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COUNTY AGREES Sample Clauses

COUNTY AGREES. 1. To act as the lead agency on behalf of the CITY for the overall development and implementation of the CITY PROJECT. The COUNTY is providing services for which the CITY will reimburse COUNTY as shown on Exhibit “B”. 2. To prepare, or cause to be prepared, detailed plans, specifications and estimates documents (“PS&E”) for CITY PROJECT and submit to CITY for review and approval at appropriate stages of development. Final plans for improvements shall be prepared to COUNTY and CITY standards and signed by a Civil Engineer registered in the State of California. Deviations from standards shall be coordinated with and approved by CITY. 3. To identify and locate all utility facilities within the limits of the CITY PROJECT as part of its design responsibility. If any existing public and/or private utility facilities conflict with CITY PROJECT construction, CITY and COUNTY shall coordinate and cooperate in good faith to make all necessary arrangements with the owners of such facilities for their protection, adjustment, relocation, or removal. CITY and COUNTY shall, in good faith, coordinate and cooperate to require the utility owner and/or its contractors performing any relocation work within CITY's right-of-way to obtain a CITY encroachment permit prior to the performance of said relocation work. CITY and COUNTY shall, in good faith, coordinate and cooperate in the effort to establish prior rights related to utility encroachments into each jurisdiction's right-of-way. In the case that any utility companies are determined to have prior rights within the limits of the CITY PROJECT, the cost of relocating utilities shall be borne by the CITY. In the case that any utility companies are determined to have prior rights within the limits of the COUNTY PROJECT, the cost of relocating utilities shall be borne by the COUNTY. 4. To make written application to CITY for a Construction Permit (PW-E-65) authorizing entry into CITY's right-of-way for the purposes of constructing CITY PROJECT. 5. In accordance with Exhibit “C”, Agreement Designating Lead Agency, to act as the Lead Agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) for the CITY PROJECT. To advertise, award and administer a public works contract for the construction of the CITY PROJECT in accordance with all applicable federal, state or local statutes, ordinances, orders, governmental requirements, laws or regulations, including but not limited to the local agency public construction codes, the Chula V...
COUNTY AGREES. (1) To deposit with STATE within twenty-five (25) days of receipt of billing (which billing will be forwarded fifteen (15) days prior to STATE’s bid advertising date of a construction contract for PROJECT), the amount of $51,084 which figure represents COUNTY’s estimated share of the expense of preliminary engineering, construction engineering, and construction costs required to complete PROJECT, as shown on Exhibit A. COUNTY’s total obligation for said anticipated PROJECT costs, exclusive of claims and excluding costs referred to in Section III, Article under this Agreement shall not exceed the amount of $56,192, provided that COUNTY may, at its sole discretion, in writing, authorize a greater amount. (2) COUNTY’s share of the construction cost (estimated to be $39,600) shall be an amount equal to thirty-three percent (33%) of the total actual signal and lighting related construction costs including the cost of construction related claims, the cost of STATE defense of any of those claims and the cost of STATE-furnished material, if any, as determined after completion of work and upon final accounting of costs. (3) COUNTY’s share of the expense of preliminary engineering shall be an amount equal to thirty-three percent (33%) of the STATE’s actual costs for preliminary engineering for the entire PROJECT. (4) COUNTY’s share of the expense of construction engineering shall be an amount equal to thirty-three percent (33%) of STATE’s actual costs of construction engineering for the entire PROJECT. (5) To pay STATE upon completion of all work within twenty (20) days of receipt of a detailed statement made upon final accounting of costs therefor, any amount over and above the aforesaid advance deposit required to complete COUNTY’s financial obligation pursuant to this Agreement. (6) To pay one hundred percent (100%) of, the electrical energy costs for the traffic control signal(s) and safety lighting.
COUNTY AGREES. 1. Execution of this Agreement constitutes COUNTY’s waiver of STATE’s obligation to provide ninety (90) days prior notice of STATE’s "Intention to Relinquish" as set forth in Streets and Highways Code section 73. 2. To accept ownership, including all of STATE’s current obligations, rights, title and interest in RELINQUISHED FACILITIES upon recordation of the CTC’s Resolution of Relinquishment in the County Recorder’s Office and to thereafter operate, maintain, and be liable for RELINQUISHED FACILITIES at no additional cost to STATE.
