Sole Source Procurement Sample Clauses
Sole Source Procurement. The Subrecipient's procurement procedures and regulations must conform to federal procurement laws and standards. All procurement transactions without regard to dollar value, whether negotiated or through a competitive bid process shall be conducted in such a manner as to provide maximum open and free competition.
Sole Source Procurement. Iƒ selecting this exemption, you must reƒer to the county procurement manual Section 19 ƒor speciƒic requisition requirements.
Sole Source Procurement. The SUBRECIPIENT shall make all reasonable efforts to avoid sole source contracts. When no reasonable, feasible, or cost-effective alternative to sole source contracts exists, the SUBRECIPIENT shall specifically identify all awards of sole source contracts and the rationale or justification for making the award on a sole source basis in reports to VIHFA.
Sole Source Procurement. Negotiate scope and costs for the following equipment items: Siemens Blower Panels, Eutek HeadCell, Xxxx actuators, selected UV Equipment, and Invent Mixers. Engineer shall provide a sole source justification memo for City Council approval.
Sole Source Procurement. A contract may be awarded without competition when the Purchasing Agent determines in writing, after conducting a good faith review of the available sources, that there is only one source for the required supply, equipment, materials, labor, vehicles, machinery, service, or construction item and when allowed by law.
Sole Source Procurement. A contract may be awarded for a required supply, service or major repair without competition when, under regulations, the chief procurement officer Standard Operating Procedures – Procedures adopted by YS for contractors that establish guidelines for services to youth who are in the care and custody of YS. Where YS determines that any area of contractor’s operation is not covered by applicable laws, regulations or standards, YS will establish standard operating procedures which will be used to measure contract performance. Subcontractor – Individual or firm who assumes some of the obligations of the primary contractor via a contract. YS does not have direct contractual relationship with the individual or firm performing that portion of the program. Subcontracts must be approved in writing by the Deputy Secretary/designee. All subcontracts shall be subject to the same clauses required by law and by the primary contract. Substance Abuse –A pattern of substance (drug) use leading to significant problems or distress such as failure to attend school, substance use in dangerous situations (driving a car), substance-related legal problems, or continued substance use that interferes with friendships and or family relationships. Technical Compliance - Formal documentation of conformance to procedural and regulatory requirements of the contract. Termination – Ending a contract/lease agreement prior to the established ending date. This must be done in writing and usually requires 30 days advance notice of contract termination. Trackers Program – Intensive supervisory program which provides highly structured surveillance and support services to youth adjudicated delinquent. Training and Staff Development - Any type of financial agreement for instruction, education or coaching of employees of YS or employees of contracted providers (if YS is a party to the agreement). This includes agreements with experts or professionals who possess specialized knowledge and experience or skills whether they are independent vendors, consultants or attached to schools or universities. No contract is required if staff attends training outside staff offices in a facility provided by a vendor and the training is available to the public. Unit-Cost Contract - A unit-cost contract is one in which the contractor is paid by the unit of service. A unit cost is established in the contract and the contractor simply bills YS for the number of units provided. A contractor is paid rather than reimbu...
Sole Source Procurement. A contract may be awarded for materials, supplies, and equipment without competition when the City Manager or designee determines, in writing, based on justification provided by requesting department, that there is only one source for the required purchase. Refer to Section
Sole Source Procurement. Procurement by noncompetitive proposals, referred to as sole source procurement, is procurement through solicitation of a proposal from only one source. Sole source procurements must adhere to the standards set forth in 2 C.F.R. § 200.320(f) in the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. All sole source requests must be submitted prior to the CHIP application deadline. For procurement processes that result in requests for sole source approval from DCA, the procurement process must be fully documented to DCA’s satisfaction before DCA will grant approval, including but not limited to the following: • a description of the procurement process; • documentation of advertisement of the Request for Proposals; • a list of the active, qualified consultants or engineers/architects that were emailed/mailed the Request for Proposals; and DRAFT • certified return receipt documentation that the Request for Proposals was mailed to the required number of active, qualified consultants or engineers/architects, or adequate email documentation that the Request for Proposals was delivered as required. Procurement Standards for Contracts Entered into by CHIP Recipients The Recipient is the responsible authority with regard to all contracts entered into directly between the Recipient and the Grant Administrator, and without recourse, to DCA regarding the settlement and satisfaction of all contractual and administrative issues arising out of procurements entered into, in connection with a CHIP-funded activity. Matters concerning violation of law are to be referred to such local, State or Federal authority as may have proper jurisdiction. However, Recipient are encouraged to contact DCA for assistance in any procurement matter. The following procurement standards shall apply to all transactions entered into directly between the Recipient and the Administrator:
Sole Source Procurement. The LSSVI shall make all reasonable efforts to avoid sole source contracts. But, when no reasonable, feasible, or cost-effective alternative exists, the LSSVI shall specifically identify all awards of sole source contracts and the rationale or justification for making the award on a sole source basis in reports to VIHFA.
Sole Source Procurement. Use of sole source procurement is discouraged. Sole source purchases will be awarded only under exceptional circumstances and must follow precisely the procedure set forth in the South Carolina Consolidated Procurement Code. All sole source purchases will require the explicit prior written approval of the SFA. 15. Bidding Requirements: Bidding must be done in accordance with SCDPS procurement procedures. These procedu are posted online at