SHORT TERM LEAVE FOR TRAINING PURPOSES. 41.01 Leave without pay to take advanced or supplementary professional or technical training of less than one academic year may be granted to an Employee with the approval of the Employer.
41.02 Such leave shall be based on an appraisal of the present and future job requirements and the qualifications of the Employee applying therefore and shall be granted only to meet the identified needs.
(a) Full or partial financial assistance in respect of salary, tuition, travelling, and other expenses may be granted during such leave:
(i) where the Employee has become technically obsolete and requires retraining to satisfactorily carry out the work assigned to him; or
(ii) where the courses are required to keep the Employee abreast of new knowledge and techniques in his field of work; or
(iii) where qualified persons cannot be recruited to carry out essential work and it is necessary to train present Employees.
(b) Refund of tuition fees, in respect of courses may be made on receipt of evidence of successful completion, if the course is of value to the Employees work; does not require him to absent from duty; and has the prior approval of the Employer. Such refund of tuition fees shall not be unreasonably denied.
(c) Under this Article, leave with full or partial financial assistance in respect of salary will carry with it the obligation to return after leave to work for the Employer for a period equivalent to the leave.
41.03 Where a request for leave under this Article has been submitted by an Employee, the Employer shall, within a reasonable period from the date of the Employees submission, advise the Employee whether his request has been approved or denied.
41.04 When an uncertified employee is hired, the Employer shall ensure that he attains the proper certification at the earliest possible time. The training and tests required for an employee to upgrade to the certified level shall be at no cost to the employee.
SHORT TERM LEAVE FOR TRAINING PURPOSES. Leave without pay to take advanced or supplementary professional or technical training of less than one academic year may be granted to Employees upon the recommendation of the Senior Administrative Officer and with the approval of the Village Council. Such leave shall be based on an appraisal of the present and future job requirements and the qualifications of the Employee applying therefor and shall be granted only to meet the identified needs of the Employer.
SHORT TERM LEAVE FOR TRAINING PURPOSES. 37.01 Leave without pay to take advanced or supplementary professional or technical training of less than one academic year may be granted to employees upon the recommendation of the Manager and with the approval of the Housing Association.
37.02 Such leave shall be based on an appraisal of the present and future job requirements and the qualifications of the employee applying therefore and shall be granted only to meet the identified needs.
(a) Full or partial financial assistance in respect of salary, tuition, traveling and other expenses may be granted during such leave:
(i) where the employee has become technically obsolete and requires retraining to satisfactorily carry out the work; or
(ii) where the courses are required to keep the employee abreast of new knowledge and techniques in their field of work; or
(iii) where qualified persons cannot be recruited to carry out essential work and it is necessary to train present employees.
(b) Refund of tuition fees, in respect of courses may be made on receipt of evidence of successful completion, if the course is of value to the employee's work and does not require the employee to be absent from duties.
(c) Under this Article, leave with full or partial financial assistance in respect of salary will carry with it the obligation to return after leave to work for the Housing Association for a period equivalent to the leave.
37.03 Where a request for leave under Article 37.01 and 37.02 has been submitted by an employee, the Housing Association shall, within sixty (60) calendar days from the date of the employee's submission, advise the employee whether their request has been approved or denied.
SHORT TERM LEAVE FOR TRAINING PURPOSES. Leave without pay to take advanced or supplementary professional or technical training of less than one academic year may be granted to employees upon the recommendation of the Manager and with the approval of the Employer.
SHORT TERM LEAVE FOR TRAINING PURPOSES. 39.01 Employees attending training courses at the request of the Employer will be granted leave with pay to attend such training. Refund of tuition fees in respect of courses approved in advance by the Employer shall be made on receipt of evidence of successful completion. In the case of a course of value to an employee's work that does not require the employee to be absent from their duties reimbursement of tuition by the Employer will be made on the receipt of successful completion.
SHORT TERM LEAVE FOR TRAINING PURPOSES. 46.01 Leave with or without pay to take advanced or supplementary professional or technical training of less than one (1) academic year may be granted to employees upon the approval of the Employer.
46.02 Such leave shall be based on an appraisal of the present and future job requirements and the qualifications of the employee applying therefore and shall be granted only to meet the identified needs of the Employer.
SHORT TERM LEAVE FOR TRAINING PURPOSES. 41.01 Full financial assistance in respect of salary, tuition, travelling, and other expenses may be granted during a short term leave for training purposes:
(a) where the employee has become technically obsolete and requires retraining to satisfactorily carry out the work assigned to him; or
(b) where the courses are required to keep the employee abreast of new knowledge and techniques in his field of work; or
(c) where qualified persons cannot be recruited to carry out essential work and it is necessary to train present employees.
41.02 The Employer may grant full financial assistance for courses of up to four (4) weeks duration and may grant partial financial assistance for courses of a duration of more than for (4) weeks.
41.03 When an employee provides the Employer with evidence that he has successfully completed a course the Employer shall reimburse the employee for tuition fees paid by him with respect to the course if the course is of value to the employees work, does not require him to absent from duty and has the prior approval of the Employer.
41.04 Where a request for leave under clauses 41.01 and 41.02 has been submitted by an employee, the Employer shall, within sixty (60) calendar days from the date of the employee’s submission, advise the employee whether his request has been approved or denied.
SHORT TERM LEAVE FOR TRAINING PURPOSES. 35.01 Leave with pay to take advanced or supplementary professional or technical training of less than one academic year may be granted to employees upon the recommendation of the Manager and with the approval of the Board of the Association.
35.02 Where a request for leave under Clause 35.01 has been submitted by an employee, the Association shall, within a reasonable period from the date of the employee's submission, advise the employee whether his/her request has been approved or denied.
SHORT TERM LEAVE FOR TRAINING PURPOSES. Leave without pay to take advanced or supplementary professional, technical training or other educational purposes related to career development up to one academic year may be granted by the Employer to Employees upon written application, subject to operational requirements.
SHORT TERM LEAVE FOR TRAINING PURPOSES. 41.01 Full financial assistance in respect of salary, tuition, traveling, and other expenses may be granted during a short term leave for training purposes:
(a) where the employee has become technically obsolete and requires retraining to satisfactorily carry out the work assigned; or
(b) where the courses are required to keep the employee abreast of new knowledge and techniques in their field of work; or
(c) where qualified persons cannot be recruited to carry out essential work and it is necessary to train present employees.
41.02 The Employer may grant full financial assistance for courses of up to four (4) weeks duration and may grant partial financial assistance for courses of a duration of more than for (4) weeks.
41.03 When an employee provides the Employer with evidence that they have successfully completed a course the Employer shall reimburse the employee for tuition fees paid with respect to the course if the course is of value to the employee’s work, does not require them to be absent from duty and has the prior approval of the Employer.
41.04 Where a request for leave under Articles 41.01 and 41.02 has been submitted by an employee, the Employer shall, within sixty (60) calendar days from the date of the employee's submission, advise the employee whether the request has been approved or denied. Purpose
(a) The Hamlet of Fort Providence recognizes the need to develop a work place capable of effectively and efficiently administering policy and Programs. The skills and knowledge required to deliver programs can be recruited or developed from within the organization. Education leave provides a means to meet organizational requirement. The granting of this leave is at the discretion of the Employer. Definition of Education Leave
(b) For the purposes of this Article, Education Leave is defined as leave granted, with Employer assistance, to undertake full-time post-secondary studies for a period of not less than one (1) academic year at a recognized university, community college, or technical institute. "Academic Year" equals two (2) full program semesters, completed in succession, or completed within a twelve (12) month period.