Object Clauses Exemplaires

Object. This contract is a distance contract which aims to define the rights and obligations of the parties in the context of online payment for the services of the company AQUA MASSAGE SARL AU through the Center Monétique Interbancaire - CMI. xxx.xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx is a service and a registered trademark of AQUA MASSAGE SARL AU.
Object. This convention is intended to allow an apprentice under contract to their company of origin to receive training in another company so as to learn new techniques, methods and structures. It is a complement to the secondment contract which is signed between the company of origin and the host company.
Object. The supplier undertakes to sell and/or provide to GROUPE XXXXXXX INC. the goods and/or services described above, subject to the following terms and conditions.
Object. The general conditions of products and services sales, here after referred to "the general conditions" are applicable to all orders placed with Brachmanski Sylvie under the brand name LILOSQUARE, hereinafter referred to as "Lilosquare" residing at 00, xxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, in 0000 Xxxxxxxxx.
Object. These terms of sale are intended to define the contractual relationship between GreenPonik and the Buyer and the conditions applicable to any purchase made through the website xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxx. The acquisition of a product through the present site implies an unconditional acceptance by the Buyer of these conditions of sale which the Buyer acknowledges having read prior to his order. Before any transaction, the Buyer declares on the one hand that the purchase of products on the site xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxx is not directly related to his professional activity and is limited to a strictly personal use and on the other hand to have the full legal capacity, allowing it to engage under these terms and conditions of sale. The company GreenPonik retains the possibility of modifying at any time these terms of sale, in order to respect any new regulation or in order to improve the use of its site. Therefore, the conditions applicable will be those in force on the date of the order by the Buyer.
Object. 1. The corporate object of the Company is (i) the acquisition, holding and disposal, in any form, by any means, whether directly or indirectly, of participations, rights and interests in, and obligations of, Luxembourg and foreign companies, (ii) the acquisition by purchase, subscription, or in any other manner, as well as the transfer by sale, exchange or in any other manner of stock, bonds, debentures, notes and other securities or financial instruments of any kind (including notes or parts or units issued by Luxembourg or foreign mutual funds or similar undertakings) and receivables, claims or loans or other credit facilities and agreements or contracts relating thereto, and (iii) the ownership, administration, development and management of a portfolio of assets (including, among other things, the assets referred to in (i) and (ii) above).
Object. La présente transaction a pour objet de mettre fin à tout litige né ou à naître de la formation, de l’exécution comme de la rupture du contrat de travail de Monsieur KOTELON, et de toutes ses conséquences, les Parties ayant décidé de régler à l’amiable leur différend au moyen de concessions réciproques. The present settlement agreement is aimed at settling any litigation whether present or future as a result of the execution, implementation and termination of the employment contract of Mr. KOTELON, and of the consequences thereof, the Parties having decided to amicably settle their dispute by way of mutual concessions. Il est précisé que la présente transaction couvre l’ensemble des relations professionnelles existant et/ou ayant existé entre Monsieur KOTELON, la Société, ainsi que toute autre société/succursale/filiale appartenant au Groupe. For the avoidance of doubt, the present settlement agreement covers all and any professional relationships existing or having existed at any time between Mr. KOTELON, the Company, as well as each and every company/subsidiaries/branches being part of the group. A titre purement transactionnel, et sans que cela implique une quelconque reconnaissance de tort de sa part, ni soit de nature à remettre en cause le licenciement de Monsieur KOTELON qui confirme par les présentes qu’il n’entend à aucun moment remettre en cause ni sa décision ni les circonstances qui ont entourées sa décision de démissionner de son mandat de Président de KEMET Electronics SAS, la Société accepte de prendre en considération le préjudice moral et professionnel dont Monsieur KOTELON se prévaut par suite de cette décision et des circonstances de cette mesure. On a purely settlement basis and without acknowledging any fault on its part in any way nor casting any doubt on Mr. KOTELON’s dismissal, the later confirming in addition that he does not intend to challenge at any time neither the decision he made nor the circumstances surrounding his decision to resign from his office of the KEMET Electronics SAS, agrees to take into account the moral and professional loss that Mr. KOTELON claims to have suffered due to this decision and the circumstances related thereto. En contrepartie et à titre également transactionnel, Monsieur KOTELON renonce à contester, dans quelque pays que ce soit et devant quelque juridiction que ce soit, à la fois les conditions de formation, d’exécution, les motifs et les modalités de la rupture de son contrat de travail et de sa...
Object. ITEM 1 The purpose of this agreement is to govern the conditions of the loan of material authorized by the laboratory.
Object. The companies of the Group MECASEM make testings, controls, calibrations, measures, analyses, manufacturie self-products or on demand and supply measuring instruments. These general conditions apply as far as they are not modified or not completed by particular conditions defined between both parties, to all services provided by the Group MECASEM covered by an official order. Any opposite conditions imposed by the buyer are, without an express acceptance, non invocable to the companies of the Group MECASEM, whatever the moment is when they would have been brought to their knowledge.
Object. Within the framework of the training scheme planned by the aforementioned Apprenticeship Agreement, additional training responsibilities are bestowed upon the receiving training centre. The main objectives of such an additional training period are as follows: