Tenant Selection. Unless designed primarily for occupancy by elderly persons, Owners shall not in selecting tenants discriminate against any person or persons by reason of the fact that there are children in the family.
Tenant Selection. The owner shall determine the eligibility of applicants for lower income units in accordance with the requirements of 24 CFR parts 812 and 813, including the provisions of these parts concerning citizenship or eligible immigration status and income limits, and certain assistance to mixed families (families whose members in- clude those with eligible immigration status, and those without eligible im- migration status.). The owner shall not, during the 20-year period from the date on which the units in the project are available for occupancy, discrimi- nate against prospective tenants on the basis of their receipt of, or eligibility for, housing assistance under any Fed- eral, State, or local housing assistance program or, except for an elderly hous- ing project, on the basis that they have a minor child or children who will be living with them.
Tenant Selection. The Parties agree that the awarded number of project-based vouchers from the awarding/issuing PHA is directly connected to a number of units within the project. To that end, the awarded project-based vouchers must remain available to the issuing PHA for use upon tenant turnover.
Tenant Selection. All tenant selection shall be in accordance with the rules, regulations, orders and directives of DHCR, including but not limited to:
1. Agent shall submit to DHCR the application for rental, with support documentation, prior to committing apartment to applicant.
2. Lease and move-in to occur only after receipt of applicant approval by DHCR.
3. Agent shall document its efforts to rent specifically modified apartments to appropriate applicants.
Tenant Selection. Great care will be taken in selecting suitable tenant and financial guarantors may be obtained where deemed necessary. Credit checks will be carried out on all UK tenants and guarantors (where possible to do so). However, we are unable to guarantee the suitability of tenants, timely rent payments or vacant possession at the end of the tenancy. We cannot be held liable by the Landlord for such events.
Tenant Selection. A. Income Eligibility/Verification HOME funds can only be used to assist low-income families with incomes at or below 80% of area median income as determined by HUD. In addition, for each fiscal year's HOME allocation, 90% of the families assisted with HOME funds for TBRA and other rental activities must have incomes which are at or below 60% of area median income (see 24 CFR 92.216). The PJ must determine the income and eligibility of all proposed beneficiaries before the TBRA contract is signed. The HOME final rule, which was published on September 16, 1996, amended the income definition to permit PJs to choose from among three definitions of income (the Section 8 definition, the U.S. Census long form definition, and the IRS definition of adjusted gross income). A PJ that chooses the Section 8 definition of income for its TBRA program should follow the procedures outlined in the Technical Guide for Determining Income and Allowances for the HOME Program, which HUD issued in May, 1994. In addition, PJs should note that a rule published on April 5, 1996 added nine exclusions to the definition of income applicable to HOME TBRA programs. That definition was subsequently moved to 24 CFR 5.609 by a regulation published on October 18, 1996. (See the Appendix to this notice for a list of the nine additional exclusions). PJs opting for the IRS or Census definitions must adhere to the instructions developed by those agencies for calculating income. In accordance with the Section 8 program rule at 24 CFR 982.352(c)(6), Section 8 rental assistance voucher and certificate holders cannot also receive TBRA under the HOME Program because the two programs would provide duplicative subsidies. HOME TBRA recipients who are offered a Section 8 voucher or certificate must relinquish HOME assistance, if they wish to accept the Section 8 assistance. Similarly, a family currently receiving Section 8 rental assistance may not accept HOME TBRA without relinquishing the Section 8 assistance. However, a Section 8 rental assistance recipient @a receive HOME-funded security deposit and utility deposit assistance. Similarly, a family cannot receive HOME TBRA if they are receiving rental assistance under another Federal program (e.g., Section 521 of the Housing Act of 1949 provided through the Rural Housing Service) or a State or local rental assistance program, if the HOME subsidy would result in duplicative subsidies to the family. [NOTE: Some State and local rental assistance programs...
Tenant Selection. An owner of rent- al housing assisted with HTF funds must comply with the affirmative mar- keting requirements established by the grantee pursuant to § 93.350. The owner must adopt and follow written tenant selection policies and criteria that:
(1) Limit the housing to income-eligi- ble families;
(2) Are reasonably related to the ap- plicants’ ability to perform the obliga- tions of the lease (i.e., to pay the rent, not to damage the housing; not to interfere with the rights and quiet en- joyment of other tenants);
(3) Limit eligibility or give a pref- erence to a particular segment of the population if permitted in its written agreement with the grantee (and only if the limitation or preference is de- scribed in the grantee’s consolidated plan).
(i) Any limitation or preference must not violate nondiscrimination require- ments in § 93.350. A limitation or pref- erence does not violate nondiscrimina- tion requirements if the housing also receives funding from a Federal pro- gram that limits eligibility to a par- ticular segment of the population (e.g., the Housing Opportunity for Persons With AIDS program under 24 CFR part 574), and the limit or preference is tai- lored to serve that segment of the pop- ulation.
(ii) If a project does not receive fund- ing from a Federal program that limits eligibility to a particular segment of the population, the project may have a limitation or preference for persons with disabilities who need services of- fered at a project only if:
(A) The limitation or preference is limited to the population of families (including individuals) with disabilities that significantly interfere with their ability to obtain and maintain housing;
(B) Such families will not be able to obtain or maintain themselves in hous- ing without appropriate supportive services; and
(C) Such services cannot be provided in a nonsegregated setting. The fami- lies must not be required to accept the services offered at the project. In ad- vertising the project, the owner may advertise the project as offering serv- ices for a particular type of disability; however, the project must be open to
Tenant Selection. Borrower shall adopt written tenant selection policies and criteria for at least the Affordable Units that meet the following requirements:
(1) Are consistent with the purpose of providing housing for Very Low Income families;
(2) Are reasonably related to program eligibility and the applicants’ ability to perform the obligations of the lease;
(3) For the HOME Assisted Units, give reasonable consideration to the housing needs of families that would have a preference under section 6(c)(4)(A) of the 1937 Act (see §92.209(c)(2));
(4) Provide for the selection of tenants from a written waiting list in the chronological order of their application, insofar as is practicable; and
(5) Give prompt written notification to any rejected applicant of the grounds for any rejection.
Tenant Selection. For homeless individuals, referrals to Assisted Units shall be made through the local Coordinated Entry System (“CES”), unless an alternative system for Interim Housing Projects is approved by the Department in writing. For individuals at risk of homelessness, referrals to Assisted Units shall be made through the local CES or a comparable prioritization system based on greatest need. All referral protocols for Assisted Units shall be developed in collaboration with the local Continuum of Care and implemented consistent with the Program Requirements.
Tenant Selection. For projects located outside of Indian Country, referrals to Assisted Units shall be made through the local Coordinated Entry System (“CES”), or another comparable prioritization system based on greatest need shall be used. All referral protocols for Assisted Units shall be developed in collaboration with the local Continuum of Care and implemented consistent with the Program Requirements. [For Projects located within Indian Country, Grantee may implement a Tribal preference for tenant selection, in accordance with the Tribe’s duly adopted TAOS, as applicable.