Work Years Sample Clauses

Work Years. A. The academic year shall be defined as that period between the 1st day of a fall semester and the last day of the following spring semester excluding any intersession term. B. No faculty members shall obtain regular classification with respect to employment in any intersession, and service in connection with such employment shall not be included in computing the service required as a prerequisite to attainment of, or eligibility for, classification as a regular employee of the district. C. Each contract counselor shall be on duty 190 days at 7 hours each day according to the Counselor's work year (Appendix C4). In addition, depending on need and available resources, each counselor may work, upon mutual agreement with the District, a block of 21 additional 7 hour days during the months of July and August. These days shall be reimbursed at a per diem rate of pay based on Appendix “A” annual 10-month salary capped at step 8, divided by 177. D. Each contract librarian shall be on duty for 35 hours per week during the primary semesters, fall and spring, which coincide with the instructional calendar. In addition, depending on need and available resources, they shall work 180 hours, at 65% of their monthly pay rate from Schedule A capped at Step 8, times 1.67. All librarians hired prior to July 1, 2002 shall be required to work the additional 180 hours. At least one (1) contract librarian shall be on duty during each short session. Each librarian may work, upon mutual agreement with the District and depending on need and resources, an additional 144 hours block at 65% of their monthly pay rate from Schedule A (capped at Step 8) times 1.33. E. Each contract non-reading specialist shall be on duty for 35 hours per week during the primary semesters, fall and spring, which coincide with the instructional calendar. Their work during intersessions, if any, shall be paid per hour at 65% of their annual pay rate from schedule A (capped at Step 8) divided by 1085 (the number of their on-duty hours per instructional year). F. Each Division Chair shall work 201 days according to the Division Chair Calendar (Appendix D).
Work Years. Unless otherwise specified, employees shall work the full calendar year. The following employees shall normally be required to work less than the full calendar year, as follows: a) All school-year secretarial staff shall, if hired prior to August 1, 1996, normally work two hundred and eight (208) days per school year. Such employees who are hired after August 1, 1996 shall normally work two hundred and five (205) days of the two hundred and eight (208) days per school year and will, with the approval of their principal or supervisor, select the three (3) in-service or administration days on which they are not required to work. b) Library Technicians who were hired prior to November 25, 1993 shall normally work 208 days per school year; Library Technicians who were hired on or after November 25, 1993 shall normally work 200 days per school year; c) Educational Assistants, Program Assistants, Computerized Notetakers and Interpreter Tutors and shall work 190 days per school year. Educational Assistants will, with the approval of their principal, select those in-service or administration days on which they are not required to work. The number of such days will be determined as the difference between the number of days in the school year, as designated by The Minister of Education, and the number of workdays as stipulated in this clause. Where the number of workdays stipulated in this clause exceeds the number of days in the school year as designated by The Minister of Education, the Educational Assistant will work the additional days as directed by their principal. d) Behaviour Intervention Assistants shall work 190 days per school year.
Work Years. All Extended Day Programs operate ten (10) months per year. On a site-by-site basis, locations may operate during the summer months.
Work Years. Employees are categorized as 12-month, 11-month, 10- month, or Academic Year employees by the number of regularly paid workdays as defined below. 11.11.1. For the purposes of this section, classified employees shall be deemed to be employed for 12 months during each college year regardless of the number of months in which he or she is normally in paid status. 11.11.2. If, during a college year, it is necessary to assign an employee to perform an assignment or service in addition to his or her regular assignment, the district shall pay the employee on a pro rata basis for the additional assignment or service, not less than the compensation and benefits that are applicable to the classification of the additional assignment or service during the regular college year. The District shall inform the employee of the compensation and benefits of the additional assignment or service before the employee commences the additional assignment or service. 11.11.3. The District that, in any college year, maintains school sessions at times other than during the regular academic year shall assign for service, during those times, regular 11.11.4. If it is necessary to assign employees not regularly so assigned to work between the end of one academic year and the start of another, the assignment shall be made on the basis of qualifications for employment in each classification of service that is required. a. The District may not require a classified employee whose regular yearly assignment for service excludes all, or any part of, the period between the end of the academic year to the beginning of the next academic year to perform services during that period. b. A classified employee, assigned to work during the period between the end of the academic year and the start of the next academic year , shall receive, on a pro rata basis, not less than the compensation and benefits that are applicable to the classification of the additional assignment or service during the regular academic year.
Work Years. Library Technicians who were hired prior to November 25, 1993 shall normally work 208 days per school year; Library Technicians who were hired on or after November 25, 1993 shall normally work 200 days per school year;
Work Years. Unless otherwise specified, employees shall work the full calendar year. The following employees shall normally be required to work less than the full calendar year, as follows: a) All school-year secretarial staff shall, if hired prior to August 1, 1996, normally work two hundred and eight (208) days per school year. Such employees who are hired after August 1, 1996 shall normally work two hundred and five (205) days of the two hundred and eight (208) days per school year and will, with the approval of their principal or supervisor, select the three (3) in-service or administration days on which they are not required to work. b) Library Technicians who were hired prior to November 25, 1993 shall normally work 208 days per school year; Library Technicians who were hired on or after November 25, 1993 shall normally work 200 days per school year; Library Technicians will, with the approval of their principal, select those in-service or administration days on which they are not required to work. Library Technicians may arrange with their principal to select days immediately prior to the school year. The number of such days will be determined as the difference between the number of days in the school year, as designated by The Minister of Education, and the number of workdays as stipulated in this clause.
Work Years 

