TIME AND PERIOD OF SERVICE. 5.1 The term of this Agreement shall commence upon its approval by the San Antonio City Council and upon the execution by both parties and shall remain in force for the period of one (1) year, herein referred to as the “Initial Term”. 5.2 As the enabling Ordinance provides, City shall retain an option to extend this Agreement for three (3) additional one-year periods, hereafter referred to as the “Extension Period(s)”. The Director shall have the authority to exercise such options at his/her discretion. 5.3 Time is of the essence of this Agreement. Consultant shall perform and complete its obligations for the various Tasks of services under Article IV Scope of Services herein in a prompt and continuous manner so as to not delay the construction of the work for a Project in accordance with the schedules approved by City and Construction Contractor. If, upon review of a Task Order, corrections, modifications, alterations and/or additions are required of Consultant for providing its services, those items shall be completed by Consultant before that Task Order is approved. 5.4 Consultant shall not proceed with the next appropriate Task Order without a written authorization from City. City may elect to discontinue Consultant's services at the end of any Task Order for any reason or for no reason. However, if circumstance dictates, City retains the right to make adjustments to the scope of Consultant's Task Order obligations at any time to achieve the required services. 5.5 Consultant shall not be liable or responsible for any delays due to strikes, riots, acts of God, national emergency, acts of the public enemy, governmental restrictions, laws or regulations or any other causes beyond Consultant's reasonable control. Within twenty one (21) days from the occurrence of any such event, for which time for performance by Consultant shall significantly be extended under this Section 5.5, Consultant shall give written notice thereof to City stating the reason for such time extension and the actual or estimated time for completion thereof. If City determines that Consultant is responsible for Consultant’s need for an extension of time, City shall have the right to make a Claim as provided in this Agreement. 5.6 This Agreement with Consultant shall remain in force for a period of time City determines reasonably may be required for the design, award of the contract and the completion of a Project, including any extra work and any required extensions thereto, unless this...
TIME AND PERIOD OF SERVICE. 5.1 The term of this Agreement shall commence upon its approval by the San Antonio City Council and its execution by both parties. 5.2 Time is of the essence for this Agreement. Consultant shall perform and complete its obligations for the services under Article IV herein in a prompt and continuous manner, so as to not delay the development of services and so as to not delay the construction of the work for the Project, in accordance with the schedules approved by City. City will perform its obligations of review and approval in a prompt and continuous manner so as to not delay the project. 5.3 Consultant shall not be liable or responsible for any delays due to strikes, riots, acts of God, national emergency, acts of the public enemy, governmental restrictions, laws or regulations, or any other causes beyond Consultant's reasonable control. Within twenty one (21) days from the occurrence of any event, for which time for performance by Consultant shall be significantly extended under this provision, Consultant shall give written notice thereof to City stating the reason for such extension and the actual or estimated time thereof. If City determines that Consultant is responsible for the need for extended time, City shall have the right to make a Claim as provided in this Agreement. 5.4 This Agreement shall remain in force for a period which may reasonably be required for the design, award of the contract and the completion of the Project, including any extra work and any required extensions thereto, unless terminated, as provided for elsewhere in this Agreement.
TIME AND PERIOD OF SERVICE. 8.1 Prior to commencement of any Services, Consultant shall provide City with: (1) Service Fees and Reimbursables, listed in Consultant’s Scope and Budget on Exhibit A hereto, which shall list labor categories and associated fully-loaded hourly rates and reimbursable cost and expenses required for completion of the Services; and (2) a Schedule of Project Services, listed in Exhibit B hereto, which shall detail the various service phases, as described in Article III and Article IV herein, with the expected time frame for delivery and shall delineate all services to be performed during each phase, the total estimated time and labor by Consultant and all Subcontractors required for the completion of each phase and the Additional Services and Reimbursables, if any, for each phase. 8.2 Time is of the essence for this Agreement. Consultant shall perform and complete its obligations for the Services as stated in Article III "Scope of Basic Service" and Article IV “Additional Services” of this Agreement in a prompt and continuous manner, so as to not delay the development of the design and Construction Documents and so as to not delay the Construction of the Project in accordance with the schedules approved by City. If, upon review of any phase of Services, City determines corrections, modifications, alterations or additions are required by Consultant, Consultant shall complete these corrections, modifications, alterations or additions before that Phase of Services is approved by City.
TIME AND PERIOD OF SERVICE. 4.1 This Agreement shall be effective upon the signature of the City Manager or designee (Effective Date). 4.2 This service shall be for a period of nine months beginning on the Effective Date. The Agreement may be renewed for up to one (1) one-year renewal options upon mutual agreement of the parties to be evidenced in writing prior to the expiration date of the prior term. Any renewals shall be at the same terms and conditions, plus any approved changes. 4.3 The Consultant agrees to begin work on those authorized Services for this contract upon receipt of the Notice to Proceed from the Director of Engineering Services. Work will not begin on any phase or any Additional Services until requested in writing by the Consultant and written authorization is provided by the Director of Engineering Services. 4.4 Time is of the essence for this Agreement. Consultant shall perform and complete its obligations under this Agreement in a prompt and continuous manner so as to not delay the Work for the Project, in accordance with the schedules approved by City. The Consultant and City are aware that many factors may affect the Consultant’s ability to complete the services to be provided under this agreement. The Consultant must notify the City within three business days of becoming aware of a factor that may affect the Consultant’s ability to complete the services hereunder. 4.5 City shall perform its obligations of review and approval in a prompt and continuous manner so as to not delay the project. 4.6 This Agreement shall remain in force for a period which may reasonably be required for completion of the Project, including any extra work and any required extensions thereto, unless terminated as provided for in this Agreement.


  • PERIOD OF SERVICE The Grant Services will commence on the Start Date and shall expire on the End Date as set forth in the SUMMARY PAGE.