Appearance The Employee must appear at the Employer’s desired workplace at the time scheduled. If the Employee does not appear, for any reason, on more than separate occasions in a 12-month calendar period the Employer has the right to terminate this Agreement immediately. In such event, the Employee would not be granted severance as stated in Section III.
Court Appearance (a) In the event an Employee is required to appear before a court of law as a member of a jury, as a witness in a criminal matter or as a witness in any matter arising out of the Employee’s employment with the Employer, the Employee shall: (i) suffer no loss of regular earnings for the scheduled Shift(s) so missed; (ii) be paid an amount equal to the Employee’s average daily earnings at the Basic Rate of Pay to a maximum of the Employee’s regularly scheduled daily hours for each day in attendance in court on a scheduled day of rest, and be granted an alternate day of rest as scheduled by the Employer. Such rescheduling of the day of rest shall not be construed to be a violation of the scheduling provisions of Article 7:
Witness Witness signed - - signed - (Mr. Krit Phakhakit) (Miss Sarinthon Chongchaidejwong)
Court Appearances If an employee is subpoenaed to appear as a witness in a job-related court case, not during the employee’s regularly assigned shift, the employee shall be credited for actual time worked, or a minimum of two and one-half hours, whichever is greater.