Terms and Abbreviations. 1.1.1. Wherever used in this General Agreement on the Provision of Banking Services to Private Clients of JOINT STOCK COMPANY “PROCREDIT BANK” (hereinafter referred to as the “General Agreement”), the following terms and abbreviations shall have the meanings set forth below: Acceptance shall mean actions of the Client evidencing his or her acceptance of the Bank’s public offer and willingness to enter into the General Agreement, including filing an application acceding/confirming acceding to the General Agreement at one of the Bank's branches listed on the Bank’s website: xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx. The Clients that had legal relations with the Bank governed by the General Terms and Conditions before the date of this public offer (the official publication of this General Agreement), namely: before 7 October 2013, shall continue to be served by the Bank after 7 October 2013 under this General Agreement without entering into supplementary agreements to the relevant contracts being the basis for such legal relations. In case the Client carries out transactions after 7 October 2013 under agreements entered into with the Bank before 7 October 2013, it shall mean that the Client accepts the terms and conditions of the General Agreement, accedes thereto and provide the unconditional consent to its terms and conditions to the Bank. In order to provide the services to the Clients that had legal relations with the Bank before 7 October 2013 under the General Agreement, all agreements concluded before that date shall be deemed Supplementary Agreements hereto. If an agreement concluded by and between the Bank and the Client before 7 October 2013 sets forth other terms and conditions governing certain business relations of the Parties subject as well to the terms and conditions of this General Agreement, the terms and conditions of the General Agreement shall prevail. orders and instructions of the legislative bodies governing legal relationships in Ukraine.
Terms and Abbreviations. Term / Abbreviation Meaning DCC DRIVER Control Centre An administrative application, providing utilities needed by RO administrators to support POs at performing their operations according to the assigned SLA. DRP DRIVER Release Plan A structured description of the resources and actions required to satisfy the objectives described in a PO DTD request. DSA DRIVER Service Activities The organization and the operation of the activities to be performed by RO and PO administrators in order to maintain an active DSI. DSI DRIVER Service Infrastructure The running environment of the DRIVER Infrastructure. DSAWiki A website which gathers all relevant information related to the management of the DSI; e.g. users involved, policies established, resources allocated. It contains also the details of the procedures needed to operate the DSI according to a defined QoS. DTD DRIVER Target Description A structured application form to ease POs at describing their needs and identify the proper solution in the DRIVER Infrastructure. As a result of the DTD, a POs is assigned a DRP or a DUP and a relative SLA. DUP DRIVER Usage Profile A structured description of a DRIVER resource typology, intended to describe its purposes and uses. Resources, to belong to a certain resource typology, must match the DUP prescriptions. PO Participating Organization An organization willing to act as DSI resource provider and/or consumer to satisfy the application needs of the PO end-users. QoS Quality of Service A general, structured description of the level of service that can be offered by the DRIVER Infrastructure, based on a number of quality parameters. RO Responsible Organization The organization in charge of the administration of the DSI running environment, that is supporting POs at their activities and continuously monitoring the DSI so as validate the POs’ SLA. SLA Service Level Agreement A statement of the specific level of QoS to be supplied by a PO willing to join the DRIVER Infrastructure. In the same statement, the RO must guarantee an optimal DSI QoS for the core services, i.e. Enabling Services, so as to ensure operation of all PO applications. 2 The DRIVER Service Infrastructure Organization This section gives an overall description of the architecture of the DSI, of the resources managed by the DSI, of the actions implemented to support the operation of the DSI according to a defined QoS, and of the roles and responsibilities assigned to the different actors in charge of the ex...
Terms and Abbreviations. 1.1. For the purposes of the Contract, except as set forth above in the Preamble to the Contract, capitalized terms/abbreviations shall be used with the following meaning:
1.1.1. Client Application is an application for the issue and receipt of Marking Codes generated by the Client using data formats posted on an Internet resource and sent to the Operator via the OMS.
Terms and Abbreviations. 1.1. For the purposes of the Contract, except as set forth above in the Preamble to the Contract, capitalized terms/abbreviations shall be used with the following meaning:
Terms and Abbreviations. Bit Stuffing Insertion of a “0” bit into a data stream to cause an electrical transition on the data wires allowing a PLL to remain locked. Buffer Storage used to compensate for a difference in data rates or time of occurrence of events, when transmitting data from one device to another. Command A request made to a Universal Serial Bus (USB) device. Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) A check performed on data to see if an error has occurred in transmitting, reading, or writing the data. The result of a CRC is typically stored or transmitted with the checked data. The stored or transmitted result is compared to a CRC calculated for the data to determine if an error has occurred. Device A logical or physical entity that performs one or more functions. The actual entity described depends on the context of the reference. At the lowest level, device may refer to a single hardware component, as in a memory device. At a higher level, it may refer to a collection of hardware components that perform a particular function, such as a Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface device. At an even higher level, device may refer to the function performed by an entity attached to the USB; for example, a data/FAX modem device. Devices may be physical, electrical, addressable, and logical. When used as a nonspecific reference, a USB device is either a hub or a function. Device Address The address of a device on Universal Serial Bus (USB). The Device Address is the Default Address when the USB device is first powered or reset. Hubs and functions are assigned a unique Device Address by USB configuration software. Driver When referring to hardware, an I/O pad that drives an external load. When referring to software, a program responsible for interfacing to a hardware device; that is, a device driver. ED See Endpoint Descriptor. Endpoint Address The combination of a Device Address and an Endpoint Number on a Universal Serial Bus device. Endpoint Descriptor (ED) A memory structure which describes information necessary for the Host Controller to communicate (via Transfer Descriptors) with a device Endpoint. An Endpoint Descriptor includes a Transfer Descriptor pointer. Endpoint Number A unique pipe endpoint on a Universal Serial Bus device. EOF See End of Frame. Frame A frame begins with a Start of Frame (SOF) token and is 1.0 ms ? 0.25% in length. Function A Universal Serial Bus device that provides a capability to the host. For example, an ISDN connection, a digital microphone, or speaker...
Terms and Abbreviations. A. Terms and abbreviations used in this Agreement are defined in Document 007253 (General Conditions) and Section 014200 (References and Definitions) and will have the meaning indicated therein.
Terms and Abbreviations. 1. The revolving loan (revolver) – a loan offers with the condition of restoring the rate when the loan amount is reduced in connection with the repayment of the loan by the Borrower according to the loan repayment schedule.
Terms and Abbreviations. This Users Guide should be written in non- ----------------------- technical language for use by non-ADP personnel. An appendix to the Users Guide should define the technical terms, abbreviations, and acronyms used. However, data element names and data codes should not be included in the list of terms and abbreviations. Instead, include them in Section 2.f. (see below).
Terms and Abbreviations. APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning and Control Plan
Terms and Abbreviations. The System Maintenance Manual may be ----------------------- written in standard ADP technical language. List and define terms unique to the system, as well as more general ADP terms that may be subject to interpretation. Include abbreviations and acronyms in an appendix and reference it in the text. Do not include data element names and data codes in this list; instead include them in Section 3.b, data descriptions.