CONSULTATION PROCEDURES. Revised effective July 1, 2012
A. Definition of Consultation
CONSULTATION PROCEDURES. Where it is specified in the Rules of HKEx (or any of its Exchange Companies or clearing houses) that consultation with the SFC is required, or where the SFC needs to consult HKEx on certain matters pursuant to the relevant Ordinances, the consulting party shall adopt the following procedures:
CONSULTATION PROCEDURES. The School Committee and the Association agree to meet at least once per year to discuss educational programs for the school children of Xxxxxx. Such meeting shall be arranged at the request of either party.
CONSULTATION PROCEDURES. For undertakings not exempt from standard review pursuant to Stipulations IV.A. 2, 3, 4 or 5, above, the FS shall complete the following steps. Where appropriate these steps will be carried out in consultation with Indian tribes and other consulting parties identified in consultation with the SHPO with jurisdiction.
CONSULTATION PROCEDURES. The Company will as soon as practicable after its incorporation and from time to time as it deems necessary, determine consultation procedures to be followed in order to comply with its obligations under the Agreement.
CONSULTATION PROCEDURES. The Health and Safety Committee will ensure a consultative approach is maintained and workers are advised and involved in changes that affect work health and safety. The Health and Safety Committee will be the avenue for consultation pursuant to the requirements of the WHS Act (s47). As set out in the WHS Act, TNSW will consult through the Health and Safety Committee in the following situations: - when identifying hazards, assessing risks and deciding on control measures - when making decisions about how to eliminate or minimise those risks - when making decisions about the adequacy of facilities for the welfare for workers - when making changes that may affect the health and safety of workers - when developing procedures for: o resolution of health and safety issues o monitoring health of workers o monitoring conditions at the workplace o provision of information and training for workers. Other matters specified for consultation include consultation arrangements themselves, the establishment, composition, procedure and functions of the Health and Safety Committee, the election functions, powers and training requirements of the Committee and its members including Health and Safety Representatives Consultation will take place by way of tabling information on relevant matters with the agenda for a Health and Safety Committee Meeting. This provides a minimum period of two (2) weeks for discussion and consultation with those represented by the committee member. A decision will be made at the following Health and Safety Committee meeting determining a position on the tabled matter. The Health and Safety Committee may seek further information or time to assist in reaching a decision, at its own discretion. Committee members are responsible for ensuring the dissemination of information, the provision of timely responses to inquiries and the representation of the views of those they represent in discussions at Health and Safety Committee Meetings. From time to time, where considered appropriate, additional consultation mechanisms and activities may be instituted.
CONSULTATION PROCEDURES. 8.1 There shall be a Consultative Committee constituted by the following
8.1.1 Three representatives of the School (Employer)
8.1.2 Three representatives of the Teachers and the School Assistants (Employees), who may be Union members (XXXX).
8.2 The School recognises that after the Agreement has been signed there may arise some variations brought forward by either the Staff or the School. If this happens the consultation procedures shall be put in place.
8.3 The Consultative Committee will meet at least once a term to discuss variations and be ready with any alterations at the implementation of the next agreement. In addition the Consultative Committee may meet as and when required at the request of the School (Employer) or at the request jointly of the Staff Representatives.
8.4 The role of the Consultative Committee is to work efficiently and co-operatively to develop a mutually beneficial agreement in relation to terms and conditions of employment for the Staff and Management of Xxxxxx Church Grammar School.
CONSULTATION PROCEDURES. The Association and the District acknowledge that the Education Employees Relations Act (EERA) provides the exclusive representative of certificated employees the right to consult on the definition of educational objectives, the determination of the content of courses and curriculum, and the selection of textbooks. For the purpose of this article, “consultation” involves the free exchange of information, opinions, informational proposals, and recommendations in an effort to incorporate such recommendations into the resulting policy or plan. In an effort to maximize performance and optimize the educational environment for students, the parties shall make every effort to work collaboratively in a timely manner. The parties agree that the following procedures shall be used:
1. The parties shall jointly meet in an effort to consult regarding the following topics:
a. Educational objectives
b. Determination of the content of courses and curriculum
c. Selection of textbooks
2. Meetings may be attended by the Association President and/or designee(s) and the Superintendent and/or designee(s).
a. Attendees shall be mutually identified prior to the date of each meeting.
b. Both parties shall decide meeting dates, times, and approximate duration of meeting. Topics to be discussed can be proposed by either party.
c. All meetings shall take place at the conclusion of the instructional day. Attendance at these meetings shall not be subject to additional compensation.
3. The District shall request, from the Association President, representative(s) from the Association to District-wide committees for the purpose of consultation as defined above. District-wide committees are subject to change due to State and Federal educational reforms.
CONSULTATION PROCEDURES. Where not specified in this protocol, Forests shall use the consultation procedures contained in Section V of the Programmatic Agreement.
CONSULTATION PROCEDURES. A. The Association shall have the right to consult with the Superintendent and/or the Board.
B. Meetings of the Superintendent and the Executive Board will be held upon the written request of either of the parties. Requests for meetings should contain specific statements of matters to be discussed. A meeting at a mutually convenient time and place will be held within ten school days of the date of the request or as soon thereafter as possible.
C. Facts, opinions, proposals, and counterproposals will be exchanged freely at these meetings in an effort to reconcile differences and to reach mutual understanding and agreement. Such discussion or agreement shall not alter the provisions of this agreement.
D. A record of agreements reached and information regarding such agreements may be disseminated by either party subject to advance notification to the other party.
E. The Superintendent shall provide the Executive Board with reasonable notice of any change in policy or administrative regulation affecting the terms and conditions of service prior to implementation. The Executive Board will acknowledge all such proposals, indicating which ones, if any, require further exploration. The Executive Board has the right to request a delay in the implementation of the proposed change in order to permit further study. In no event shall such delay exceed five months.
F. Other than responding to a direct question from a Board of Education member, no matter will be taken up with the Board of Education by the Association unless first discussed with the Superintendent. All written communication between the Association and the Board of Education shall be transmitted through the Superintendent of Schools.
G. The school calendar shall be developed in consultation with the Association.