Affirmative Action Committee. The Committee shall be composed of eight (8) persons designated by the Employer and an equal number of persons designated by the Union. The Committee shall meet as determined by the parties. This Committee shall study: • Affirmative action plans; • Affirmative action goals and objectives, including specific procedures to promote achievement of hiring goals and protection of goals in event of layoff; • Data, including labor market statistics to determine if protected class individuals are available for employment or exist in present State employment; • Proposed solutions to existing problems brought to the Committee for review and discussion; • Measures to provide maximum cooperation with goals and objectives determined by the Committee; • Sexual harassment training; • Possible methods of increasing employees' awareness of the types and effects of discrimination and the resources available to them to determine if they have been the object of discrimination; and • Work with the ACCESS (Alliance for Collaboration and Cooperation in Employment and State Services), the Diversity Action Council and the Office of Diversity to develop statewide anti-discrimination and diversity training.
Affirmative Action Committee. The Committee shall be composed of eight (8) persons designated by the Employer and an equal number of persons designated by the Union. • The Committee shall meet as determined by the parties. This Committee shall study: • Affirmative action plans; • Affirmative action goals and objectives, including specific procedures to promote achievement of hiring goals and protection of goals in event of layoff; • Data, including labor market statistics to determine if protected class individuals are available for employment or exist in present State employment; • Proposed solutions to existing problems brought to the Committee for review and discussion; • Measures to provide maximum cooperation with goals and objectives determined by the Committee; • Sexual harassment training; • Possible methods of increasing employees' awareness of the types and effects of discrimination and the resources available to them to determine if they have been the object of discrimination; and • Work with the ACCESS (Alliance for Collaboration and Cooperation in Employment and State Services), the Diversity Action Council and the Office of Diversity to develop statewide anti-discrimination and diversity training. The Employer may, with the approval of the Union, add to the Safety Committee additional employees from other exclusive representatives.
Affirmative Action Committee. AFSCME shall have the right to submit a nomination to the Board of Supervisors for consideration of appointment to a vacancy to the Affirmative Action Committee in one
(1) of the four (4) positions authorized to be filled by recognized employee organizations as prescribed in Chapter 2.27.030, Subparagraph 3, of the County Code.
Affirmative Action Committee. Within sixty (60) days after the execution of this Agreement, the Northern California Mechanical Contractors Association shall appoint three (3) representatives and the UMIC Inc.-Industrial Contractors shall appoint one (1) representative and the Union shall appoint four (4) Union Representatives as members of the Affirmative Action Committee for the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. The members of the Committee may, but need not, be members of the Joint Conferences Board.
Affirmative Action Committee. Within sixty (60) days after the execution of this Agreement the Association shall appoint three (3) representatives and the Union shall appoint three (3) representatives as members of the Affirmative Action Committee for the Insulation Industry of Northern California.
Affirmative Action Committee. 8.2.1 The Employer's Affirmative Action Committee, composed of bargaining unit members, administrators and the community, shall continue to advise, recommend and monitor the Employer's Affirmative Action Program. The Association shall appoint the bargaining unit members on the Committee. The Committee will monitor the Employer’s Affirmative Action Program as defined in section 44101 of the Education Code.
Affirmative Action Committee a. The parties will participate in an Affirmative Action Committee initially comprised of three (3) representatives of the Board, at least one (1) of whom shall be a trustee, and three (3) representatives of the Surrey Teachers’ Association.
b. The parties will invite the participation of two (2) representatives of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Association 728, and one (1) representative of the Surrey Administrators' Association as full members of the committee.
c. The Committee's initial term will be until June 30, 1994.
Affirmative Action Committee. Members representing the bargaining unit shall be appointed by the Federation in the following way: (1) ten faculty members, one from each Academic council; (2) one librarian; (3) one professional technician. The term of service for faculty members, the librarian, and the professional technician shall be three (3) years.
Affirmative Action Committee. At the request of either the Employer or the Union, a committee will be established to oversee training and other issues pertinent to the policy of hiring, promoting, and retaining minority Employees. The Committee will consist of up to two (2) bargaining unit members and two (2) management representatives. The Committee's role is advisory only and not subject to the grievance procedure. The Committee will make its recommendations in writing and submit them to the Director of Human Resources, who will respond in writing within one month. It is further understood that the Committee may meet during work hours once each month [up to a maximum of eight (8) hours per month] or more often as mutually agreed.
Affirmative Action Committee. The Superintendent or the affirmative action designee may establish an affirmative action committee. If so, staff representation on the committee shall be selected from a slate presented to the Superintendent by the Issaquah Education Association. If the Superintendent or the affirmative action designee feels that the list is not representative of the staff, she/he may meet with the Association President to determine remedies for any inequities.