STAFF/PERSONNEL. CMIC shall provide all non-physician personnel necessary to staff any medical imaging center ("STAFF") Company operates pursuant to this Agreement under lease arrangements with Company. Staff shall be offered compensation and benefits consistent with those offered within the medical imaging industry. All decisions concern the number of Staff and compensation rates shall be determined by the Management Committee. CMIC shall provide Staff at CMIC's actual cost without xxxx up or profit.
STAFF/PERSONNEL. The Council may, upon request from the Hirer, provide staff to assist with the running of the Event, including front of house staff, fire safety officers, security personnel, technicians and cleaners as agreed. Where the cost of all such staff is not included in the Venue Hire Fee or Services Fee, then such cost will be an additional charge paid by the Hirer and based on the Venue’s applicable rates.
STAFF/PERSONNEL. For all employees in the classification of Administrative Fire Captain, in lieu of compensation by cash payment for overtime as provided in this Article, such employees may, at their option and with the approval of the Fire Chief or designee, be compensated by compensatory time off at time and one half for each overtime hour worked. 1) Compensatory time off may be accumulated to a maximum of one hundred- twenty (120) hours. Compensatory time off may be taken on an hour-for-hour basis, with the approval of the Fire Chief or their sworn designee. Permission shall be granted unless granting the request will unduly disrupt the Department, or unless denying the request will violate the FLSA. By December 15 of each year, an employee may make an irrevocable election to cash out compensatory time off hours which they may earn in the following calendar year. An employee will receive the cash for the compensatory time off (assuming they have earned it) they irrevocably elected to cash out in the following calendar year. They can either receive the cash all in the first pay period in December or half the cash in the second pay period in July and the other half in the first pay period in December. However, if the employee has not earned the compensatory time off for which they elected to cash out (either in July or December) the employee will receive cash for the amount of compensatory time off they has accrued in the calendar year. If an employee makes an irrevocable election to cash out compensatory time off in the following calendar year and uses compensatory time off in that subsequent year, the compensatory time off used will come from annual leave the employee had earned prior to January 1 of the year the employee has elected to cash out annual leave. This is to ensure that assuming an employee had a compensatory time off balance prior to January 1, the compensatory time off used will not result in a reduction in the amount of compensatory time off the employee will be eligible to cash out. In addition to the above, an employee who has an “unforeseen emergency” (defined as an unanticipated emergency that is caused by an event beyond the control of the employee and that would result in severe financial hardship to the employee if early withdrawal were not permitted) shall be entitled to make a request to the Administrative Services Director for a payoff of accrued compensatory time. The amount of compensatory time off which may be paid off is limited to the amoun...
STAFF/PERSONNEL. The Manager shall have access to the complex at all times. The Venue Operator may upon request from the Hirer, provide staff to assist with the running of the Event, including front of house staff, fire safety officers, security personnel, technicians and cleaners as agreed. Where the cost of all such staff is not included in the Venue Hire Fee or Services Fee, then such cost will be an additional charge paid by the Hirer and based on the Venue’s applicable rates.
STAFF/PERSONNEL. CDI shall provide all non-physician personnel necessary to staff any medical imaging center ("STAFF") Company operates pursuant to this Agreement under a lease with Company. Staff shall be offered compensation and benefits consistent with those offered within the medical imaging industry. All decisions concern the number of Staff and compensation rates shall be determined by the Management Committee.
STAFF/PERSONNEL. All Firefighters and Lieutenants assigned to work a staff / flex schedule outlined in Article 11 shall receive an annual salary according to the salary schedules set forth below. The salary set forth below compensates such Employees for all regularly scheduled working shifts up to a maximum of forty (40) hours in a four (4) or five (5) day period. Such Employees shall also receive overtime and premium pay as provided in Article 14.


