Use of County Facilities Sample Clauses
Use of County Facilities. County facilities may be made available for use by employees and the Union. Such use shall not occur during regular working hours other than the lunch period. Application for such use shall be made to the management person under whose control the facility is placed.
Use of County Facilities. OCEA may, with the approval of the Chief of Employee Relations, hold meetings of their members on County property during nonworking hours provided request is made to the Chief of Employee Relations as to the specific location and dates of the meeting prior to such meeting.
Use of County Facilities. The Union may, with the approval of the Chief of Employee Relations, hold meetings of their members on County property during nonworking hours, provided request is made to the Chief Human Resources Officer as to the specific location and dates of the meeting prior to such meeting.
Use of County Facilities. Contractor and its employees or agents shall have the right to use only those facilities of County that are necessary to perform the services under this contract and shall have no right of access to any facility of the County without prior approval of County management. County shall have no responsibility for the loss, theft, mysterious disappearance of or damage to equipment, tools, materials, supplies, and other personal property of Contractor or its employees, subcontractors or agents which may be stored on County premises.
Use of County Facilities. County facilities shall be available to SEIU as follows:
(1) County Buildings: SEIU may be granted the use of County facilities for meetings composed of County employees within the bargaining unit provided space can be made available without interfering with County needs. SEIU shall obtain the permission of the designated County official for the use of such facilities.
(2) Bulletin Boards: SEIU has the right to the reasonable use of existing bulletin board space in each building or department at a location agreed upon by the Union and the department, under the following conditions:
(a) Material shall be posted on space as designated.
(b) Posted material shall bear the name of the Union.
(c) Posted material shall not be misleading, contain any deliberate misstatements or violate any Federal, State or County laws.
(d) Material shall be neatly displayed and shall be removed when no longer timely.
Use of County Facilities. Upon request of the Association, the County may provide use of County facilities outside of working hours, provided such space is available and the Association complies with all departmental and Board of Supervisors rules and policies for use of County facilities. The request for use of facilities shall be made in advance to the County and indicate the date, time and purpose of the meeting and facilities needed.
Use of County Facilities. County facilities may be made available upon timely application for use by off-duty employees and the Union. Application for such use shall be made to the management person under whose control the facility is placed.
Use of County Facilities. County facilities shall be made available upon timely application to the Department Head or designee controlling the facility for use by employees and Association.
Use of County Facilities. County agrees that SLOCPPOA shall continue to have the right to use:
42.1.1 County bulletin board space allocated for reasonable SLOCPPOA literature and notices at the various work sites, providing that no such facilities shall be utilized to defame, ridicule or harass County employees, its agents, or the public. Management reserves the right to remove any offensive material, but in so doing shall notify SLOCPPOA and/or the County’s Employee Relations Representative who shall then notify SLOCPPOA’s office.
42.1.2 Upon prior arrangement with the County’s General Services Department, and subject to availability and current charges, County facilities (meeting rooms) during reasonable non-working hours for the purpose of conducting meetings.
Use of County Facilities. County meeting room facilities will be made available upon timely request for use by the Association.