Tribal Consultation Sample Clauses
Tribal Consultation. 1. For FEMA Undertakings on Tribal lands or potentially affecting properties of religious and cultural significance to Tribes, and where no tribe-specific consultation agreements or protocols are in place, FEMA shall consult with affected Tribe(s) or in accordance with 36 CFR Part 800. In determining who the affected Tribe(s) may be, FEMA will first establish that it is a type of Undertaking with potential to affect historic properties with religious and cultural significance and may consult with the SHPO and Tribe(s), and may access the National Park Service (NPS) Native American Consultation Database or other tools to identify geographic tribal interests.
2. To the extent permitted by Section 304 of the NHPA, Section 9(a) of the Archeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) (54 U.S.C. §470aa – 470mm), and any other applicable laws, FEMA shall ensure it withholds information protected by such laws from public disclosure.
3. FEMA shall invite affected Tribe(s) to participate in the initial scoping meeting within their geographic area of interest for each Declaration.
Tribal Consultation. [check all that apply] ☒ Not applicable. ☐ The School is located on tribal land of and shall consult with the educational liaison identified at the Department for consultation as required by law and prior to any action that may result in the School’s closure in accordance with the requirement of the Charter Schools Act. ☐ The School is required to consult with [insert tribal entity] pursuant to law because of the number of Native children enrolled at the School and shall consult with the educational liaison identified at the Department for consultation as required by law.
Tribal Consultation. The Act requires the NPS and the FAA to consult with any Indian tribe whose tribal lands are, or may be, flown over by a commercial air tour operator under a voluntary agreement.6 The Parks are not adjacent to tribal lands, nor will air tours authorized by the Agreement fly over tribal lands as defined by the Act.7 Therefore, tribal consultation is not required by the Act. However, consistent with policy, the agencies did conduct outreach to Indian Tribes and indigenous organizations reasonably believed to have interests in the area subject to the Agreement.
Tribal Consultation. A. In accordance with Section 101(d)(6)(B) and Section 110 of NHPA, the FS shall consult with Indian tribes that attach traditional religious and cultural significance to historic properties that may be affected by FS undertakings. The FS shall use the principles in the USDA Forest Service policy, Consultation with American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes (FSM 1563.06) to guide its tribal consultation procedures and relationships. This policy underscores the unique legal and political relationship the United States Government has with federally-recognized Indian tribes, including trust responsibilities, government-to-government relationships, consultation responsibilities (E.O. 13175, “Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments”) and protection of sacred sites (E.O. 13007, “Indian Sacred Sites”).
B. As early as possible in the planning process, but no later than the identification stage, the FS shall consult with Indian tribes to determine if any historic properties of traditional cultural or religious significance are present within an undertaking’s area of potential effect. The FS shall ensure that Indian tribes receive quarterly NEPA lists of proposed actions and that Indian tribes are maintained on NEPA mailing lists. In addition, the FS shall utilize periodic meetings, supplemental project lists, and project-specific consultation requests as needed to assure that Indian tribes have the opportunity to identify historic property concerns and to participate as consulting parties in all aspects of consultation for projects that are of interest to them.
C. When it is determined that an undertaking may affect a property identified by a Tribe as having traditional cultural or religious significance, the FS shall consult further with the Tribe regarding the identification, evaluation, assessment of effects, and the resolution of adverse effects, if applicable, with respect to the property.
D. Indian tribes contacted and tribal concerns and recommendations derived from the consultation process shall be documented and addressed in the inventory report and NEPA project file, consistent with the confidentiality considerations in III.G.
E. In accordance with 36 CFR 800.2(c)(ii)(E), Forests are encouraged to develop consultation Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with Indian tribes. Such MOUs will recognize government-to-government relationships and will specify how individual Indian tribes wish to be consulted in the Section 106 process. Copies of ...
Tribal Consultation. 1. For FEMA Undertakings affecting properties of religious and cultural significance, and where no Tribe-specific consultation agreements or protocols are in place, FEMA shall consult with affected Tribe(s) in accordance with 36 CFR Part 800. In determining who the affected Tribe(s) may be, FEMA will first establish that it is a type of Undertaking with potential to affect historic properties with religious and cultural significance and may consult with the SHPO, and access the National Park Service (NPS) Native American Consultation Database or other tools to identify geographic tribal interests.
