WORK SEQUENCE. Contractor shall be responsible for the work, means, methods, sequence and scheduling of all work to complete the project.
WORK SEQUENCE. The work of laying or jacking of the distribution pipeline or casing pipe beneath the railway tracks, including construction of the RCC xxxxxxxx, shall be undertaken prior to installation of the distribution mains on either side of the railway in the vicinity of the railway crossing. All work shall be carried out under the supervision of the representative from the Railway Authority and Employer’s Representative.
WORK SEQUENCE a) MPS will occupy the premises during entire period of construction for the conduct of normal operations. The Contractors must fully cooperate with MPS’ personnel to minimize conflict, and to facilitate the building's operations.
b) An on-site pre-construction meeting must be scheduled with representatives of the DFMS a minimum of one (1) week prior to Contractor mobilizing on the site – no work may start on site until this meeting is held. Contact the DFMS’ Construction Engineer @ (000) 000-0000, to schedule the pre-construction meeting.
c) Any required electrical service disruptions must be scheduled and completed when the building is not occupied, and service must be fully restored before the next day’s building operations. Contact the DFMS’ Electric Shop @ (414) 283-4640, to schedule any power outages.
d) All noise-generating activities, such as demolition, work with power tools, etc., must be scheduled before or after school classes, in order to avoid disturbances of class activities.
e) Prior to cutting any opening in the existing roof system, the Contractor must notify the DFMS Roofing Shop, at (000) 000-0000, at least 48 hours in advance of starting work. Provide temporary watertight protection over all openings in roof system at all times by providing water cut-offs at the end of each day’s work or when the weather is threatening. Failure to protect the roof deck and existing roofing system from moisture will result in the removal of all damaged materials or materials containing excessive moisture at the Contractor’s expense.
WORK SEQUENCE. A. Construct Work in stages to accommodate the CITY’s use of premises during construction period and in accordance with the limitations on the sequence of construction specified. Coordinate construction schedules and operations with CONSULTANT.
B. Coordinate Work of all subcontractors.
WORK SEQUENCE. The Contractor shall schedule the work to minimize inconvenience to the City and to adjacent property owners and to minimize interruptions to utility service. This shall include minimizing obstruction to local traffic especially on dead end streets. Work shall be scheduled so as to minimize disruptions to local mail delivery.
WORK SEQUENCE. A. The Work will be conducted in the following sequence of demolition/construction:
1. No Phasing Required.
WORK SEQUENCE. The Contractor’s sequence of work may be their choosing in order to complete the work in the allowed time frame while accommodating other contractors on site.
WORK SEQUENCE. X. Xxxxxxxx and execute work so that it does not affect daily use of the facility. Care should be exercised to provide protection for the interior of the building.
WORK SEQUENCE. 1 Construct Work in stages to accommodate The City's continued use of premises during construction. .2 Co-ordinate with The City Occupancy during construction. .3 Construct Work in stages to provide for continuous public usage. Do not close off public usage of facilities until use of one stage of Work will provide alternate usage. .4 Maintain fire access/control. .5 The work shall be completed during the shutdown at Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxx (August 28, 2017 to October 6, 2017).
WORK SEQUENCE. A. The Town shall be responsible for operating valves to isolate water mains adjacent to the Project area. However, Contractor may be requested to operate valves to isolate water mains adjacent to the Project area with written permission from the Town. See coordination note 1.04A Section 01010 of this specification.
B. Access to businesses and residences must be maintained during all Work.
C. Generally, sequence the Work as follows.
1. Install temporary bypass water main system. Chlorinate, sample and put temporary bypass system into service,
2. Cut-in isolation valves in locations shown on Drawings or where directed by the Town.
3. Perform proposed water main improvements.
4. Test, chlorinate, sample and put water mains into service.
5. Install water service connections.
6. Remove temporary bypass water main system.
7. Perform trench paving and Site clean-up.
D. The work shall consist of furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, tools, apparatus, and all other incidental work required to complete the watermain replacements.
E. It is the Town’s intention to have residents connected to temporary bypass water for as little time as possible. As such, service connections shall be made to the new mains on all roads as soon as the mains pass required pressure and bacteriological tests.
F. Temporary trench Paving shall be performed on a weekly basis at a minimum.
G. Any modifications to the above sequence by the Contractor must be approved by the Engineering Department in writing. The Town of Xxxxxx reserves the right to change the above sequence as it deems necessary.