Sick and Vacation Leave Accruals Sample Clauses

Sick and Vacation Leave Accruals for FT and PT unclassified employees. Vacation accruals may be greater based on State of Ohio years of service. *Note, more than one box may apply. Full-time twelve-month unclassified salaried employees earn 5 hours of sick leave and 6.67 hours of vacation per semi-monthly pay. Full-time nine- or ten-month unclassified salaried employees earn 5 hours of sick leave per semi-monthly pay but do not accrue any vacation hours. Full-time twelve-month unclassified hourly employees earn 4.64 sick leave hours and 6.16 vacation leave hours per 80-hour biweekly pay period. Full-time nine- or ten-month unclassified hourly employees earn 4.64 sick leave hours per 80-hour biweekly pay period but do not accrue vacation hours. Part-time TERM unclassified hourly employees accrue sick leave hours at the rate of .058 per each hour worked in a biweekly pay period but do not accrue vacation hours. Part-time CONTINUING unclassified hourly employees accrue sick leave hours at the rate of .058 per each hour worked and vacation at .077 per each hour worked in a biweekly pay period. KSU CPM unclassified full-time salaried employees earn 5 hours of sick leave per and 6.67 hours of vacation per semi-monthly pay. KSU CPM unclassified full-time hourly employees earn 4.64 sick leave hours and 6.16 vacation leave hours per 80-hour biweekly pay period. KSU CPM unclassified part-time salaried employees accrue sick and vacation based on (FTE) full-time equivalency (Example: 5 hours X 50% FTE = 2.5 hours accrued per semi-monthly pay). KSU CPM unclassified part-time hourly employees accrue sick leave hours at the rate of .058 per each hour worked and vacation at .077 per each hour worked in a biweekly pay period. An employee whose salary is paid from grant funds is not eligible for pay out of unused vacation upon separation from the university. All vacation earned while funded on grants must be used prior to the end of the assignment or vacation will be forfeited at the time of separation.
Sick and Vacation Leave Accruals. The parties to this Contract agree that they will participate in any joint labor-management system- wide committee, consisting of other unions and campuses, that shall be formed with the authority to research, design, and bargain one or more employer-sponsored systems to improve or replace the current sick-leave system and/or vacation-leave system for employees in the bargaining unit. For the duration of the agreement, a 120-day cap on the accrual of sick leave for employees hired on or after January 1, 2015, shall be implemented. For the duration of the agreement, the current vacation-leave terms will remain unchanged except as expressly provided for in this agreement. If the committee fails to mutually agree to a replacement system, the sick-leave and vacation-leave systems and language in effect under the 2012-14 collective bargaining agreement between the parties will continue without any change in accrual caps . To the extent there is an established practice, all accrued vacation days over the 60 shall continue to roll over into sick leave days.
Sick and Vacation Leave Accruals. Full and part-time unclassified employees, including unclassified post-doctoral associates. Vacation accruals may be greater based on State of Ohio years of service.

Related to Sick and Vacation Leave Accruals

  • Vacation Leave Accrual ‌ After a full-time employee has been in pay status for eighty (80) non-overtime hours in a calendar month, the employee will accrue vacation leave according to the rate schedule below. Vacation leave accrual for part-time employees will be proportionate to the number of hours the part-time employee is in pay status during the month to that required for full-time employment.

  • Sick Leave Accrual All eligible employees shall accrue sick leave at the rate of four (4) hours per pay period of continuous employment beginning with their date of eligibility. Eligible employees being paid for less than a full eighty (80) hour pay period shall have sick leave accruals pro-rated in accord with the schedule set forth in Appendix D.

  • Accumulation of Vacation Leave Credits An employee shall earn vacation leave credits for each calendar month during which the employee receives pay for at least ten (10) days at the following rate:

  • VACATIONS AND VACATION PAY 9.01 All employees who are covered under this Agreement shall receive vacation pay as a percent of the employee's total earnings exclusive of the Employer's contribution to the Union's Pension, Health Benefit Plan, Education and Assistance Fund and Industry Fund. Income tax shall be deducted weekly from the employee's earnings increased by the amount of vacation pay. a. Employees shall, upon hire, receive ten percent (10%) vacation pay, and up to three weeks of vacation. b. Employees with ten or more years of service with the Employer shall receive twelve percent (12%) vacation pay, and up to four weeks of vacation. 9.02 Vacation periods shall be arranged by mutual agreement between the Employer and each employee. Employees shall be granted their vacation periods as requested insofar as it is practical and in accordance with seniority, unless the Employer decides to grant all vacations at one time, in which case the Employer shall give the employees at least six (6) weeks advance notice. 9.03 The Employer agrees to remit the Vacation Pay of each employee as agreed upon in 9.01 of this Agreement and in accordance with the regulation set by the Employment Standards Branch, Ministry of Labour, monthly before, but not later than the fifteenth of the following month to the Union using a separate cheque marked "Vacation Pay", accompanied by a list on which all deductions and contributions as mentioned in 6.01, 13.02, 14.02a, 14.02b, 18.01, 19.01 and Schedule "A" are recorded. 9.04 In accordance with the agreement with the Employment Standards Branch, Ministry of Labour, the Board of Trustees of the Union's Vacation Pay Trust Fund, is obligated to take any steps which may be available to them either in law or in equity or in bankruptcy as may be necessary or desirable to effect collection from delinquent Employers. All costs incurred in the collection of said payment will be charged to such defaulting Employer. 9.05 The Employer agrees to give the auditor of the Union's Trust Fund the privilege to examine the Employer's records concerning hours and monies forwarded to the Union, if and when the auditor so desires. Any date for such an examination will be pre-arranged in writing between the auditor, the Employer and the Union.

