Using Student feedback in Educator Evaluation. ESE will provide model contract language, direction and guidance on using student feedback in Educator Evaluation by June 30, 2013. Upon receiving this model contract language, direction and guidance, the parties agree to bargain with respect to this matter.
Using Student feedback in Educator Evaluation. DESE will provide model contract language, direction and guidance on using student feedback in Educator Evaluation by June 30, 2013. Upon receiving this model contract language, direction and guidance, the parties agree to bargain with respect to this matter.
Using Student feedback in Educator Evaluation. The Educator shall establish an age-appropriate method for seeking student feedback prior to the end of the current educator plan. Educators will determine the appropriate group or sub-groups of students to survey. The Educator will inform students that identifying themselves on the feedback mechanism is optional. The feedback will be used solely by the Educator to inform his/her self-assessment and goal setting for the subsequent educator plan.
Using Student feedback in Educator Evaluation. DESE will provide model contract language, direction and guidance on using student feedback in Educator Evaluation. The parties agree to bargain with respect to this matter.
Using Student feedback in Educator Evaluation. The use of student surveys will be used as a formative tool in the development of educator plans. Data will be available to teachers subsequent to data collection and processing. Data will be available to principals on August 1 of each year.
Using Student feedback in Educator Evaluation. A. All Unit A staff will survey their students during the 2016-2017 school year at least once. Secondary teachers will survey at least one section/class of students.
B. The selection and/or design of the survey is up to the educator. Examples from the MA DESE will be provided for assistance. Educators can use one of the MA DESE examples, one that they already use, or one that they create. Once a survey is selected, the educator will share that survey with their primary and secondary evaluator (if applicable). Evaluators may provide feedback, but the survey does not need to be approved by the evaluator.
C. Survey results do not need to be shared with the evaluator. Educators need only to share two “take-aways” that they gain in their data analysis with their primary and secondary (if applicable) evaluator. The format of these takeaways can simply be in “bullet point” format, or a similar format chosen by the educator. These takeaways will be included with the spring evidence submission per the educator evaluation timeline. At least one takeaway will identify an area of success and at least one takeaway will identify an area in need of continued growth. The takeaway that identifies an area in need of continued growth should inform the development of an educator goal and/or focus area for the following year’s evaluation.
D. Both the Association and the Committee agree to have the joint evaluation subcommittee analyze the results of this endeavor prior to the start of the 2017-2018 school year and make recommendations for future year’s implementation.
Using Student feedback in Educator Evaluation. To the extent that the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education does not mandate a school district to use DDMs as part of an educator evaluation system or as a teacher performance standard, the parties agree that the use of student performance data shall not be used in the educator evaluation system. This agreement shall not in any way preclude the District from obtaining student performance data.
Using Student feedback in Educator Evaluation. A) The parties recognize the critical role student feedback plays in the continuous professional development of Educators, and do agree upon the implementation of a student feedback survey for the purpose of informing the Self-Assessment and Goal Setting components of the Educator Evaluation process.
B) The parties agree that the District may engage an outside contractor to administer student feedback surveys on Educators. The District has partnered with Panorama Education (hereinafter “Panorama”) to utilize their online platform and technical assistance for student feedback survey administration at the Greater Xxxxxxxx Technical School.
C) The Federation and the District agree to the following conditions with respect to the administration of the Survey of Student Feedback on Educators:
1. The District shall ensure that Panorama so engaged shall have in place adequate data security and privacy controls.
2. District-wide feedback collection shall occur annually, between May and June. The first year of student feedback collection shall occur near the end of the 2015-2016 school year in all grades at the GLTS. Feedback collected at this time shall be used to inform Self-Assessment and Goal Setting components of Educator Plans that commence in the fall of 2016.
3. The collection method for feedback from students in all grades at the GLTS shall be a confidential survey administered at the school level. Survey results, in the form of individualized Educator reports (hereinafter the “Student Survey Feedback Report”), will be provided only to the Educator. The parties agree that survey results in the form of aggregate data shall also be available to Educators and the GLTS Administration.
4. The collection method for feedback from students shall be subject to ongoing discussion between the parties through the Evaluation Oversight Committee (EOC) during the 2016-2017 school year, with a final determination being made no later than April 15, 2017, in order to allow for feedback collection prior to the close of the 2016-2017 school year.
5. Educator’s may upload as an artifact the Student Survey Feedback Report as one of multiple sources of data to inform their Self-Assessment and Goal Setting on their respective Educator Plan. Data from the Student Survey Feedback Report may not be used as evidence toward a rating on any Standard, or Overall.
6. The parties agree that the EOC shall:
a. Determine the final survey instrument and content for student surveys in all grade...
Using Student feedback in Educator Evaluation. All Unit A staff will survey their students during the 2016-2017 school year at least once. Secondary teachers will survey at least one section/class of students.
Using Student feedback in Educator Evaluation. All grade 3-12 general education teachers will administer the LPS Student Survey, and all k-2 general education teachers will lead a class conversation using the LPS Student Discussion Tool by the first Friday in April each year. The teacher will use these survey results to inform the conversation with the evaluator at the formative or summative evaluation meeting at the end of the school year by the first Friday in June. The teacher should be prepared to share reflections from the results, including on celebration and one opportunity for growth with the evaluator based upon student feedback at this same meeting. The student survey results are not required to be part of the teacher’s evidence grid. General education teachers are encouraged to survey a range of students of varying levels of ability. While general education teachers have the flexibility to determine the number of students they survey, a minimum number totaling at least forty percent (40%) of a teacher’s student caseload is required.