Aid Allowance An employee who has been appointed by the Employer and trained to render first aid and who is the current holder of appropriate first aid qualifications such as a certificate from the St. Xxxx's Ambulance or similar body shall be paid weekly an allowance as detailed in Appendix A. The Employer will always appoint the appropriate number of First Aid Officers as required by relevant legislation and Code of Practice.
Tool Allowance (a) A tool allowance as set in the relevant Wage Tables in Appendix A per week shall be paid for all purposes to:- (i) Electrical workers at Grade EW 5 and beyond; (ii) Electrical workers performing the duties of: (A) Television Antenna Installer/Erector; (B) Television/Radio/Electronic Equipment Servicemen; and (iii) Apprentices - Contained within the relevant Apprentice Wage Rates.
Annual Allowance The Corporation shall pay to the Executive, in cash, in a lump sum, on the Payment Date an amount equal to two times the annual allowance to which the Executive is entitled as of the date of the Date of Termination (or, if higher, as of immediately prior to the Effective Date).
Car Allowance The Company shall provide the Executive an automobile allowance of $750 per month during the term of Executive’s employment hereunder.
Vehicle Allowance Vehicle allowances for all distances travelled while on employer business shall be paid to employees required to use their own vehicles in the performance of their duties. This does not include travel to and from work. Vehicle allowance shall be 40¢ per kilometre. Vehicles driven on employer business will be in compliance with ICBC Regulations.
Mileage Allowance The state agrees to seek continued funding to provide for the payment of a mileage allowance for the use of privately owned vehicles for official travel at the rate provided in section 112.061(7)(d)1., F.S.
PAY AND ALLOWANCES 8.1 The regular rate of pay for each position in the bargaining unit shall remain as provided in the Salary Schedule found in Appendix A of this Agreement. 8.2 All employees in the bargaining unit shall be paid once per month. Checks will normally be delivered on the last working day of the month except if the normal pay date falls on a holiday the paycheck shall be issued on the preceding workday. 8.3 Any payroll error resulting in insufficient payment for an employee shall be corrected and a supplemental check issued not later than five (5) working days after the employee provides notice to the payroll department. 8.4 Any paycheck for an employee which is lost, or not delivered within five (5) days if mailed, shall be replaced as soon as practicable following the employees' notification to the payroll department of the check's disappearance. 8.5 Any employee who receives a change to a higher classification shall be placed on the appropriate range and step of the new classification which will insure at least a five (5) percent increase in pay as a result of the change in classification when step and range allows. 8.6 Any employee in the bargaining unit required to use his/her vehicle on District business shall be reimbursed at the rate approved by IRS per mile for all miles driven on behalf of the District. 8.7 Longevity schedule shall be as follows: 10 years of service, $25.00 monthly; 15 years of service, $35.00 monthly; 20 years of service $45.00 monthly; 25 years of service, $55.00 monthly; and 30 years of service at $65.00 per month shall be paid. 8.8 Employees working normally only on days when school is in session shall have their salaries computed on the number of paid days, including vacation and holidays, and paid in ten (10) equal payments unless otherwise requested by the employee. Days worked in excess shall be compensated at the regular or overtime rate whichever is applicable. 8.9 Any employee in the bargaining unit who, as a result of work assignment, must have meals or lodging away from the District shall be reimbursed for the full cost of the meals or be provided meals by the District. The guidelines for meals and lodging shall be based upon Board Policy #3350 and Regulation 3350. 8.10 The District will pay the agreed upon contribution to PERS for all classified regular employees working 20 hours per week or more. 8.11 Should the cost of the total PERS payment on behalf of covered employees in the classified service exceed 18.00% in any year, covered employees will pay any amount in excess of 18.00% not to exceed a total of 7.0%. Employees hired after July 1, 2011, shall pay the full employee share of PERS (seven percent – 7.0%). 8.12 Designation of 10, 11, and 12 Month Employees: Ten (10) month employees work either 149, 166, 180, 186, 190, 193, or 195 contract workdays. Eleven (11) month employees work either 200 or 205 contract workdays. Twelve (12) month employees work 260 contract workdays. 8.13 In any year where the work year consists of 261 possible workdays for twelve month employees, the work calendar for those employees shall be modified so that there totals only 260 days. One day shall be considered a non-work, non-paid day to be taken with the approval of the immediate supervisor. 8.14 The salary schedule for classified employees shall be increased by two percent (2%) effective July 1, 2018. In addition, an off-schedule bonus in the amount of three percent (3%) will be paid on the adjusted 2018/2019 salary schedule. Payment for the 2018-2019 year will be paid by June 30, 2019. One percent (1.0%) of the above referenced off-schedule bonus is in consideration for two (2) Professional Development Days added to the 2019-2020 work year. All employees will receive two (2) additional workdays at their normal rate of pay. This is clarified below: 12 month employees - 262 paid workdays at their normal rate of pay 11 month employees - 2 additional workdays at their normal rate of pay 10 month employees - 2 additional workdays at their normal rate of pay 8.15 The District shall provide a one percent (1.0%) off-schedule payment each year that the instructional calendar calls for 181 days of student instruction. 8.16 The salary schedule for classified employees shall be increased by three percent (3%) effective July 1, 2021. In addition, a one-time off schedule payment of $2,000 for employees whose contracted hours are 5 hours or more per day. Employees whose contracted hours are less than 5 hours per day shall receive a one-time payment of $1,000.00.
Meal Allowance A shift worker who works a qualifying shift of eight hours or the rostered shift, whichever is the greater, and who is required to work more than one hour beyond the end of the shift (excluding any break for a meal) shall be paid a meal allowance of $7.95, or, at the option of the employer, be provided with a meal.
Overtime Meal Allowance Employees required to work more than two (2) hours overtime consecutive with a shift shall be provided with a meal by the Employer.
Leading Hand Allowance A person appointed as a leading hand shall be paid at the rate of the undermentioned hourly amounts above the hourly rates of the highest classification supervised in accordance with the number of persons supervised. In charge of not more than one person $0.38 per hour In charge of two and not more than five persons $0.83 per hour In charge of six and not more than 10 persons $1.06 per hour In charge of more than 10 persons $1.41 per hour