employees of upcoming courses that are applicable to them.
Staff Education a. Each PharmD shall provide educational sessions to the contractual medical and behavioral health staff and to designated DDOC staff on subjects pertaining to pharmaceuticals. Such educational sessions shall be provided to the facility medical and behavioral health staff on at least a quarterly basis with sign-in sheets (or similar proof of attendance) sent to the BHSAMH trainer/educator.
b. In-services for healthcare providers shall be provided by the Provider as requested by DDOC and/or the contractual medical and behavioral health staff based on prevailing circumstances such as new medications on the market, as part of response to medication error, near-miss, sentinel event or other patient safety event.
c. Education shall also be provided to medical staff on an as needed basis when there are patients who are prescribed unique, unusual or not commonly used medications and/or medications for which there is a high risk of medication errors due to for e.g., medication name or formulation similarity, etc.
Staff Education. 30.1 On written request from a permanent employee who has passed initial probation, or a temporary employee who has more than 2 years of service and has passed initial probation, the Worker's Compensation Board may provide Education Leave for a period of normally four (4) months. Requests for leave beyond four (4) months will be considered on an individual basis.
30.1.1 Request will be evaluated by Human Resources based on several factors including: an employee's length of service, job relevance of course, budgetary restraints and departmental recommendations. The Chief Executive Officer or designate will provide approval based on the recommendations of Human Resources.
30.2 The Employer will reimburse the employee for tuition and books when provided receipt(s)
Staff Education. The Authority Program Manager may request that San Diego program staff attend additional training and/or seminars. Funding is available in the Fee Schedule for expenses related to training and seminars.
Staff Education. Regularly update all immunization clinical staff on appropriate and timely education and training on immunization-related issues by ensuring that immunization program staff members view the CDC Epidemiological and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases program or the annual update (available as a DVD or web-on-demand product from CDC); and