WORK RELATED TRAVEL. C12.01 An employee may be required by the Employer to travel for the purpose of performing duties subject to the following terms and conditions: (a) The Employer will determine the method of travel, and retains the right to require that travel be accomplished in the shortest practical period of time and at the lowest reasonable cost; (b) The employee will be reimbursed for allowable expenses incurred in the course of travel including approved fares for air, train, bus or taxi, or alternatively automobile mileage; accommodations; and meals in accordance with the Employer's Travel Policy; (c) The employee is responsible for submitting appropriate records and receipts to substantiate allowable expenses incurred in the course of travel; (d) Any alternative or personal arrangements that an employee may wish to make in connection with work-related travel shall be authorized in advance. C12.02 The Employer's Travel Policy will not be revised during the term of this Agreement, in a manner which would reduce or eliminate any of the allowable travel-related expenses provided in the policy. C12.03 Time spent in travel pursuant to paragraph C10.01 shall be considered as work and shall be paid for in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, including overtime where applicable. Employees shall be paid, as a minimum, their regular wages when the travel occurs on a scheduled working day. C12.04 In determining time spent in travel: (a) Travel time shall include time spent travelling and time spent waiting in terminals. (b) Employees shall be deemed to be in travel status commencing one hour prior to the scheduled departure time if the mode of travel is air, or, when travelling by any other means, when they leave their normal place of residence or their away-from- home accommodations.
WORK RELATED TRAVEL. 8.1.1 Reimbursement for work related travel will be in accordance with NextSense Travel Policy, as varied from time to time and clauses 8.1.2 to 8.1.6. 8.1.2 An Employee who uses their own motor vehicle in the performance of authorised duties will be reimbursed in accordance with this clause. Authorised duties includes travel for the purposes of undertaking NextSense approved training and professional development. 8.1.3 The provisions of this clause will not apply to an Employee’s travel between their home and their usual place of employment. 8.1.4 Where an Employee is required to travel from their home to a location other than their usual place of employment, the Employee is entitled to be paid $0.80 per kilometre for all kilometres travelled to and from such other work locations, in accordance with NextSense Travel Policy as varied from time to time. 8.1.5 Any road tolls reasonably incurred by an Employee in the performance of their duty will be reimbursed by the Employer in accordance with NextSense Travel Policy as varied from time to time. 8.1.6 Any parking costs incurred by an Employee associated with travel will be reimbursed by the Employer in accordance with NextSense Travel Policy as varied from time to time.
WORK RELATED TRAVELWhen an employee is required to travel for work by the employer outside of their normal working hours as outlined in Article 17.01, they will be compensated at the rate of time and one half (1 ½) of their regular wage.
WORK RELATED TRAVELThe Executive shall be entitled to business class airline tickets, if he considers it appropriate, when he is required to fly for the purposes of Occidental Business.
WORK RELATED TRAVEL. 38.1 Each staff member will have a primary place of work. 38.2 Where a staff member is directed to undertake work away from their primary place of work, including duties performed either within or outside Australia, all duties will be treated as time worked for the purposes of this Agreement including travelling time. 38.3 A staff member working away from their primary place of work who is required to travel outside their ordinary hours of work is entitled to be paid at the ordinary hourly rate for the time taken in travelling, or to take time off in lieu on an equivalent basis, by agreement between the staff member and their supervisor. 38.4 Where a staff member is required to work away from their primary place of work for all or part of a day, the period of travel time to be counted as work time will be the difference between their usual travelling time from home to their primary place of work and return, and the total amount of time spent travelling that day. 38.5 A staff member who travels overseas on a journey in excess of 8 hours will have at least 10 consecutive hours off duty between the end of the journey and the commencement of authorised duties. 38.6 Staff directed to travel on official University business will receive travel entitlements as outlined in the University Policy and Procedures.
WORK RELATED TRAVEL. The cost of all work related travel required or approved by the Employer, including lost wages and travel expenses will be borne by the Employer. The Employer will arrange the most practical and economical travel arrangements. If staff are required to use their vehicles, they will be compensated mileage as per article An employee will receive equal flex time when traveling outside of the employee’s regularly scheduled hours. For hours less than a full shift an employee’s pay will be kept whole. Traveling for purposes of training will normally be during daylight hours.
WORK RELATED TRAVEL. 28.1 Where an employee is required to travel during the course of their employment, reimbursement shall be in accordance with the ARCBS National Travel Policy, as may be varied from time to time. The Travel Policy is separate from this Workplace Agreement and does not form a part of this Workplace Agreement
WORK RELATED TRAVEL. 28.1 Where an employee is required and authorised to use the employee's motor vehicle in the course of the employees duties the employee shall be paid an allowance per kilometre as follows: • Engine Displacement over 2600cc 67 cents • Engine Displacement 1600cc to 2600cc 66 cents • Engine Displacement 1600cc & under 55 cents
WORK RELATED TRAVEL. 20.1 Where an Employee is authorised by the CEO (or delegate of the CEO) to use the Employee’s privately owned or hired vehicle for official purposes, he/she shall be reimbursed at the applicable Australian Taxation Office rates for work-related travel. This amount shall be considered full and complete reimbursement for all out-of-pocket expenses related to that travel including but not limited to depreciation, fuel, car insurance, cleaning, maintenance and any out of pocket expenses associated with vehicle breakdown or accident. 20.2 Time spent by an Employee travelling on SSA business shall count as time worked. 20.3 All staff who are required to travel on SSA business in the Melbourne Metropolitan area or between other tertiary institutions where directed by the SSA shall be entitled to claim for public transport costs. 20.4 Where an employee is required to travel interstate on official SSA business, they shall be entitled to reimbursement for expenses relating to fares and accommodation (both the type of airfare and accommodation are subject to approval first by the CEO (or delegate of the CEO). 20.5 Reimbursement of any other reasonable and unforeseen expenses incurred will be subject to approval by the CEO (or delegate of the CEO).
WORK RELATED TRAVEL. Staff who travel on University business will be entitled to payment or reimbursement for expenses in accordance with Schedule 4.