Supplier Responsibility Sample Clauses
Supplier Responsibility. If Boeing determines that the Interface Problem is primarily attributable to the design or installation of a Supplier Product, Boeing will assist Customer in processing a warranty claim against the Supplier.
Supplier Responsibility. Supplier shall be responsible for the provision of the Services in accordance with this Agreement even if, by written agreement of the Parties, such Services are actually performed or dependent upon services performed by (i) Subcontractors, (ii) subject to Section 10.2, non-Supplier Personnel, including Kraft employees, or (iii) subject to Section 6.6, Managed Third Parties.
Supplier Responsibility. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, the use of any subcontractor by Supplier shall not relieve Supplier of any of its obligations under this Agreement or the applicable SOW, and Supplier shall be, and at all times remain, liable for any breach of this Agreement and the applicable SOW with respect to the work performed by any subcontractor.
Supplier Responsibility a) The supplier will immediately report to Sensor Systems, Inc. when the supplier has found any product/material or any services that have been discovered and released from or provided by the supplier and subsequently found not to conform specified requirements. In addition to the notification, the supplier shall take prompt corrective action to determine and correct the cause of escape and prevent reoccurrence.
b) Unless otherwise specified by purchase order, the Supplier must furnish and certify goods and/or services to the latest revision of applicable standards and specifications.
Supplier Responsibility. The Supplier is obliged to comply with the statutory and regulatory requirements that affect its business processes.The continuous improvement of its processes, as well as adherence to deliv- ery and quantity compliance are part of the Supplier's quality policy. Subcontracting to third parties is not permitted without explicit prior approval of the Buyer. In the event of placing an order after approval by the Buyer, the Supplier shall also oblige its sub- contractors to comply with the contents of this Quality Assurance Agreement.
Supplier Responsibility. It is the Supplier’s Responsibility to provide parts / processes that conform to all specifications and reliability requirements and to accept liability for all escapes caused by their quality discrepancies.
Supplier Responsibility. 1.1 Supplier confirms that it has read the Company Supply Chain Code of Conduct, agrees with its statement of requirements and commits to comply with them.
1.2 Supplier will complete the Company Supplier/Subcontractor Self-Assessment questionnaire available at [URL for supplier/subcontractor access to SAQ]
1.3 Supplier will be responsible for identifying any areas of its operations that do not conform to the Company’s Supply Chain Code of Conduct and for implementing and monitoring improvement programs designed to achieve conformance with the Company Supply Chain Code of Conduct.
1.4 Upon request by the Company, Supplier will submit a report to the Company describing actions taken and progress made by Supplier to meet the requirements of the Company Supply Chain Code of Conduct.
1.5 Supplier will provide the Company, or its nominated representative, on reasonable notice, access to Supplier's production facilities, work sites and relevant records insofar as they relate to contracts and purchase agreements with the Company, in order to verify information provided in Supplier’s report. Seafood | Tool 02 PROTECTIONS AGAINST TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS
Supplier Responsibility. Supplier shall provide services of first quality, and all work and workmanship associated with the Services must be in accordance with customary standards of the various trades and industries involved in the Services. The Services and all work associated therewith shall be high‐quality in all respects. No advantage will be taken by Supplier in the omission of any part or detail of the Services. Supplier hereby assumes responsibility for all materials, equipment, and processes used in the Services, whether the same is manufactured by Supplier or purchased readymade from a source outside Supplier’s company.
Supplier Responsibility. Unless otherwise agreed and to the extent Supplier has operational responsibility under this Agreement, Supplier shall maintain the Equipment and Software so that they operate substantially in accordance with the Service Levels and their Specifications, including (i) maintaining Equipment in good operating condition, subject to normal wear and tear, (ii) undertaking repairs and preventive maintenance on Equipment in accordance with the applicable Equipment manufacturer’s recommendations and requirements, and (iii) performing Software maintenance in accordance with the applicable Software supplier’s documentation, recommendations and requirements.
Supplier Responsibility. Unless otherwise approved by Kraft, the terms of any subcontract (but not including contracts for Supplier Overhead Materials) must be consistent (where “consistent” means either that such subcontract contains these requirements or such subcontract enables Supplier to direct the subcontractor as necessary to comply with such listed items set forth in clauses (i) through (vii)) with this Agreement, including: (i) confidentiality and intellectual property obligations; (ii) Kraft’s approval rights (which must apply directly to the Subcontractor); (iii) compliance with Kraft Standards, Strategic Plans and applicable Laws; (iv) compliance with Kraft’s policies and directions; (v) audit rights as described in Section 9.10; (vi) Key Supplier Personnel; and (vii) insurance coverage, as described in Section 16.1.1, with coverage limits consistent with the scope of the work to be performed by such Subcontractors. Supplier shall use a common methodology and tool set to ensure all of the Subcontractors are managed effectively and efficiently. Kraft acknowledges and approves Supplier’s use of Kraft assigned contracts notwithstanding that such contracts do not comply with all of the requirements of this Agreement as of the Effective Date. Notwithstanding the terms of the applicable subcontract, the approval of such Subcontractor by Kraft or the availability or unavailability of Subcontractor insurance, Supplier shall be and remain responsible and liable. Supplier shall be responsible for any failure by any Subcontractor or Subcontractor personnel to perform in accordance with this Agreement or to comply with any duties or obligations imposed on Supplier under this Agreement to the same extent as if such failure to perform or comply was committed by Supplier or Supplier employees. Supplier shall be responsible for the performance of all such Subcontractors and Subcontractor personnel providing any of the Services hereunder. Supplier shall be Kraft’s sole point of contact regarding the Services, including with respect to payment.