Title IX Coordinators. A. By January 15,2015, the Law School willtal(e specific steps as necessary to ensure continued coordination with any/all Title IX Coordinators and appropriate student services within the Law School and the University, including the Harvard University Police Department (HUPD).
B. The Law School's Titlc IX Coordinator will annually review all formal and informal complaints of discrimination on the basis of sex (including sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual violence), as well as the information collected pursuant to Section VI, below, in order to identify any pallerns or systemic problems, and will recommend appropriate action to address any patterns or problems identified.
C. Effective immcdiately, the Law School's Title IX Coordinator will be rcsponsible for the following, including ensuring coordination of these tasks if delegated to Title IX deputy coordinators or designees:
1. Continuing to provide information to students and employces regarding their Title IX rights and responsibilities, including information about the resources available on and off campus, the Law School's formal and informal complaint processes, the availability of interim steps, and the ability to file a complaint with the Law School and local law enforcement. The Coordinator, or a designee, shall coordinate the Law School's response to these individuals' concerns and shall follow up with these individuals to solicit feedback on the efficacy of the entire process;
2. Overseeing the implementation of appropriate interim steps to provide for the safety of the complainant and the campus eOlmnunity during an investigation, regardless of whether a formal or inforn1al complaint has been filed with the Law School. The Title IX Coordinator, or a designee, shall coordinate the Law School's response to these individuals' cases with the appropriate offices on campus, including the University Title IX Office. The Title IX Coordinator, or a designee, shall follow-up with these individuals and the offices involved to solicit feedback on the cfficacy of the interim steps;
3. In collaboration with the University Title IX Office, communicating with HUPD regarding the Law School's obligations under Title IX and serving as a resource on Title IX issues. The Title IX Coordinator will be given access to HUI'D records regarding Title IX investigations, so long as it docs not compromise the criminal investigation or is otherwise prohibited by or inconsistent with law; provided, however, that any...
Title IX Coordinators. Title IX Coordinators are available to consult with members of the community about their concerns and questions related to sex- or gender-based Discrimination or sexual misconduct. Coordinators can review options, identify supportive measures, and connect individuals with other campus resources, such as
Title IX Coordinators. By September 15, 2016, the College will develop and provide to OCR for review and approval a job description for the Title IX Coordinator(s) that ensures that the Title IX Coordinator’s role and responsibilities are consistent with Title IX. The job description will include, at a minimum, that:
Title IX Coordinators. By November 30, 2018, the District will ensure that the District Title IX Coordinator is adequately and effectively trained to fulfill the Title IX responsibilities, including all responsibilities specified in this Agreement. If the District chooses to appoint a Deputy Title IX Coordinator, the District will clearly designate which individual has ultimate oversight responsibility. Specifically, the District will ensure that the Title IX Coordinator and, if appointed, the Deputy Title IX Coordinator:
Title IX Coordinators. Monitoring Program By August 31, 2018, the Title IX coordinators will develop a monitoring program to assess the effectiveness of the District’s overall Title IX anti-harassment efforts at XXXXXX XXXXX High School (the School). At a minimum, the Title IX coordinators or a qualified designee will annually: review all reports, incidents and complaints, whether formal or informal, involving discrimination on the basis of sex (including sexual harassment and sexual assault ) received regarding the School; obtain input from a broadly representative sample of School students and employees regarding any ongoing hostile climate based on sex at the School; compile, evaluate, and analyze data collected, including a disaggregated assessment of whether the reported incidents of harassment have increased or decreased in number and severity and whether there are any particular locations, or programs at the School where a sexually hostile climate might exist; and propose recommendations for improvement of the District’s anti-harassment efforts and timelines for implementation of the recommendations. Reporting Requirements:
Title IX Coordinators. The District will designate a Title IX Coordinator(s) to coordinate its efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under Title IX, including the resolution of complaints alleging sexual harassment by and against students and employees.
Title IX Coordinators. The District will identify its Title IX Coordinator and ensure that the Title IX Coordinator has received the required training and can fulfill his or her responsibilities specified in this Agreement. The Title IX Coordinator will have sufficient autonomy and authority to effectively execute the responsibilities of the Title IX Coordinator as set forth in this Agreement and as generally identified in the District’s current Policy AC “Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation” (Policy AC). Specifically, the Title IX Coordinator will:
Title IX Coordinators a. The District will ensure the Title IX Coordinator(s)’s name or title, office address, electronic mail address, and telephone number is publicized to applicants for employment, students, parents or legal guardians of students, employees, and all unions or professional organizations holding collective bargaining or similar professional agreements with the District.
b. If the Title IX Coordinator position becomes vacant, within fourteen (14) days of the vacancy the District will designate a new Title IX Coordinator and update its notices regarding the name, title and contact information for the coordinator. During said fourteen