Wage Premiums Sample Clauses
Wage Premiums. Wage premiums, including but not limited to pay based on height of work, hazard pay, scaffold pay, and special skills shall not be applicable to work under this Agreement, except to the extent provided for in any applicable prevailing wage determination.
Wage Premiums. Wage premiums, including, but not limited to, pay based on height of work, hazard pay, scaffold pay and special skills, shall not be applicable to work under this PLA, except to the extent provided for in any applicable prevailing wage determination.
Wage Premiums. All employees assigned as Lead Hands will receive a $0.50 premium. This premium will be added directly to the employee’s base hourly rate. All employees assigned to the afternoon shift will receive a $0.40/hour premium for all hours worked. All employees assigned to the night shift will receive a $0.50/hour premium for all hours worked. All employees assigned to the freezer department will receive a $0.40/hour premium for all time worked. All employees assigned to handle freezer loads will receive a $0.40/hour premium for one half of all time worked. Certified MHE trainers and trainer helpers will receive a $3.00/hour premium. The premium will be paid for all time worked training.
Wage Premiums. SECTION 30.01 The Company shall pay the following shift differential pay:
1. For shifts starting between 2:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. – one dollar ($1.00) per hour.
2. For shifts starting between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. – one dollar and ten cents ($1.10) per hour.
SECTION 30.02 An employee, whose regular schedule entails work on Sunday, shall be paid, in addition to any shift premium applicable, a premium of sixty-five
SECTION 30.03 The Company may from time to time, as it deems necessary, appoint or delete Lead Hands to oversee a department or specific part of the operation. The Lead Hand shall receive one dollar and seventy-five cents ($1.75) per hour over and above the regular hourly rate of his classification for all hours worked. The Lead Hand shall not be called upon to discipline an employee.
SECTION 30.04 In areas where a “Lead Hand” has been designated, and the employee so designated is absent for any reason, the next qualified Senior Man in the designated work area, consistent with the provisions of Article 12, and providing he is leading more than one employee, shall receive one dollar and seventy-five cents ($1.75) per hour over and above the regular hourly rate for his classification for all hours worked.
SECTION 30.05 In the event the Shift Xxxxxxx, on the afternoon shift or night shift, is unable to carry out his duties or fails to report for work, the next qualified Senior Man on his designated shift, consistent with the provisions of Article 12 (Seniority) will take charge of the shift and shall be entitled to a premium of sixty-five
Wage Premiums. (a) The worksite is considered a "lab school" for Holland College programs. Employees must provide the following support to students of Holland College:
i. Support active learning ii. Lead by example/Role Model
iii. Share knowledge and experience iv. Enhance the learning of students v. Build healthy supportive relationships vi. Evaluate skills and competencies
vii. Complete written assessment requirements
(b) In recognition of the requirements in 11.07 (a), a wage premium of $0.75 per hour shall be paid to Permanent Full Time Early childhood Educators for the period of October 1 to May 30 annually, which represents the portion of the academic year during which students are present at the work site and Employees are required to provide the identified supports. This Wage Premium is excluded from salary calculations for purposes of Articles 13 (Overtime) and 18 (Group Insurance). The wage premium shall be adjusted effective October 1st, 2019, and October 1st, 2020, by an amount equivalent to the general percentage wage adjustment as applied to the wage rates in Schedule “A”.
Wage Premiums. Wage premiums, including but not limited to pay based on height of work, shift premiums, hazard pay, scaffold pay and special skills shall not be applicable to work under CSWPA, except to the extent provided for in any applicable prevailing wage determination.
Wage Premiums. (a) The worksite is considered a "lab school" for Holland College programs. Employees must provide the following support to students of Holland College:
i. Support active learning ii. Lead by example/Role Model
iii. Share knowledge and experience iv. Enhance the learning of students v. Build healthy supportive relationships vi. Evaluate skills and competencies
vii. Complete written assessment requirements
(b) In recognition of the requirements in 11.07 (a), a wage premium of $1.00 per hour shall be paid to Permanent Full Time Early childhood Educators for the period of October 1 to May 30 annually, which represents the portion of the academic year during which students are present at the work site and Employees are required to provide the identified supports. This Wage Premium is excluded from salary calculations for purposes of Articles 13 (Overtime) and 18 (Group Insurance).
Wage Premiums. SECTION 30.01 The Company shall pay the following shift differential pay:
1. For shifts starting between 2:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. – one dollar ($1.00) per hour.
2. Effective September 4, 2017, for shifts starting between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. – one dollar and thirty-five cents ($1.35) per hour. Effective the first full pay following May 1, 2018, the Night Shift Premium will increase to $1.70 per hour.
SECTION 30.02 An employee, whose regular schedule entails work on Sunday, shall be paid, in addition to any shift premium applicable, a premium of sixty-five (65) cents per hour for each hour so worked on Sunday.
SECTION 30.03 The Company may from time to time, as it deems necessary, appoint or delete Lead Hands to oversee a department or specific part of the
SECTION 30.04 In areas where a “Lead Hand” has been designated, and the employee so designated is absent for any reason, the next qualified Senior Man in the designated work area may be assigned to the Lead Hand position if the Company deems it necessary. Consistent with the provisions of Article 12, and providing he is leading more than one employee, he shall receive one dollar and seventy-five cents ($1.75) per hour over and above the regular hourly rate for his classification for all hours worked in this capacity. Regardless of the period of any Lead Hand designation, the Company reserves the right to remove the designation and premium to any Lead Hand by providing 10 (ten) days’ notice to the Lead Hand.
Wage Premiums. Wage premiums, including but not limited to pay based on height of work, shift premiums, hazard pay, scaffold pay and special skills shall not be applicable to work under this CBA, except to the extent provided for in any applicable prevailing wage determination.
Wage Premiums. All employees assigned as Lead Hands will receive a $0.50 premium. This premium will be added directly to the employee’s base hourly rate. All employees assigned to the afternoon shift will receive a $0.40/hour premium for all hours worked. Afternoon Shift Premium increases $0.10 effective first full payroll in February 2023. All employees assigned to the night shift will receive a $0.50/hour premium for all hours worked. Night Shift Premium increases $0.10 effective first full payroll in February 2023 All employees assigned to the freezer department will receive a $0.40/hour premium for all time worked. Freezer Department premium increases $0.10 effective first full payroll in February 2023 Posted Freezer employees who are forced out of the Freezer Department will keep their premium for the remainder of the shift. All employees assigned to handle freezer loads will receive a $0.40/hour premium for one half of all time worked. Certified MHE trainers and trainer helpers will receive a $3.00/hour premium. The premium will be paid for all time worked training.