  • Qualified Personnel Contractor shall utilize only competent personnel under the supervision of, and in the employment of, Contractor (or Contractor’s authorized subcontractors) to perform the Services. Contractor will comply with City’s reasonable requests regarding assignment and/or removal of personnel, but all personnel, including those assigned at City’s request, must be supervised by Contractor. Contractor shall commit adequate resources to allow timely completion within the project schedule specified in this Agreement.

  • B4 Key Personnel The Contractor acknowledges that the Key Personnel are essential to the proper provision of the Services to the Authority.

  • Entry and Sojourn of Personnel A Contracting Party shall, subject to its laws applicable from time to time relating to the entry and sojourn of non-citizens, permit natural persons of the other Contracting Party and personnel employed by companies of the other Contracting Party to enter and remain in its territory for the purpose of engaging in activities connected with investments.

  • DESIGNATED PERSONNEL The Contractor will provide the Designated Personnel listed below for the duration of the Contract at no charge to the State. Information regarding the Designated Personnel is set forth in Appendix D – Contractor and Reseller Information. Contractor must notify OGS within five (5) business days if any of the Designated Personnel change, and provide an interim contact person until the position is filled. Contractor may submit a Designated Personnel change by submission electronically via e-mail of a revised Appendix D – Contractor and Reseller Information to the OGS Contract Administrator. The Designated Personnel must have the authority to act on behalf of the Contractor: Account Manager The Account Manager is responsible for the overall relationship with the State during the course of the Contract and shall act as the central point of contact. Contract Administrator The Contract Administrator is responsible for the updating and management of the Contract on a timely basis. Sales Manager The Sales Manager is responsible for the overall relationship with the Authorized Users for matters relating to RFQs.

  • Removal of Personnel The CONSULTANT agrees, within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of a written request from the COUNTY, to promptly remove and replace the CONSULTANT'S Project Director, or any other personnel employed or retained by the CONSULTANT, or personnel of the sub-consultants or subcontractors engaged by the CONSULTANT to provide and/or perform services and/or work pursuant to the requirements of this Agreement, who the COUNTY shall request, in writing, be removed, which request may be made by the COUNTY with or without cause. However, if day thirty

  • Contractor Personnel Contractor's staff is expected to present a professional appearance. All personnel of the Contractor will be neat, well groomed, properly uniformed in industry standard uniforms and are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a responsible and courteous manner while performing any work under this Agreement and/or whenever they are on District property. The following code of conduct will be adhered to by the Contractor, his agent(s) and/or his employees. If Contractor fails to ensure that its employees or other agents comply with these requirements, then Contractor may be terminated for cause under this Agreement: A. All employees of the Contractor shall wear a recognizable uniform. No hats will be worn inside the building. All of Contractor’s employees and agents performing work must carry a government-issued photo ID. Contractor’s employees and agents will present ID to District Staff upon request. This provision will be strictly enforced. B. The use of tobacco or tobacco products on Board property is prohibited by State law. C. The Contractor will not be permitted to utilize Day Labor or Temporary Workers to provide any services at any District facility. This includes any employees or agents that are hired prior to contract award. Failure to comply with this requirement could result in immediate termination of contract with the Contractor liable for any breach, including liquidated damages for delay damages and/or forfeiture of Performance Bond. D. The Contractor or employees or agents of the Contractor are not permitted to play loud music, to make unnecessary noises, or to use vulgar or inappropriate language that causes offense to others. E. The employment of unauthorized or illegal aliens by the Contractor is considered a violation of Section 247A (e) of the Immigration and Naturalization Act. If the Contractor knowingly employs unauthorized aliens, such a violation shall also be cause for termination of this Agreement. F. Possession of firearms will not be tolerated on Board property. No person who has a firearm in their vehicle will be permitted to park on District property. Any employee of the Contractor found in violation of this policy will be immediately asked to leave, and will not be allowed to return to perform further work without the consent of the District. G. The Contractor certifies that he/she will not engage in the unlawful manufacture, sale distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance or drug during the performance of the contract and that a drug-free workplace will be provided for the Contractor’s employees or agents during the performance of the contract. The Contractor also certifies that he will secure from any subcontractor who works on the contract, written certification of the same drug free workplace requirements. False certification or violation by failing to carry out requirements of O.C.G.A. § 50-24-3 may cause suspension, termination of contract, or debarment of such bidder Please Note: If any employee or agent of the Contractor or Sub-contractor is found to have brought a firearm on District property, the Contractor or Sub-contractor shall prohibit them from continuing to perform any work on District property. If the Contractor or Sub-contractor fails to do so, then the District may terminate this Agreement for cause as set forth below.