COUNTY AGREES. 1. To pay VENDOR for a VoteSafe Perpetual Software License, data conversion, installation, training, and First Year Maintenance and Support for documented competent services rendered and accepted by COUNTY. a. VoteSafe license fees for 30 Field systems @ $600 = $18,000.00. b. VoteSafe PollPower Management Software, Training and staff orientation, Overall Project Management, and Data Conversion fee of $6,000. c. VOTEC WelcomeVoter Custom Kiosk Hardware Bundle (described on page 6) 30 @ $980 = $29,400.00. d. Total first year payment will be the sum of a + b = $53,400.00. e. Subsequent year’s VoteSafe PollPower Management support fee will be $1,200.00. f. Subsequent year’s VoteSafe support fee for 30 Field systems @ $120.00 = $3,600.00. g. Total support fee will be the sum of e + f = $4,800.00. h. All VOTEC WelcomeVoter Kiosk hardware comes with a 1 year (from date of delivery) warranty. VOTEC offers an extended annual warranty for subsequent years at a cost of 4% (four percent) of the original price ($39.20 per Kiosk, per year). i. Support fees will be due and payable on the first and subsequent anniversaries of the date of first production use of the VoteSafe system. Support includes 24/7 election cycle access to Nevada support resources, all upgrades, and our assurance VOTEC will maintain these products in full compliance with Nevada State Election Laws. 2. To provide computer access and on-site working space to support VENDOR employees assigned under this agreement. 3. To appoint a COUNTY project manager to work with VENDOR throughout Term of contract. 4. To dedicate appropriate COUNTY personnel to the specification, installation, testing, training, and operation of the licensed software. 5. To adhere to the VOTEC Corporation Software License Agreement. 6. To adhere to the VOTEC Corporation Software License Oracle Sub-License Addendum. 7. To order, install, test, and maintain all hardware and operating system software including data backup software. 8. To promptly notify VENDOR of changes proposed or being made to the network hardware and/or software that may affect the performance of the VoteSafe software. 9. To provide support for remote communications by the VENDOR with the network, including resolving technical communications problems occurring on site in the COUNTY. Access shall be under control of the COUNTY utilizing Xxxx.Xx and/or LogMeIn supplied by VENDOR. 10. To provide local system administrator level access to the VENDOR on the VoteSafe serve...
COUNTY AGREES. 1. To be the lead agency for PROJECT and to diligently undertake and complete in a timely manner the Scope of Work for the PROJECT as shown in Attachment A. 2. To be responsible for expending that portion of allocated Public Share funds on eligible PROJECT expenses in an amount not to exceed $1,456,938, which includes the 42.8% public share of the revised design phase and up to 42.8% of the required 11.47% local match to the Federal Highway Bridge Program funds and other right of way and construction costs that are not eligible for federal reimbursement, whichever is less, unless this Agreement is amended and approved increasing PROJECT costs. Reimbursement by SBCTA shall be in accordance with Section I, Paragraph 2. Additionally, expenses relative to time spent on the PROJECT by COUNTY staff are considered eligible PROJECT expenses and may be charged to the PROJECT, subject to SBCTA, State, and Federal guidelines. 3. In the case that State and Federal funds are allocated to the PROJECT, to secure all necessary State and Federal authorizations that are required before incurring eligible PROJECT expenditures 4. To abide by all SBCTA, COUNTY, State, and Federal laws, regulations, policies and procedures pertaining to the PROJECT. 5. In the case that Measure I funds are allocated to the PROJECT, to prepare and submit to SBCTA an original and two copies of signed invoices for reimbursement of eligible PROJECT expenses. Invoices may be submitted to SBCTA as frequently as monthly. 6. In the case that State and Federal funds are allocated to the PROJECT, to be responsible for requesting reimbursement through the California Department of Transportation. 7. To maintain all source documents, books and records connected with its performance under this Agreement for a minimum of five (5) years from the date of the Final Report of Expenditures submittal to SBCTA or until audit resolution is achieved, whichever is later, and to make all such supporting information available for inspection and audit by representatives of SBCTA during normal business hours at COUNTY Department of Public Works. Copies will be made and furnished by COUNTY upon written request by SBCTA. 8. To establish and maintain an accounting system conforming to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) to support COUNTY’s requests for reimbursement, payment vouchers, or invoices which segregate and accumulate costs of PROJECT elements and produce monthly reports which clearly identify reimbursable...
COUNTY AGREES. 1. To be the lead agency for this PROJECT and to diligently undertake and complete in a timely manner the Scope of Work for the PROJECT as shown in Attachment A. 2. To be responsible for all PROJECT costs in excess of $1,006,393 absent approval of an additional allocation from the SANBAG Board. 3. To be responsible for expending that portion of the eligible PROJECT expenses that are incurred by COUNTY, and by reimbursed by AUTHORITY, for an amount not to exceed $1,006,393 in MLHP Funds, in accordance with Section I, Paragraph 2. Expenses relative to time spent on the PROJECT by COUNTY are considered eligible PROJECT expenses and may be charged to the PROJECT funds subject to AUTHORITY’s guidelines. 4. To abide by all AUTHORITY, COUNTY, Local, State, and Federal laws, regulations, policies and procedures pertaining to the PROJECT. 5. To prepare and submit to AUTHORITY an original and two copies of signed invoices for reimbursement of eligible PROJECT expenses. Invoices may be submitted to AUTHORITY as frequently as monthly. 6. To maintain all source documents, books and records connected with its performance under this Agreement for a minimum of five (5) years from the date of the Final Report of Expenditures submittal to AUTHORITY or until audit resolution is achieved, whichever is later, and to make all such supporting information available for inspection and audit by representatives of AUTHORITY during normal business hours at COUNTY’s Department of Public Works. Copies will be made and furnished by COUNTY upon written request by AUTHORITY. 7. To establish and maintain an accounting system conforming to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) to support COUNTY’s requests for reimbursement, payment vouchers, or invoices which segregate and accumulate costs of PROJECT work elements and produce monthly reports which clearly identify reimbursable costs, matching fund costs, indirect cost allocation, and other allowable expenditures by COUNTY. 8. To prepare a Final Report of Expenditures, including a final invoice reporting the actual eligible PROJECT costs expended for those activities described in the work activities, and to submit that Final Report of Expenditures and final invoice no later than 120 days following the completion of those expenditures. An original and two copies of the Final Report of Expenditures shall be submitted to AUTHORITY and must state that these PROJECT funds were used in conformance with this Agreement and for those PROJEC...
