Statement of Charges. The State shall, on or before July 1 of each year, commencing with the year preceding the year in which payment of the respective charge is to commence pursuant to this article, furnish the Agency with a written statement of: (1) the charges to the Agency for the next succeeding year under the capital cost and minimum operation, maintenance, power, and replacement components of the Delta Water Charge and Transportation Charge;
Statement of Charges. A statement of the specific charges against the employee shall be written in ordinary and concise language, shall include the cause and the specific acts and omissions, including times, dates, and location, on which the disciplinary action is based and shall state the penalty proposed.
Statement of Charges. A statement of the specific charges against the employee shall be written in ordinary and concise language and shall include the cause and the specific acts and omissions on which the disciplinary action is based. No charge, however, shall be made for acts or omissions which occurred prior to the employee’s becoming permanent nor more than two (2) years prior to the filing of this statement of charges, unless such facts were concealed or not disclosed by such employee when it could be reasonably assumed that the employee should have disclosed the facts to the District.
Statement of Charges. In major disciplinary matters the statement of charges should be specific and factual and enumerate violations of Section A of this article. All evidence requested by the employee or the Union, and relied upon for disciplinary actions, shall be supplied to the employee or his or her representative. Any evidence discovered after the initial request by the employee or the Union shall be supplied to the employee or the Union. Failure to provide all evidence relied upon for disciplinary action shall result in the exclusion of such evidence from any disciplinary hearing.
Statement of Charges. The employee shall be notified by written notice of the intended disciplinary action, except as set forth below. The written notice shall be served personally or by certified mail. The notice shall include but not be limited to the following:
a. A statement of the specific disciplinary action being proposed, including beginning and ending date(s) if appropriate;
b. A statement of the causes;
c. A statement of the specific acts or omissions upon which the causes are based.
d. A statement of the employee’s right to a pre-disciplinary meeting with an administrator not involved with the investigation of the disciplinary matter. The employee shall be informed with the name and contact information of that administrator. The employee shall have five (5) days to request that meeting and the administrator shall attempt to schedule the meeting within ten (10) days of the request.
e. A copy of all relevant material upon which the disciplinary action is based.
Statement of Charges. A statement of the specific charges against the employee shall be written in ordinary and concise language, shall include the cause and the specific acts and omissions, including times, dates, and location, on which the disciplinary action is based and shall state the penalty proposed. No disciplinary action shall be taken for any cause which arose prior to the employee’s becoming permanent, nor for any cause which arose more than two (2) years preceding the date of the filing of the notice of cause, unless such cause was concealed or not disclosed by such employee when it could be reasonably assumed that the employee should have disclosed the facts to the District. The employee may, upon request, have copies of materials upon which the charges are based.
Statement of Charges. The State shall, on or before July 1 of each year, commencing with the year preceding the year in which payment of the respective charge is to commence pursuant to this article, furnish the Agency with a written statement of: (1) the charges to the Agency for the next succeeding year under the capital cost and minimum operation, maintenance, power, and replacement components of the Delta Water Charge and Transportation Charge; (2) the unit charges to the Agency for the next succeeding year under the variable operation, maintenance, power, and replacement components of said Delta Water Charge and Transportation Charge; and (3) the total charges to the Agency for the preceding year under the variable operation, maintenance, power, and replacement components of said Delta Water Charge and Transportation Charge: Provided, That through December 31, 1969, the Delta Water Charge shall be based upon a unit rate of $3.50 per acre-foot and shall be paid by the contractors on the basis of their respective annual entitlements to project water, as provided in Article 22(b): Provided further, That the first such statement shall be provided by the State as soon after the execution of this contract as is feasible. All such statements shall be accompanied by the latest revised copies of the document amendatory to Article 22 and of Tables B, C, D, E, F and G of this contract, together with such other data and computations used by the State in determining the amounts of the above charges as the State deems appropriate. The State shall, on or before the fifteenth day of each month of each year, commencing with the year of initial water delivery to the Agency, furnish the Agency with a statement of the charges to the Agency for the preceding month under the variable operation, maintenance, power, and replacement components of the Delta Water Charge and Transportation Charge. Such charges shall be determined by the State in accordance with the relevant provisions of Articles 22 and 26 of this contract, upon the basis of metered deliveries of project water to the Agency, except as otherwise provided in those articles.
