Vacation Period The choice of vacation periods shall be granted to employees on the basis of seniority with the Employer except where the period requested would be detrimental to the operation of the Employer.
Vacation Carry Over (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, vacation leave for a period of not more than five (5) days may, with the consent of the immediate management supervisor, be carried over to the following year, but shall lapse if not used before the close of that year. Request for vacation carry over entitlement shall be made in writing by the Employee to the immediate management supervisor not later than January 31st of the year in which the vacation is earned, provided however that the immediate management supervisor may accept a shorter period of notice of the request. The immediate management supervisor shall respond in writing within one (1) calendar month of receiving an Employee’s request. (b) An Employee scheduled to take vacation and who is unable to do so within the vacation year due to illness, injury, or where operational requirements prevent the immediate management supervisor from scheduling vacation shall be entitled to carry over this unused vacation to the subsequent year.