After School. The Employer has established procedures to provide for the safety of students and staff members participating in, attending, or supervising after school events. Procedures for pre-planning and safety determination of after-school events have been established for local sites as well as District-wide events. At the school site, the administrator and FC (see 7.2) meet for the purpose of pre-planning and review of the school's after school athletic or other events for which there may be a question of student or staff safety. Should the Principal/Site Leader and the FC not be in agreement on a safety-related topic, the FC may appeal the administrator's decision to the Employer Events Safety Council.
17.7.1 Difference of opinion on matters under consideration by the Council may be appealed to the Superintendent and if deemed appropriate to the Board of Education, whose decision shall be, considered final.
17.7.2 Should the unit member believe an assigned duty to be unsafe, the unit member shall discuss the matter with the site administrator, who will endeavor to develop a satisfactory solution to the problem. Should the administrator's solution to the problem be considered as unsatisfactory, the unit member may appeal the problem, in writing, to the appropriate Associate Superintendent for further consideration.
After School. Regularly appointed Certified Staff interesting in teaching after-school will be give due consideration for after-school appointments. The parties recognize that will experience with the District is a relevant factor in making after-school appointments, other considerations are also relevant and the decision by the District in making such appointments will be final.
After School. Students must be actively supervised or go home directly at dismissal and may not remain at the school to play unattended.
After School. No teacher shall be required to serve on rotating duty after school for more than ten (10) minutes after the close of the school day (dismissal xxxx) for pupils except for circumstances beyond the control of the building administrator in which case a teacher may be required to remain on duty until such time as students are safely dismissed.
After School. Parents are responsible for MacBook computer use at home. It is strongly recommended that the MacBook is used in a public area in the house. Students should continue appropriate use at home in respect to location, length of time, tasks performed and safe working practices. Most students will need to take their MacBooks home after school to complete homework and other tasks. In some instances students will elect to leave their computers on the College premises. If MacBooks are left at school they must be stored within a building in a locked facility. If MacBooks are to be left at school overnight, students will be responsible for making sure that their MacBooks are fully charged for the commencement of lessons the next day.
After School. I will be on time at the place near school where my host family picks me up.
After School. After school, MS students are to wait for pick-up either in front of the MS or on the balcony in the rear of the school for car-line pick-up. At 3:15 p.m. any remaining students are to report to the MS office until their ride arrives. It is important parents pick-up their children prior 3:15. If delayed, please call the office.
After School. Parents are responsible for iPad use at home. It is strongly recommended that the iPad is used in a public area in the house. Students should continue appropriate use at home in respect to location, length of time, tasks performed and safe working practices. Most students will need to take their iPads home after school to complete homework and other tasks. In some instances students will elect to leave their computers on the College premises. If iPads are left at school they must be stored within a building in a locked facility. If iPads are to be left at school overnight, students will be responsible for making sure that their iPads are fully charged for the commencement of lessons the next day.
After School. The District will fund and staff robust and reasonably equivalent after school programs on-site at both schools.