Signalization Sample Clauses
Signalization. Removal of the existing US 90/LA 318 intersection signalization; and
Signalization. Replace existing signal assemblies with mast arm signal assemblies to accommodate lane modifications at 1) Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxx, 0) XX 00xx Xxxxx, and 3) McNab Road Signing and Marking: Provide new signs and pavement markings to match the planned improvements. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): The proposed signalization and the proposed pedestrian features will be designed to be in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Signalization. With this agreement, tThe Tribe Tribal Parties shall provide right-of-way as necessary to complete the all work necessary for installation of the future signal at the intersection of NW La Center and Paradise Park Roads. The Tribe shall install the signal no later than July 1, 2019, or prior to that date if The signal will become necessary when the intersection either operates at Level of Service (LOS) standard D or below and/or or meets signal warrants as determined using the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The City shall determine the LOS of the intersection D standard shall be determined by the City using the most recently adopted Highway Capacity Manual (Transportation Research Board). Installation shall include design, bidding and construction. In either case, the The City shall have the sole authority to determine make the sole decision in determining the timing of signal installation based upon LOS or signal warrants. The Tribe Tribal Parties shall pay the full cost, up to an amount not to exceed $500,000, to design, permit, construct and install the signal at this intersection up to an amount not to exceed $500,000 for installation and construction of the signal. Notwithstanding anything in this section to the contrary, the Tribal Parties shall complete construction and installation of the signal in the summer of 2018 or 2019 as directed by the City and within the City’s sole discretion. The City and the Tribe Tribal Parties will shall collaborate on applying for state or federal funding that may be available to assist with the installation and construction of the signal. Upon completion and activation of this signal, the City shall close the Minit Management access from the Minit Management Property to onto NW La Center Road pursuant to its access control Tribal Parties.
Signalization. It is mutually agreed that the construction of the Love’s Travel Stop & Country Store will increase traffic and turning movements at the intersections of Illinois 121 and County Fair Drive. The location currently does not meet the warrants required to install traffic signals based on available data. Both the City and the Illinois Department of Transportation will continue to monitor the intersection for an increase in accidents and changes in traffic patterns. If this occurs, signal warrants will again be reviewed. At that time, if warrants are met at this intersection for traffic that is directly attributable to the Love’s Travel Stop and City or IDOT engineering judgment determines there is a need for signals, the signals and all other necessary roadway improvements shall be installed in accordance with IDOT standards and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices at the expense of Love’s. The responsibility of Love’s to install this traffic signal shall extend for ten (10) years following the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy by the City for the Love’s Travel Stop on the Love’s Property.
Signalization. Removal of the existing US 90/Albertson’s Parkway intersection signalization;
Signalization a. The CITY will receive notice of proposed signalization changes along the MD 410 within the CITY and will be provided the opportunity to comment.
b. The SHA, in cooperation with the CITY, will use its best efforts to explore the possibility of transferring control of MD 410 traffic signal operations within the CITY to Xxxxxxxxxx County. In support of this effort, SHA will promptly conduct an analysis of SHA traffic signals along MD 410 within the CITY to determine the need for upgrades, if any. Within 180 days of the execution of this Agreement, SHA will provide the CITY information on the estimated cost and extent of work required to transfer control of MD 410 traffic signal operations within the CITY to Xxxxxxxxxx County. If practicable and mutually agreeable, SHA and the CITY may include other signals in the CITY as part of this analysis. SHA shall undertake the upgrades to the traffic signals identified in the analysis by the completion of Fiscal Year 2015 so that the signals may be maintained by Xxxxxxxxxx County by the completion of Fiscal Year 2015, if state or local funds are available for this purpose by the completion of Fiscal Year 2013. If funds are not available by the end of Fiscal Year 2013, the parties will seek funding for this project in subsequent years until the upgrades are complete and the signals are transferred to Xxxxxxxxxx County.
c. The SHA contact in charge of communications regarding signalization in and around the vicinity of MD 410 within the CITY is the Assistant District Engineer, SHA District 3 Traffic, (000) 000-0000.
Signalization. If signalization is not warranted for any of the signalization 29 improvements referenced in this Special Condition 25 above, at the time 30 required for the particular improvement, then the requirement for construction of 31 the particular mast arm signal shall be tolled until the signalization is warranted 1 pursuant to FDOT regulations. In the event signalization is not warranted for 2 any of the signalization improvements referenced above prior to the DRI 3 buildout date, then the Developer may satisfy any such signalization which is 4 not then warranted by payment of $260,000 for each signalization improvement 5 to the applicable maintenance entity.
Signalization. Debt and Equity Based T&R Studies (Engineering)
Signalization. The ENGINEER will develop traffic signal design plans using the Texas Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (Texas MUTCD) and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) design standards and specifications. The traffic signal design plan set will include all required plan sheets including general notes, existing and proposed pavement markings, existing utility layout, proposed traffic signal layout, electrical and conduit schedules, traffic signal elevations, and all required TxDOT design standards. A topographic survey of the intersection may be required and beneficial to identify intersection physical constraints and utility conflicts.
Signalization. The Consultant will analyze, design, and develop contract documents for a new signal at the school bus storage driveway and upgraded pedestrian signal features at the north side of 17th St. and Honore Ave. to accommodate the proposed trail crossing. All signalization features will be designed in accordance with applicable provisions. The Consultant will consider various alternatives in preparing the most economical solution for the given conditions.