Weekly Duty Hours a) Kaimahi may be required to undertake duty each week between the hours of 8.00 am and 9.30 pm Monday to Friday inclusive, and for a total of no more than 37.5 hours. Variations to this clause for kaimahi based at Ara, EIT, MIT, NMIT, NorthTec, TOPNZ, SIT, Toi Ohomai, TPP, UCOL, Unitec, Wintec and XXXX are laid out in their respective schedules.
b) Within the total hours set out in (a) above kaimahi may be required to undertake duty for up to a total of eight hours a week after 5.00 pm and on no more than two nights each week. Variations to this clause for kaimahi based at NorthTec, UCOL, Unitec and Wintec are laid out in their respective schedules.
c) Notwithstanding the variations in 2.5.2(a) and (b), xxxxxxx may agree to undertake duties:
I. Before 8:00am and/or after 5.00 pm in excess of the provisions in 2.5.1(a)(ii) above or when necessary to meet the needs of the employer.
II. at weekends, provided that duty is spread over no more than five consecutive days except when it is part of an approved professional development programme
d) When a kaimahi attends an off-campus field trip (including noho marae) that requires them to be on duty in excess of their relevant daily duty hours, the kaimahi and the employer will agree the amount of time in lieu that will be provided to the kaimahi, and when it will be taken.
Weekly Duty Hours a) Kaimahi may be required to undertake duty each week between the hours of 8.00 am and 9.30 pm Monday to Friday inclusive, and for a total of no more than 37.5 hours. Variations to this clause for kaimahi based at Ara, EIT, MIT, NMIT, NorthTec, TOPNZ, SIT, Toi Ohomai, TPP, UCOL, Unitec, Wintec and XXXX are laid out in their respective schedules.
b) Within the total hours set out in (a) above kaimahi may be required to undertake duty for up to a total of eight hours a week after 5.00 pm and on no more than two nights each week. Variations to this clause for kaimahi based at NorthTec, UCOL, Unitec and Wintec are laid out in their respective schedules.
c) Notwithstanding the variations in 2.5.2(a) and (b), kaimahi may consent to undertake duties:
i. after 5.00 pm in excess of the provisions in 2.5.1(a)(ii) above ii. at weekends, provided that duty is spread over no more than five consecutive days except when it is part of an approved professional development programme
Weekly Duty Hours. An employee may be required to undertake duty each week between the hours of 8.00 am and 9.30 pm Monday to Friday inclusive, and for a total of no more than:
Weekly Duty Hours. (“Duty” refers to any time when an academic staff member is required by the employer to be on duty at the Institute or at another location.)
I. An employee may be required to undertake duty each week between the hours of 8.00 a.m. and 9.30 p.m. Monday to Friday inclusive, and for a total of no more than: • 34 hours for ASMs, SASMs & PASMs and Tutorial Assistants • 36 hours for ASMs, SASMs & PASMs and Tutorial Assistants who consent, or who have agreed at the time of appointment, to this higher limit • 37.5 hours for Academic Specialist (NASM).
II. Within the total hours set out in (i) above employees may be required to undertake duty for up to a total of eight hours a week after 5.00 p.m. and on no more than two nights each week.
III. An employee may consent to undertake duties: • after 5.00 p.m. in excess of the provisions in (ii) above. • at weekends, provided that duty is spread over no more than five consecutive days except when it is part of an approved professional development programme under clause 7.
Weekly Duty Hours. (i) An Employee may be required to undertake duty each week between the hours of 8.00 am and 9.30 pm. Monday to Friday inclusive, and for a total of no more than: • 34 hours for Lecturers; • 36 hours for Lecturers who consent, or who have agreed at the time of appointment, to this higher limit; • 37.5 hours for Non-teaching Lecturers, Research Officers, Teaching Assistants, Research Assistants, Clinical Educators and Research Fellows.
(ii) Within the total hours set out in (i) above, Employees may be required to undertake duty for up to a total of eight hours a week after 5.00 pm and on no more than two nights each week.
(iii) An Employee may consent to undertake duties: • after 5.00 pm in excess of the provisions in (ii) above • at weekends, provided that duty is spread over no more than five consecutive days, except when it is part of an approved professional development programme under Section 7.
Weekly Duty Hours. Kaimahi may be required to undertake duty each week between the hours of 8.00 am and 9.30 pm Monday to Friday inclusive, and for a total of no more than 37.5 hours. Variations to this clause for kaimahi based at Ara, EIT, MIT, NMIT, NorthTec, TOPNZ, SIT, Toi Ohomai, TPP, UCOL, Unitec, Wintec and XXXX are laid out in their respective schedules.
Weekly Duty Hours b) An employee may be required to undertake duty each week between the hours of 8.00 am and 9.30 pm Monday to Friday inclusive, and for a total of no more than: I. 36 hours for ASMs and Tutorial Assistants. II. 37.5 hours for non-teaching ASMs. III. 34 hours for ASMs and Tutorial Assistants who were on 34 hours prior to 3 March 2011.
Weekly Duty Hours. 5.1.1 The employees’ hours of work shall be thirty-seven and a half (37.5) hours per week.
Weekly Duty Hours. The parties acknowledge the professional responsibilities of lecturers to discharge the obligations of the position subject to the following:
(i) No lecturer shall undertake more than 36 hours of duty in any one week at the University or other approved location; and, unless the lecturer consents or any conditions of employment agreed to at the time of their appointment otherwise specify, the lecturer shall not be required to be on duty for more than 34 hours in any one week.
(ii) A lecturer may be required to undertake duty between the hours of 8.00 am and 9.30 pm Monday to Friday inclusive provided that lecturers may not be required to undertake duty for more than a total of eight hours a week after 5.00 pm on no more than two nights each week.
(iii) A lecturer may agree to undertake duty at weekends.
(iv) A lecturer shall not undertake timetabled duty on more than five consecutive days, except where under provision 7.3
(a) non duty days are approved for the purpose of professional development.
Weekly Duty Hours. (a) No teaching staff member shall undertake more than 36 hours of duty in any one week; and, unless the staff member agrees or any conditions of employment agreed to at the time of their appointment otherwise specify, the staff member shall not be required to be on duty for more than 34 hours in any one week. However staff members engaged in clinical teaching duties may be required to undertake such teaching duties for up to 450 hours outside the hours of 8.00 am and 5.00 pm in any year.