COUNTY AGREES a. Nothing in this AGREEMENT shall be construed as changing the role of COUNTY in operating and maintaining the traffic signals and signal systems within CITY'S jurisdiction. b. As a part of construction of individual TSSP Projects, to develop and implement COORDINATION TRAFFIC SIGNAL TIMING along the ARTERIALS that will improve arterial traffic conditions and traffic flow thereby saving motorists time and improving air quality. c. To not alter BASIC or COORDINATION TRAFFIC SIGNAL TIMING at CITY traffic signals without prior approval from CITY. In the event that COUNTY alters BASIC or COORDINATION TRAFFIC SIGNAL TIMING at CITY traffic signals following prior approval by the CITY, COUNTY shall provide CITY with updated traffic signal timing sheets reflecting the changes made. If CITY believes COUNTY improperly or negligently altered BASIC or COORDINATION TRAFFIC SIGNAL TIMING at CITY traffic signals, CITY shall notify COUNTY in writing within 30 days of the completion of COUNTY's work on the CITY traffic signals. Should CITY fail to so notify COUNTY, CITY shall be deemed to have accepted and approved the timing alterations performed by COUNTY. d. Subsequent to CITY'S approval in 1 (c) above, and upon receipt of a Service Request from CITY pursuant to the terms and conditions of the County/City General Service Agreement No. 76147, (or whichever General Service Agreement between the COUNTY and CITY, or equivalent agreement between the COUNTY and CITY, is in effect) to review, observe, and if necessary, recommend revisions to and/or modify BASIC and/or COORDINATION TRAFFIC SIGNAL TIMING at CITY traffic signals. If revisions are required, COUNTY will provide CITY with updated signal timing sheets to enable CITY to maintain a current copy. e. To file routine reports with the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority (hereinafter referred to as LACMTA) on the efficiency of these TSSP Projects by compiling an operational status from individual cities along the ARTERIALS.
COUNTY AGREES. 1. To fund one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of the COUNTY PROJECT. COUNTY agrees that should unforeseen circumstances arise which result in an increase of any costs over those shown in Attachment “B” (“COST ESTIMATE”), the COUNTY will in good faith amend this AGREEMENT to include any such costs under this AGREEMENT, subject to Board of Supervisors or other COUNTY approval as applicable. 2. To deposit with CITY, within 30 days of executing this AGREEMENT, the full value of the COST ESTIMATE (the “DEPOSIT”) as provided in section 3.1 of this AGREEMENT. 3. To provide a representative to coordinate with the CITY’s Project Manager during the development and the construction of the COUNTY PROJECT, and to verify facilities are constructed as required by this AGREEMENT, if applicable. 4. To provide oversight of the COUNTY PROJECT, to provide reviews and approvals, as appropriate, of submittals by CITY, and to cooperate in processing of the COUNTY PROJECT. 5. To pay within 45 days of receipt, the invoice for final reconciled cost in excess of the DEPOSIT amount for COUNTY PROJECT submitted by the CITY for services rendered in accordance with this AGREEMENT, subject to Board of Supervisors approval, as applicable.
COUNTY AGREES. A. That it shall supply Provider with its Automated External Defibrillator Program policies and standards. B. That it may (1) facilitate an interface between the Provider and the local EMS First Response Agency, (2) facilitate registration of the Provider AED with local 911 dispatch center, (3) coordinate and provide training for the Provider in the use of the AED to current American Heart Association standards, (4) provide medical supervision, (5) provide continuing education, and (6) provide quality improvement follow-up after the deployment or discharge of the Provider’s AED.
COUNTY AGREESTo determine child eligibility and as appropriate, to provide information regarding rights to fair hearings. To provide Contractor with written prior authorization on a child or family basis for services to be purchased. To provide Contractor with referral information including name and address of family, social, medical, and educational information as appropriate to the referral. To monitor the provision of contracted service. To pay contractor after receive of billing statements for services rendered satisfactorily and in accordance with this Contract.