SENIORITY OF OFFICERS. Notwithstanding their position on the seniority list, the President, Vice President, Financial Secretary, Recording Secretary and Chief Xxxxxxx of the Union shall, in the event of a layoff only, be continued to work at all times when one or more districts or divisions or fractions thereof are at work, provided they can perform any of the work available.
SENIORITY OF OFFICERS. Notwithstanding their position on the seniority list, the Chapter Chairperson and Chief Xxxxxxx of the Chapter shall, in the event of layoff only, be continued at work at all times, provided they can perform any of the work available in their classification.
SENIORITY OF OFFICERS. The President and chief stewards of the Union shall, in event of a layoff only, be continued to work at all times when one or more representation districts or divisions or fractions thereof are at work, provided they can perform any of the work available.
SENIORITY OF OFFICERS. Notwithstanding their position on the seniority list, the Local President and the Chief Xxxxxxx shall in the event of a lay-off be continued at work at all times, provided they are qualified for a position and can perform any of the work available.
SENIORITY OF OFFICERS. Notwithstanding their position on the seniority list, the Local President and Stewards shall, in the event of a layoff, be continued at work within the bargaining unit provided they can perform the work available.
SENIORITY OF OFFICERS. A. Notwithstanding their position on the seniority list, the President, Vice President, Financial Secretary, Recording Secretary, and Stewards of the Local Union shall, in the event of a layoff only, be continued at work at all times provided they can perform the work available.
B. For the purpose of correct and up-to-date inclusion of such Employees on the seniority list, the Local Union shall submit a list of Officers and designated Stewards after each election, as well as notify the Employer promptly of any changes in this listing.
SENIORITY OF OFFICERS. A. Notwithstanding their positions on the seniority list, Association Representatives shall, in the event of a layoff of any type, be continued at work as long as there is a job in a department which they are qualified to perform and shall be recalled to work in the event of a layoff on the first open job in their department which they are qualified to perform.
B. Notwithstanding their position on the seniority lists, the President, Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer of the local Association shall, in the event of a layoff only, be continued to work at all times, provided they are qualified to perform any of the work available.
SENIORITY OF OFFICERS. (a) Notwithstanding their position on the seniority list, if they are working in the office, the President or Chairperson of the unit, Vice-President, Financial Secretary, Recording Secretary, three Trustees, Sergeant-at-Arms, Guide, Benefits Representative, Health & Safety Representative and Board Member-At-Large for the Engineers of a unit of 50 or more employees on the active payroll; in the event of an indefinite layoff and recall be continued at work in the order listed above at all times when one or more departments or fractions thereof are at work, provided that they have the ability to perform work being done at the time. It is understood that the Secretaries, Trustees, Sergeant-at-Arms, and Guides shall not participate in the grievance procedure.
(b) Notwithstanding their position on the seniority list, if they are working in the office, the President or Chairperson of the unit, Vice President, Financial Secretary, Recording Secretary, three Trustees, Sergeant-at-arms, Board Member-at-Large for the Engineers, and Guide of a unit of less than 50 employees on the active payroll, in the event of an indefinite layoff and recall be continued at work in the order listed above at all times when one or more departments or fractions thereof are at work, provided they have the ability to perform work being done at the time.
(c) Notwithstanding their position on the seniority list, if working in the office, the President of the Local Union or the Chairperson of the unit, the Engineering Member-At- Large, and the Benefit Representative of a unit of one or more employees on the active roll shall in the event of temporary layoff or temporary adjustment be continued at work at all times when one or more departments or fractions thereof are at work, provided each has the ability to perform the work being done at the time. The Unit President or the Chairperson of the unit would be the last person affected in applying Sections (5.6) and (5.7). (c02)
SENIORITY OF OFFICERS. Notwithstanding his/her position on the seniority list, the President of the Union shall, in the event of layoff, be continued at all times provided he/she can perform any of the work available. This section shall apply only if the President is a permanent full-time Employee and shall have completed his/her probationary period.
SENIORITY OF OFFICERS. Notwithstanding their position on the seniority list, the President, Vice-President, and the Financial Secretary of the Local Union, and the Chrysler Security Unit Chairperson, Committeeperson and Recording Secretary, shall in the event of a layoff and rehire be continued at work at all times when their department or a fraction thereof is at work, provided that they are able to do the work being done at the time. (c02, c05) 60