Action Item 5 Sample Clauses

Action Item 5. If the Students return to the District during the 2018-2019 school year, the District will convene team meetings for both Students A and B to consider (i) the effects, if any, of the alleged sexual harassment on their educational needs, (ii) the effects, if any, of the District’s response to the allegations of abuse on their educational needs, (iii) whether either of these factors lead to a denial of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) and, if so, what compensatory and/or remedial services, if any, will be offered to Students A and/or B to remedy said denial of FAPE.
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Action Item 5. By February 29, 2016, the School will revise its existing notice of nondiscrimination to state that the School does not discriminate on the basis of disability (and may include other bases) in its programs and activities; and, that this requirement not to discriminate extends to employment and admission enrollment as applicable.1 Additionally, the notice will state that inquiries concerning the application of regulations prohibiting discrimination may be referred to the person(s) designated to coordinate the School’s efforts to comply with all aspects of regulations prohibiting discrimination, or to OCR. The School will ensure that the notice of nondiscrimination is included in each, as applicable, announcement, bulletin, catalog, or application form which the School makes available to students, parents, employees, applicants for employment or enrollment, unions, and professional organizations holding collective bargaining or professional agreements with the School. The School will also ensure that the notice of nondiscrimination includes the name and/or title, office address, email address, and telephone number of the person(s) designated to coordinate the School’s efforts to comply with all aspects of regulations prohibiting discrimination, including but not limited to the Section 504 Coordinator, referred to in Action Item 4.
Action Item 5. All Delegates and Operating Agents shall send a picture to the Secretary for use on the AMF website.
Action Item 5. The District will ensure that it transports students to their respective BOCES schools on every day that the BOCES schools are open, even when District schools are closed.
Action Item 5. 1. Within forty-five (45) calendar days of written notification from OCR that the proposed training described in Action Item 4.1 complies with Title IX, the University will provide training to its Title IX Coordinator(s) and any University officials, administrators, faculty, staff, and students directly engaged in processing, investigation, resolving, and/or adjudicating complaints of sex discrimination (including XXXX discrimination) or who will otherwise coordinate the University’s Title IX compliance.
Action Item 5. The EBRPSB shall review and if necessary revise its policies, procedures, and practices at the XXXX for distributing IEPs/Section 504 plans to teachers and staff members, and ensuring teachers and staff members are aware of all components of the IEP/Section 504 plan.
Action Item 5. By September 1, 2012, and annually thereafter for new staff, the District will provide training to all District staff who are directly involved in processing, investigating and/or resolving complaints or other reports of race, color or national origin (including Jewish ancestry/ethnicity) discrimination, including harassment complaints, and any counselors or other district personnel who are likely to receive reports of such harassment. The training will review the District policies and procedures referenced in Action Item 4 of this Agreement and include instruction on how to conduct and document discrimination and/or harassment investigations in an adequate, reliable and impartial manner, including the appropriate legal standards to apply in such investigation, as well as outline the appropriate disciplinary measures for violations of the anti- harassment policy. REPORTING REQUIREMENT: By October 31, 2012, the District will provide documentation demonstrating that the training referenced in Action Item 5 was provided to all staff referred to in Action Item 5. This documentation will include, but will not be limited to, the date(s) of the training; the name and credentials of the trainer; copies of any training materials used, including any handouts, guides, or other materials; and proof of attendance by staff directly involved in the processing, investigating and resolving of discrimination complaints.
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Action Item 5. By August 1, 2017, the University will reimburse the Student the costs she incurred in connection with the XXXXXXXX course.
Action Item 5. By February 1, 2022, the District will consult with administrators, the current School Resource Officer (SRO), the Director of Instructional Support, the Director of Special Services, the Behavior Specialist, and parents and students to review current practices regarding the relationship with and involvement of the SRO, and identify ways to minimize involvement of the SROs for student misconduct that does not involve threats to safety or for conduct that can be safely and appropriately handled by school personnel, and to provide clear guidance to school personnel on when and how such referrals should occur.
Action Item 5. The University will provide training for all its staff, faculty/instructors and administrators responsible for processing requests and/or providing academic adjustments to students with disabilities on the legal obligations of the University under Section 504 and Title II. Specifically, the training will address the following:
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