Sick While on Vacation. Should a Regular Employee demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Employer that the Employee was admitted to a hospital as an "in-patient" during the course of their vacation, the Employee shall be considered to be on sick leave for the period of the stay in the hospital, subject to the provisions of Article 28: Sick Leave. Vacation time not taken as a result of such stay in hospital shall be taken at a mutually agreeable later date.
Sick While on Vacation. Should a Regular Employee demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Employer that she was ill and required a defined course of medical treatment for an acute condition that would normally render her unable to work, during the course of her vacation, she may be considered to be on sick leave for such period of time, subject to the provisions of Article 24 (Sick Leave). Vacation time not taken as a result of such medical treatment shall be taken at a mutually agreeable later date.
Sick While on Vacation. Should a Regular Employee be admitted to a hospital during the course of their vacation, for one (1) day or more, the Employee shall be considered as being on sick leave for the period of hospitalization. Vacation time not taken as a result of such a stay in hospital shall be rescheduled to a mutually agreeable time.
Sick While on Vacation. (a ) Wh er ea r egular Employ eequalifi es for sick l eav eof thr ee (3)days or mor e, pursuant to Articl e 23.06,during th eir p eriod of vacation, th er xxxxxx x xxx d eduction from vacation cr edits for such abs enc e. Th ep eriod of vacation so displac ed shall xxxx xx b eadd ed to th evacation p eriod or r einstat ed at a lat er dat eat th emutual agr eem ent of th eEmploy eeand th eAr ea S ervic eManag er .
Sick While on Vacation. (a) In the event that a Regular Employee is ill for three (3) consecutive days or more during their vacation, they may apply to the Area Manager or designate, and on presentation of a medical certificate, shall have that time charged against their accumulated sick leave balance and vacation time shall be credited.
Sick While on Vacation. (a) Where a regular employee qualifies for sick leave of three days or more, pursuant to Article 15.07, during her period of vacation, there shall be no deduction from vacation credits for such absence. The period of vacation so displaced shall either be added to the vacation period or reinstated at a later date at the mutual agreement of the employee and the Manager.
Sick While on Vacation. If any employee becomes ill and/or under the care of a duly licensed physician or recognized practitioner during his/her vacation and the employee utilized accumulated sick leave credits for the period of illness, his/her vacation for the number of days so utilized may be rescheduled. Evidence of illness may be required by the Employer.
Sick While on Vacation. Should a Regular Employee demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Employer that she was admitted to a hospital as an “in-patient” during the course of her vacation, she shall be considered to be on sick leave for the period of the stay in the hospital, subject to the provisions of Article 28, Xxxx Leave. Vacation time not taken as a result of such stay in hospital shall be taken at a mutually agreeable later date. Local Condition for Lakeland for Article 26.05
Sick While on Vacation. Should an Employee demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Employer that the Employee was admitted to a hospital as an “in-patient” during the course of their vacation, the Employee shall be able to access their Paid Leave Bank as per Article 24
Sick While on Vacation. When an employee who is on vacation becomes sick or requires hospitalization the employee shall present proof of illness or hospitalization and have that portion their vacation time reinstated. It is understood that when sick leave replaces vacation days the employee must reapply for use of those vacation days.