2. To the extent permitted by Section 304 of the NHPA, Section 9(a) of the Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) (54 U.S.C. §470aa – 470mm), and any other applicable laws, FEMA shall ensure it withholds information protected by such laws from public disclosure.
3. FEMA shall invite appropriate Tribe(s) to participate in the initial scoping meeting within their geographic area of interest for each Declaration.
Tribal Consultation. Following guidelines for tribal consultation for non-tribal and ancestral lands found in 36 CFR 800.3 (f)(2), the NRCS in Illinois has established consultation protocol guidelines consistent with other states that form the NRCS Central Region. Using a regional approach to consultation will assure consistency among states that share ancestral land used by the same tribes. Appendix D is the Illinois Tribal Consultation Policy document. This document states the procedures for tribal contacts through the State Conservationist where the tribe currently holds residence and a list of tribes with interests in Illinois.
Tribal Consultation. In the event that this project is located within tribal land or includes tribal involvement as a stakeholder, the Contracting Agency and the Contractor must exercise tribal consultation and coordination protocol when providing related services. The purpose for this provision is to ensure compliance with "ADOT's Tribal Consultation Policy" and Arizona Revised Statute Section 41- 2051, Subsection C - Responsibilities of State Agencies: xxxxx:// 1.htm.
Tribal Consultation. 1. For FEMA Undertakings affecting properties of religious and cultural significance, and where no tribe-specific consultation agreements or protocols are in place, FEMA shall consult with affected Tribes in accordance with 36 CFR Part 800. In determining who the affected Tribes may be, FEMA will first establish that it is a type of Undertaking with potential to affect historic properties with religious and cultural significance and shall consult with the SHPO and Tribes, request Tribal maps or information on areas of interest, access to the National Park Service (NPS) Native American Consultation Database, or other tools to identify geographic tribal interests.
2. To the extent permitted by Section 304 of the NHPA, Section 9(a) of the Archeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) (16 U.S.C. §470aa – 470mm), and any other applicable laws, FEMA shall ensure it withholds information protected by such laws from public disclosure.
3. FEMA shall invite affected Tribes to participate in the initial scoping meeting within their geographic area of interest for each Declaration.
Tribal Consultation. The Forests shall use the principles and procedures in Section III of the Programmatic Agreement to assure that tribes are consulted as early as possible in the planning process and that properties of traditional cultural and religious importance are identified and addressed. If traditional cultural properties are identified, the Forests shall consult with the affected tribes regarding inventory, evaluation, effect, and protection or treatment measures.
Tribal Consultation. A. The City shall follow HUD Notice CPD-12-006: Process for Tribal Consultation in Projects That Are Reviewed Under 24 CFR Part 58.
B. The City has sent the letter in Exhibit B to the tribes listed in Exhibit A. These letters have been individually addressed to the tribal leaders of the listed tribes which have expressed interest in Indiana, and those identified by referencing the HUD Tribal Directory Assessment Tool (TDAT) at xxxx://
C. Unless a Tribe has indicated to the City that it wants to engage in government-to- government consultation with HUD, the City may initiate consultation with Tribes for individual undertakings carried out under the provisions of this Agreement. The City shall ensure that Tribes are provided information regarding proposed undertakings early in project planning and are invited to participate in consultation in accordance with the requirements of Section 101(d)(6) of the NHPA and 36 CFR Part 800. Upon receipt of a written request from any Tribe or officially designated representative of a Tribe to consult with the City, the City shall consult with that Tribe for the particular undertaking or program.
D. If a Tribe indicates to the City that it wishes to engage in government-to- government consultation with HUD for an undertaking:
a. The City will forward that request to HUD
b. HUD may utilize the processes and exemptions in this Agreement in conducting its Section 106 review of the relevant undertaking.
c. Ground disturbing activities on the relevant undertaking will not proceed until HUD has concluded its government-to-government consultation with the requesting Tribe.