Vacation Cash out. Vacation may be cashed-out up to fifty (50) hours of vacation annually if at least eighty (80) hours of vacation/compensatory time has been used in the previous twelve
Vacation Cash. Out Each employee has the option to cash out up to 48 hours of accrued vacation on two occasions each calendar year (on or about July 1 and the last paycheck in December), as follows: In order to exercise this option with respect to the July cash-out, an employee must, before the end of the preceding calendar year, designate the number of hours, up to the applicable maximum number of hours allowed, that he/she would like to cash out effective on or about July 1st. If the employee fails to make a designation, he/she will not be allowed to cash out any hours at that time. In order to exercise this option with respect to the end of December cash-out, an employee must, before the end of the preceding calendar year, designate the number of hours, up to the applicable maximum number of hours allowed, that he/she would like to cash out effective the last paycheck in December. If the employee fails to make a designation, he/she will not be allowed to cash out any hours at that time. Once an employee has elected to participate in the Vacation Cash-Out Program, the total number of hours designated for cash-out will be automatically processed and paid. If an employee has a lower balance of vacation leave than elected vacation hours, only available vacation hours at the time of cash-out will be processed. For employees who elect to cash out vacation hours as specified above, those hours will be paid to the employee at the end of the fiscal year at the same time as the Sick Leave Buy Back Program.
Vacation Cash. Out Employees with more than forty (40) hours of earned but unused vacation time may request, in writing, not more than one time per fiscal year, to cash out any earned but unused vacation in excess of forty (40) hours, not to exceed a maximum request of eighty (80) hours to be cashed out. The Employer may, in its sole discretion, grant or deny such a request based upon the availability of funds. If approved, the payout will occur as soon as possible, but no later than the normal paycheck for the pay period immediately following the pay period in which date of the approval occurs.
Vacation Cash out Once each fiscal year, an employee who is accruing 6.157 hours or more of vacation per pay period and who has utilized 80 hours of vacation in the previous twenty-six (26) pay periods may cash-out up to forty (40) hours of vacation provided that the employee is left with an accrued balance of at least forty (40) hours.
Vacation Cash. IN – Employees may cash in up to 50% of their vacation each calendar year in full day increments only (rounded up) provided that they elect to cash in these days prior to the second pay date in December.
Vacation Cash. In Bargaining unit members shall have the option of cashing-in accumulated vacation time. An employee desiring to cash-in accumulated vacation time must provide written notice, on a form provided by Human Resources, by September 15th of each year. Employees may cash-in up to two hundred (200) accumulated vacation hours per year, provided remaining accumulated vacation hours do not fall below eighty (80). Payment will be made no later than November 15th. Payment shall be made at the rate of sixty percent (60%) of the total amount. Payment shall be by separate check and shall be considered regular wages for tax purposes only. Payment shall not be subject to retirement contributions and shall not count as final average compensation.
Vacation Cash. In Employees with vacation entitlement of fifteen (15) days or more may "cash-in" up to five (5) such days and work instead. Such "cash-in" check shall be paid, at the Employees option, either in conjunction with the week (or less) he/she works or prior to the Employee's taking the balance of his/her vacation time off. The Employee must give the Authority three (3) weeks' prior written notice of his/her desire to "cash-in" such time. Employees with twenty (20) or more vacation days may "cash-in" up to ten (10) such days and work instead.
Vacation Cash. In: Employees may be allowed to cash in up to five (5) days of annual leave per year depending on the fiscal situation of the employer. LAET’s Board of Directors Executive Committee will review the September Financial Statement to determine if this benefit will be available for that year. The number of days cashed in will be deducted from the employee’s accrued annual leave up to the maximum 300 hours of annual leave available for carryover for the following year. Thus if an employee elects to cash in five days annual leave and will have 300 hours of accrued leave, they will be able to carry over the maximum of 262.5 hours of annual leave for the next year. The cash-in will be based on accrued annual leave as of October 31st of each year. Checks will be disbursed in November.
Vacation Cash. Out 20 Based on their annual accrual, members may elect to “cash-out” 21 up to forty (40) hours of unused, accrued vacation to be paid in the form 22 of salary at the unit member’s regular rate of pay. Requests for salary in 23 lieu of unused, accrued vacation shall be submitted by the member to 24 the Payroll Department no earlier than June 1 and no later than June 30. 26 Upon resignation, termination or retirement, all remaining vacation 27 hours shall be paid at the Member’s current rate of pay, including any 28 and all incentives.