  • Annual Vacation Leave 33.01 An Employee shall not take vacation leave without prior authorization from the Employer. 33.02 Vacation entitlements with pay, shall be as follows: (a) an Employee who has completed less than twelve (12) full months' service as of December 31st, shall receive one and one-quarter (1 1/4) work days' vacation for each calendar month worked from the commencement of service, provided that when employment has commenced on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of any month, vacation entitlements shall be earned from the first (1st) day of that month, and when employment has commenced on or after the sixteenth (16th) day of any month vacation entitlements shall be earned from the first day of the following month; (b) an Employee who has completed twelve (12) full calendar months' service as of December 31st, shall receive fifteen (15) work days' vacation; (c) an Employee who has completed five (5) years' service as of December 31st shall in the subsequent year(s) receive twenty (20) work days' vacation; (d) an Employee who has completed thirteen (13) years' service as of December 31st shall in the subsequent year(s) receive twenty-five (25) work days' vacation; (e) an Employee who has completed twenty-one (21) years' service as of December 31st shall in the subsequent year(s) receive thirty (30) work days' vacation; (f) an Employee who has completed thirty (30) years' service as of December 31st shall in the subsequent year(s) receive thirty-five (35) work days vacation. 33.03 All calculations which result in one quarter (1/4) or three quarters (3/4) work day fractions shall be rounded out to the next one half (1/2) or full day, whichever applies; except when vacation pay is paid out upon termination pursuant to Clause 33.11. 33.04 If a paid holiday falls during an Employee's annual vacation period, the Employee shall be granted an equivalent day of vacation credit. 33.05 An Employee shall earn vacation leave pursuant to Clause 33.02 when authorized the following absences: (a) financially assisted Education Leave; (b) sick leave or Workers' Compensation for the first forty-four (44) consecutive work days; (c) any other authorized leave of absence with pay for the first twenty-two (22) work days. 33.06 Vacation leave may be taken in one continuous period or in separate periods. 33.07 Except as is otherwise provided herein, vacation leave in respect of each year of service shall be taken: (a) within twelve (12) months after the end of that year; and (b) at such time or times as may be approved by the Employer; or with the approval of the Employer, before the end of that year. 33.08 Notwithstanding the: (a) other provisions of this Article, and subject to operational requirements, an Employee who so requests may be authorized to take vacation leave which has been earned at a specified time within the year in which it was earned, and the vacation leave to be taken by the Employee in the following year shall be correspondingly reduced. (b) where a terminated Employee has taken more vacation than they are entitled, the Employer is authorized to recover the monies from the Employee’s final pay cheque. 33.09 Where an Employee is allowed to take any leave of absence, other than sick leave, in conjunction with a period of vacation leave, the vacation leave shall be deemed to precede the additional leave of absence, except in the case of maternity leave which may be authorized before or after vacation leave. 33.10 Once vacations are authorized they shall not be changed, other than in cases of emergency, except by mutual agreement. 33.11 An Employee shall not be paid cash in lieu of vacation earned but not taken, except upon termination, when the Employee shall be paid in cash for the total vacation entitlement standing to the Employee's credit at the termination date. 33.12 The Employer shall, subject to operational requirements make every reasonable effort to grant an Employee, upon request, at least two (2) weeks of annual vacation entitlement during the summer months.

  • Accumulation of Vacation Leave For each month of a fiscal year in which an employee receives ten (10) days pay, he shall earn vacation leave at the following rates:

  • VACATION AND VACATION PAY 9.01 All employees who are covered under this agreement shall receive as vacation pay in accordance with the schedule under Article 9.04, the appropriate percentage of the employee's total earnings exclusive of the Employer's contribution to the Union's Benefit Plan. 9.02 When vacations are requested by more employees than can be reasonably scheduled to be away at any one time and still carry on efficient company operations, then the choice of those employees permitted to take their vacation will be insofar as possible based on customer requirements, efficient operation of the Shop, ability of employees to perform available work and length of service of the employees. 9.03 The Employer shall post annually during January a sheet on which employees may choose their vacation period. This list shall be completed by the employees no later than May 1. Any employee failing to select vacation time by May 1 will be deemed to have forfeited their privilege based on service credit, at that time, for vacation selection purposes. The Employer shall post the final vacation schedule no later than May 31. Any request for further changes to the final schedule must be made to the Employer giving the Employer at least four (4) weeks’ notice. If a Statutory holiday (as listed under Article 10.01) falls during an employee's vacation time, the employee will have the option to take that holiday at the end of the vacation period. This will be scheduled at the time the employee schedules his vacation. 9.04 Employees shall receive vacation time if requested in accordance with the provisions outlined below. Generally, two weeks may be taken in June, July and August, but with advance notice (per Article 9.03) and as mutually agreed, more may be taken. LENGTH OF SERVICE BASED ON DATE OF HIRING (as of July 1st of the current year) Vacation Pay Vacation Time 0 – 3 Months 4% 2 weeks After 3 Months 10% 3 weeks 9.05 The above amounts of vacation pay are remitted to the Union office with the regular monthly remittance.

  • Vacation Leave 11.1 Employees will retain and carry forward any eligible and unused vacation leave that was accrued prior to the effective date of this Agreement.

  • Restoration of Vacation Leave In the event an employee is injured or becomes ill while on vacation leave, the employee may submit a written request to use sick leave and have the equivalent amount of vacation leave restored. The supervisor may require a written medical certificate.

  • Vacation Leave Credits ‌ Full-time and part-time employees will be credited with vacation leave accrued monthly, according to the rate schedule and vacation leave accrual below.