Training Methods. Training methods may include, but are not limited to, computer assisted instruction, classroom presentation, supervised on-the-job training, and video tape presentations.
Training Methods. We train the dogs utilizing the four quadrants of operant conditioning and classical conditioning. In the beginning phases we utilized almost exclusively Positive Reinforcement (Adding a pleasant stimulus) and Negative
Training Methods. The method of gradient descent. The method of error backpropagation. Modifications of the method of gradient descent. Methods of the second order, Xxxxxxxxx-Xxxxxxxxx method, method of conjugate gradients. Training of dynamic neural networks. Methods of random search. Genetic methods of optimization.
Training Methods. Biomet may provide the training required under this CIA through videotape, DVD, appropriate computer-based training approaches, or other comparable methods not involving in-person training. If Biomet chooses to provide training pursuant to any such method, it shall also make available at reasonable times appropriately qualified and knowledgeable staff or trainers to answer questions or provide additional information to the individuals receiving such training. If Biomet chooses to provide the training required under the CIA through appropriate computer-based approaches, all applicable references to “hours” in this Section III.C. shall be “normative hours,” meaning the number of hours usually required to complete the requirements of a training course through computer-based modules. (Normative hours may vary from the actual hours of training).
Training Methods. PharMerica or Newco may provide the training required under this CIA through videotape, DVD, appropriate computer-based training approaches, or other comparable methods not involving in-person training. If Newco or PharMerica chooses to provide training pursuant to any such method, it shall make available at reasonable times appropriately qualified and knowledgeable staff or trainers to answer questions or provide additional information to the individuals receiving such training.
Training Methods. The Simulation learning method will be applied. A simulation is a form of experiential learning. Simulations are instructional scenarios where the learner is placed in a "world" defined by the teacher. They represent a reality within which students interact. The teacher controls the parameters of this "world" and uses it to achieve the desired instructional results. Simulations are in way, a lab experiment where the students themselves are the test subjects. They experience the reality of the scenario and gather meaning from it. (xxxxx:// After completing the Distance Learning Course, the educator is present to coordinate the simulation training, with the purpose to train in vivo trainees based on real scenarios for establishing and running a recycling and reuse social enterprise. The scenarios will be on- line (via e-platform), giving instructions to educators. Table 6. Training methods used Brainstorming Can get all participants involved in collecting a lot of information Good for problem-solving; Quickly generate ideas. quick change of pace; filler; allows all to participate; validates ideas of group. The problem/issue must be clearly defined. Time control is more difficult. Need clear trigger questions and evaluation/discussion afterwards; Somewhat over- used method; requires careful facilitation. For idea generation and creative group thinking; all participants present many ideas as rapidly as possible on a problem or issue. Then group organizes list into categories for further discussion. Do not evaluate, criticize, omit, or discuss contributions until all are written; Record in contributor’s own words; use another person to record if possible. Table 7. Useful indicators for applying the training methods during training course
Training Methods. Based on the extensive experience acquired by the MEDSPRING partners involved in WP7, the following training methods will be adopted: ● Short Training Courses: these will include: ○ Instructor-led training: traditional face-to-face teaching sessions ○ Small group activities, where the participants will have the opportunity to put in practice, albeit in the form of a simulation, the notions learned during the face-to- face training sessions. ● Online Learning: these will allow a free replication of the courses and the possibility to attend them by those who have not had the opportunity to attend in presence. The online courses will take the following forms: ○ Online lessons (the materials and eventual recordings of the above mentioned Short training Courses will be made available through the WEB) ○ Webinars: a series of Online Seminars will be delivered by the relevant consortium members to provide updates and additional information about the themes dealt with during the face-to-face courses ○ Online collaborative working: an online forum will be set up where the participants will be allowed to exchange views on RDI related issues and perform collaborative activities in the field of EU programmes ○ Online tutoring: an online tutor will be active providing support in the solution of technical problems and answering first level questions on the contents of the courses All these components will be implemented in a progressive way in such a way to create a multifaceted training environment where the learners can adapt their learning pace to their time availability.
Training Methods. Zimmer may provide the training required under this CIA through videotape, DVD, appropriate computer-based training approaches, or other comparable methods not involving in-person training. If Zimmer chooses to provide training pursuant to any such method, they shall also make available at reasonable times appropriately qualified and knowledgeable staff or trainers to answer questions or provide additional information to the individuals receiving such training.
Training Methods. This section describes the training methods selected based on the options available and recommended for use by the project: Hybrid Training Approach: To help retention of learning, a hybrid training delivery method is proposed, we assume it will meet the needs of our project the best. Training including: Instructor-Led Presentation, Theory of BIM (possible utilization of e- learning) Instructor-Led Training, Practical examples - Hands on Training using selected software Exercises, remote consultations and support
Training Methods. The training and education required under this Section III.C may be provided in one or more training module(s) over one or more day(s), by supervisory employees, knowledgeable staff, Amgen trainers, or outside consultant trainers selected by Amgen.