  • Contractor’s Project Manager and Key Personnel Contractor shall appoint a Project Manager to direct the Contractor’s efforts in fulfilling Contractor’s obligations under this Contract. This Project Manager shall be subject to approval by the County and shall not be changed without the written consent of the County’s Project Manager, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Contractor’s Project Manager shall be assigned to this project for the duration of the Contract and shall diligently pursue all work and services to meet the project time lines. The County’s Project Manager shall have the right to require the removal and replacement of the Contractor’s Project Manager from providing services to the County under this Contract. The County’s Project manager shall notify the Contractor in writing of such action. The Contractor shall accomplish the removal within five (5) business days after written notice by the County’s Project Manager. The County’s Project Manager shall review and approve the appointment of the replacement for the Contractor’s Project Manager. The County is not required to provide any additional information, reason or rationale in the event it The County is not required to provide any additional information, reason or rationale in the event it requires the removal of Contractor’s Project Manager from providing further services under the Contract.

  • Contractor Key Personnel ‌ The Contractor shall assign a Corporate OASIS SB Program Manager (COPM) and Corporate OASIS SB Contract Manager (COCM) as Contractor Key Personnel to represent the Contractor as primary points-of-contact to resolve issues, perform administrative duties, and other functions that may arise relating to OASIS SB and task orders solicited and awarded under OASIS SB. Additional Key Personnel requirements may be designated by the OCO at the task order level. There is no minimum qualification requirements established for Contractor Key Personnel. Additionally, Contractor Key Personnel do not have to be full-time positions; however, the Contractor Key Personnel are expected to be fully proficient in the performance of their duties. The Contractor shall ensure that the OASIS SB CO has current point-of-contact information for both the COPM and COCM. In the event of a change to Contractor Key Personnel, the Contractor shall notify the OASIS SB CO and provide all Point of Contact information for the new Key Personnel within 5 calendar days of the change. All costs associated with Contractor Key Personnel duties shall be handled in accordance with the Contractor’s standard accounting practices; however, no costs for Contractor Key Personnel may be billed to the OASIS Program Office. Failure of Contractor Key Personnel to effectively and efficiently perform their duties will be construed as conduct detrimental to contract performance and may result in activation of Dormant Status and/or Off-Ramping (See Sections H.16. and H.17.).

  • Designated Configuration; Trained Personnel State Street and the Fund shall be responsible for supplying, installing and maintaining the Designated Configuration at the Designated Locations. State Street and the Fund agree that each will engage or retain the services of trained personnel to enable both parties to perform their respective obligations under this Addendum. State Street agrees to use commercially reasonable efforts to maintain the System so that it remains serviceable, provided, however, that State Street does not guarantee or assure uninterrupted remote access use of the System.

  • Project Personnel It is understood and agreed that the Project Director identified at Item 3, Page One of this Agreement shall be responsible for the overall supervision and conduct of the Work on behalf of the Contractor and that the persons described in the Statement of Work shall serve in the capacities described therein. Any change of Project Director by the Contractor shall be subject to the prior written approval of NYSERDA. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, and, in the event that notice of approval or disapproval is not received by the Contractor within thirty (30) days after receipt of request for approval by NYSERDA, the requested change in Project Director shall be considered approved. In the event that NYSERDA requires additional time for considering approval, NYSERDA shall notify the Contractor within thirty (30) days of receipt of the request for approval that additional time is required and shall specify the additional amount of time necessary up to thirty (30) days.