TRAINING/EXPERIENCE a) Each person employed by the Contractor under this Agreement shall meet the following minimum requirements, and be able to provide evidence that employees meet the requirements upon request:
1. RT-130 Annual Fireline Refresher including fire shelter, as required.
2. Personnel shall be trained in accordance with agreement requirements.
3. Incident qualification card, as required.
4. Commercial Driver’s License, as required.
5. All operators shall be able to operate the equipment safely up to the manufacturer’s limitations.
b) DNR/Agency reserves the right to verify training at any time for all operators.
TRAINING/EXPERIENCE. TTUHSC will provide a training experience that, when satisfactorily completed, meets the standards as set forth in the "Program Requirements" approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. Resident/Fellow agrees to provide uninterrupted service to TTUHSC to the best of his/her ability. The ultimate goal of GME training at TTUHSC is to graduate competent physicians, eligible for licensure in the State of Texas and qualified to sit for specialty specific ABMS examinations.
TRAINING/EXPERIENCE. (a) Each person under this Agreement shall meet the following minimum requirements:
TRAINING/EXPERIENCE a) Each person employed by the Contractor under this Agreement shall meet the following minimum requirements, and be able to provide evidence that employees meet the requirements upon request:
1. Personnel shall be trained in accordance with agreement requirements.
2. Commercial Driver’s License, as required.
3. All operators shall be able to operate the equipment safely up to the manufacturer’s limitations.
b) DNR/Agency reserves the right to verify training at any time for all operators.
TRAINING/EXPERIENCE. TTUHSCEP PLFSOM agrees to provide a training experience that meets the standards set forth in the “Common Program Requirements” and specific “Program Requirements” as approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) xxxx:// or any other accrediting body as applicable to the particular training program. The policy on supervision of the Resident/Fellow by faculty is provided in GME Policy and Procedure “Resident/Fellow Supervision” at xxxx:// The policy on evaluations of Resident/Fellow performance is provided in GME Policy and Procedure “Evaluation of Trainee Performance” at xxxx://
TRAINING/EXPERIENCE. (a) Each person employed by the Contractor under this Agreement shall meet the following minimum requirements:
(1) RT-130 Annual Fireline Refresher including fire shelter.
(2) Commercial Driver's License (CDL) with passenger endorsement and medical card valid for the state in which the operator resides.
(3) All operators shall be able to operate the equipment safely up to the manufacturer's limitations.
(b) The government reserves the right to verify training at any time for all operators. .
TRAINING/EXPERIENCE. In accordance with the terms of this Agreement, and as SHC deems reasonably appropriate, SHC shall accept Program students who are specified by SCHOOL for participation in a clinical training experience at the Hospital (“Training Experience”). The Parties agree to abide by applicable federal and Minnesota laws prohibiting discrimination in the selection, placement or evaluation of any student.
TRAINING/EXPERIENCE. TTUHSC El Paso PLFSOM agrees to provide a training experience that meets the standards set forth in the Common Program Requirements and specific Program Requirements as approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) xxxx:// or any other accrediting body as applicable to the particular training program. The policy on supervision of the Resident/Fellow by faculty is provided in GME Policy and Procedure Resident/Fellow Supervision at xxxx:// The policy on evaluations of Resident/Fellow performance is provided in GME Policy and Procedure Evaluation of Trainee Performance at xxxx://
TRAINING/EXPERIENCE a) Each person employed by the Contractor under this Agreement shall meet the following minimum requirements, and be able to provide evidence that employees meet the requirements upon request:
1. RT-130 Annual Fireline Refresher including fire shelter, as required.
2. Personnel shall be trained in accordance with agreement requirements.
3. Incident qualification card, as required.
TRAINING/EXPERIENCE. Application of Event-B to the mini-pilots and the pilots from SAP showed that Event-B can be used in verifying certain consistency of message choreog- raphy models. In particular, plug-ins such as UML-B and ProB have inspired the integration of Rodin Platform with the diagrammatic front-end for Mes- sage Choreography Models (MCMs). The result has been reported in our early deliverable [DEP10b]. This report focuses on the technology transfer on three different lines of on-going work at SAP: verifying Business Pro- cess Modeling Notation (BPMN) models (Section 6.2.1), model-based testing (Section 6.2.2), and checking consistency between message choreography and their implementation models (Section 6.2.3).
6.2.1 BPMN aspect of technology transfer. The Exemplary Case Studies Two separate lines of case study activities were conducted at SAP and at Newcastle University. At SAP, the main purpose was to identify the set of most used BPMN features could be modeled and verified using Event-B. At Newcastle University, a further investigation was made to see how their previous work on a timed error recovery pattern [BFRR10] can be applied to BPMN analysis. At SAP, a number of BPMN models were constructed to represent use cases in different areas of business process management, such as purchasing, factory management, banking services, etc. These models were translated into Event-B using various strategies in order to find out which translation approaches might lead to better model structures in Event-B and easier veri- fication that requires less human intervention. These experiments resulted in a mechanic translation procedure that produces Event-B models with good readability and provability. The design of the translation was independently carried out at SAP, with improvements thanks to some useful feedbacks being obtained through 2-day discussions with ETH partners. At Newcastle University, the Event-B pattern of timed error recovery was applied to a model of credit request processing. The original model was published in [PQZ08] and slightly modified to fit the goal of pattern application. The preliminary result of this case study was already described in [BFRR10]. During the development of the case studies, both theorem proving and model checking techniques are applied. On the one hand, ETH provided some useful proving strategies for interactively discharging proof obligations using the Rodin Platform. On the other hand, the ProB model checker was used to find c...