Statement of Charges. 1. Before taking a disciplinary action, the Fire Chief shall provide the individual a written Statement of Charges that discloses:
A. the proposed disciplinary action;
B. the specific reasons for the proposed disciplinary action, including the dates, times, and places of events and names of others involved, if known, as appropriate;
C. that the individual may respond orally, in writing, or both;
D. to whom to direct any response;
E. the deadline for submitting a response (at least 15 County business days); and
F. that the volunteer may be represented when responding to the statement of charges; and,
G. that the volunteer has a right to request a Pre-Discipline Settlement Conference. A copy of the statement of charges shall be forwarded to the LFRD President or designee. The Fire Chief or designee will employ reasonable means to ensure in-hand delivery of the statement of charges to the volunteer.
2. The Fire Chief must allow the individual at least 15 County business days after receiving the Statement of Charges to respond. The volunteer has the right to request an extension of time on behalf of the volunteer to respond to the Statement of Charges. Such requests shall not be unreasonably denied.
3. If the individual responds to the Statement of Charges, the Fire Chief must consider the response, and decide whether to:
A. proceed with the proposed disciplinary action;
B. not take any disciplinary action;
C. take a different disciplinary action; or
D. remand to the LFRD.
4. If additional information is obtained and developed during this process before a Notice of Disciplinary Action is issued, the Fire Chief may issue a new Statement of Charges if the Fire Chief determines that a more severe disciplinary action other than that stated in the original Statement of Charges is appropriate.
5. In the event the Fire Chief proposes a disciplinary action and after a statement of charges is issued per the procedures listed above, but before the notice of disciplinary action is issued, the parties may voluntarily agree to a Pre-Disciplinary Settlement Conference. The Fire Chief or his/her designee and his/her representative and the individual and his/her representative shall attend such conference. The parties shall discuss the individual’s response to the statement of charges and the possibility of resolution. Settlement discussions are confidential. If the parties agree to a settlement and discipline is included in that settlement, the Notice of Disciplinary Action ...
Statement of Charges. A statement of the specific charges against the worker shall be written in ordinary and concise language of the specific acts and omissions on which the disciplinary action is based and shall include the cause and any rules and regulations, which have been violated. No charge, however, shall be made for a cause which occurred prior to the worker’s becoming permanent nor more than two years from the filing of this statement of charges, unless such cause was concealed or not disclosed by such worker when it could be reasonably assumed that the worker should have disclosed the facts to the District. The statement of charges shall be served in person or by registered or certified mail to the worker. A copy shall be sent to the Union simultaneously; however, inadvertent failure to comply with this requirement shall not constitute reason to affect ultimate disciplinary action, if any. The statement shall also include the disciplinary action being recommended.
Statement of Charges. 1. An employee to be disciplined shall be served with a written “draft” Statement of Charges against him or her. The draft Statement of Charges shall be signed by the Superintendent or his/her designee and shall inform the employee in ordinary and concise language the specific acts and/or omissions and cause upon which the proposed disciplinary action is based. If it is alleged that an employee has violated a rule or regulation of the District, the rule or regulation shall be set forth in said notice. Also included shall be a statement of the facts showing how the violation occurred, the approximate date on which the violation occurred and a statement of the proposed discipline sought to be imposed.
2. The Statement of Charges shall be accompanied by:
a. A Notice to the Respondent employee informing the employee (respondent) that he/she is entitled to a hearing on the charges;
b. A copy of the district’s rules and regulations relating to suspension, demotion, reassignment, and dismissal together with a copy of Education Code 45113 and 45116;
c. A copy of the discipline article from the current collective bargaining agreement between CSEA and the District;
d. A Notice of Defense which when signed by the employee constitutes a demand for an informal investigatory hearing.
3. The Statement of Charges, the Notice to the Respondent, the District’s rules and regulations and the appropriate education code sections, the discipline article from the current collective bargaining agreement, and the Notice of Defense shall be served upon the employee either personally or by certified mail to the employee at his/her last address in the records of the District.
4. The employee shall have ten (10) calendar days from the time the charges are received to return the Notice of Defense to the District to request an informal hearing. Failure to request a hearing with the ten (10) calendar days shall be deemed to be a waiver of the right to a hearing.