Related to Work Years

  • Work Year The full-time work year for all employees employed in EA and ECE job classes shall be a minimum of 194 work days to correspond with the school year calendar.

  • Work Period The normal work period shall consist of forty (40) hours of work within a seven (7) day period or eighty (80) hours of work within a fourteen (14) day period.

  • Base Term Commencing on the Expansion Premises Commencement Date, the defined term “Base Term” on page 1 of the Lease is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

  • Length of Work Year 1. The length of the work year for custodians, accountants, (excluding school lunch accountant), personnel specialist, maintenance, maintenance helpers, mechanics, purchasing coordinator, county receptionist, warehouse and property records coordinator shall be twelve months. 2. The length of the work year for attendance assistant and bus drivers shall be 188 days. 3. The length of the work year for school food service shall be 194 days.

  • EMPLOYEE WORK YEAR 9.1 The work year shall be as follows:

  • Work Week The work week will begin at 12:00 a.m. on Sunday and end at 11:59 p.m. the following Saturday.

  • Initial Term The initial term will begin on the date set forth in the Contract documents or on the date the Contract is signed by all Parties, whichever is later.

  • Work Day The standard work day shall be eight (8) consecutive hours of work exclusive of a lunch period in a consecutive twenty-four (24) hour day.

  • Commencement Date The Subcontractor shall be permitted to begin the Services on ______________________, 20____ (“Commencement Date”).

  • Minimum Monthly Rent Tenant shall pay minimum monthly rent (“Minimum Monthly Rent”) in the initial amount stated in Section 1.5. The Minimum Monthly Rent shall be increased as set forth in Section 1.5 and/or elsewhere in this Lease. Tenant shall pay the Minimum Monthly Rent on or before the first day of each calendar month, in advance, at the office of Landlord or at such other place designated by Landlord, without deduction, offset or prior demand. If the Commencement Date is not the first day of a calendar month, the rent for the partial month at the beginning of the Lease Term shall be prorated on a per diem basis and shall be due on the first day of such partial month. Upon execution of this Lease, and before the Commencement Date, Tenant shall pay to Landlord the aggregate of the first month’s Minimum Monthly Rent, the first month’s Monthly Impound Payment (see Section 4.4), and the Security Deposit (see Section 5).