Work Break Sample Clauses
Work Break. 15.01 It is agreed that Employees shall be given two (2) fifteen (15) minute breaks on each regular working, evening or night work, or designated shift with no loss of pay. The Employer or xxxxxxx/forewoman, shall exercise his/her discretion as to when the breaks shall occur, but every reasonable effort shall be made to schedule such break at the mid-way points of the working periods as defined.
Work Break. All Employees shall be entitled to one fifteen (15) minute work break in each half day worked, or in any overtime work period in excess of two (2) hours. Such work break shall be taken at the work site and the time of such break shall be approved by the immediate supervisor of each Employee. The work break shall be considered part of a work hour for the purposes of the preceding paragraphs.
Work Break. 15.01 It is agreed that Employees shall be given two (2) fifteen
Work Break. A work break not exceeding fifteen (15) minutes may be taken by an employee once in each half of a shift and at commencement of overtime, when time off for a meal is not taken. Employees will not leave their immediate work area during the work break, provided there is adequate protec- tion against adverse conditions.
Work Break. Employees shall be accorded two (2) 15-minute breaks during the eight- (8) hour workday and an unpaid lunch period. The time for such breaks shall be near the mid- point of each half of the shift. Work during lunch periods must be approved in advance by the employee's supervisor.
Work Break. Each employee will be permitted to take a ten minute break between their starting time and lunch time, and between the time they resume work after lunch and their regular finishing time. In no instance will the break exceed ten minutes from start to finish. The break must be taken at a time and place approved by the supervisor.
Work Break. All employees shall be entitled to one (1) fifteen (15) minute paid work break per contracted work day. Each full-time full year or extended school-year employee will receive an additional 15-minute duty free break except in cases where an emergency exists. All breaks will be scheduled at the discretion of the administration.
Work Break. 104.1 Each Employee shall receive a ten (10) minute rest period: One (1) ten (10) minute period on the morning shift from 10:00 a.m. to 10:10 a.m., and one (1) ten
Work Break. Employees are entitled to one (1) scheduled work break for each full eight (8) hour shift taking up to a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes. Employees who work a ten (10) hour shift are entitled to two (2) scheduled work breaks for each full shift taking up to a maximum of ten (10) minutes each. Employees who work a twelve (12) hour shift are entitled to two (2) scheduled work breaks for each full shift taking up to a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes each. Work breaks are paid time. They are not guaranteed in length orfrequency.
Work Break. Section 8