Proficient. Professional practice at Level 3 shows evidence of thorough knowledge of all aspects of the profession. This is successful, accomplished, professional, and effective practice. Teaching and leading at this level utilizes a broad repertoire of strategies and activities to support student learning. At this level, teaching and leading a school are strengthened and expanded through purposeful, collaborative sharing and learning with colleagues as well as ongoing self-reflection and professional improvement.
Proficient the Educator’s performance fully and consistently meets the requirements of a standard or overall. Proficient practice is understood to be fully satisfactory.
Proficient. Teacher is able to teach independently, internalizes feedback and easily applies what she/he is learning about teaching. The teacher is beginning to move beyond the classroom in developing teaching skill, forming collegial relationships and may be seen as an instructional leader among peers.
Proficient. Documents submitted by the instructor are quality work and evaluations of performance demonstrate proficiency and ability for instructor to operate successfully without regular, close classroom and other evaluation. 1-Basic: Documents submitted by the instructor are limited and evaluations of performance demonstrate basic service and ability to meet minimum expectation with regular supervision. 0
Proficient. Proficient means that the Assistant Superintendent is adequately performing all functions within the role, meeting or occasionally exceeding expectations; performance is adequate, meeting or occasionally exceeding standards or expectations generally associated with performance.
Proficient. A proficient teacher meets expectations by working with students to achieve a high level of success. This is a teacher who consistently demonstrates proficiency in the domains of Planning and Preparation, Classroom Environment, Instruction, and Professional Responsibilities by engaging in activities believed to be highly correlated with positive student learning outcomes.
Proficient. The teacher performing at the Proficient level clearly understands the concepts underlying the component and implements it well. Proficient teachers have developed an understanding of classroom dynamics and are alert to events that don’t conform to the expected pattern. A proficient teacher is self-directed, frequently takes initiative, and impacts positively upon the students and the school environment.
Proficient. The professional performing at the Proficient level clearly understands the concepts underlying the component and implements it well. Most experienced capable school counselors will regard themselves and be regarded by others as performing at this level. Distinguished: The professional performing at the Distinguished level are master school counselors and make a contribution to the field, both in and outside of their school. Their programs operate at a qualitatively different level from those of other school counselors. Such school counselors actively promote highly motivated and engaged student involvement assuming considerable responsibility for student’s academic, personal/social and career development. APPENDIX G – Speech Therapist Performance Evaluation Date Domain #1— Planning and preparation for evaluation and treatment: Components Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished 1a. Prepares adequately for meetings. SLP fails to communicate well or content is disorganized. SLP is partially successful in preparing for meetings but there is information that is not well-organized. SLP communicates with families and team members with organized materials and having secured necessary permissions, notices, and information. SLP communicates with families and team members with well- organized materials having secured necessary permissions, notices, and information as well as input from members of the team. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in speech- language pathology and related subject areas (e.g., SLP’s goals are highly appropriate to students’ needs and have been developed including consultations with team members.
Proficient. (2.0 - 2.9) Performance in the specific duty or responsibility is fully acceptable. The results and objectives and achieved meet the standards for acceptable performance. PROGRESSING: (1.0 – 1.9) Performance in the specific duty or responsibility is slightly less than acceptable. The results and objectives achieved fall slightly short of the standards for acceptable performance. A rating of Progressing requires a written comment indicating the reason(s) for this rating UNSATISFACTORY: (0 -.9) Performance in the specific duty or responsibility is totally unacceptable. The results and objectives achieved fall substantially short of the standards for acceptable performance. A rating of unsatisfactory requires a written comment indicating the reason(s) for this rating. Student Achievement – 0 1 2 3 4 Plans, develops, interprets, and coordinates district curricular programs. Ensures that District students have equal access to appropriate educational programs and other supplemental programs as deemed necessary. Oversees a timely review of all curricular areas required by law as well as other subjects the Board may require and makes recommendations to the Board for the improvement of curriculum. Makes recommendations regarding the needs for instructional and non-instructional materials and equipment and recommends plans for improvements, alterations or other changes in the buildings or surrounding grounds. Interprets and/or supervises the implementation of all Federal and State laws relevant to education. Professional Development - 0 1 2 3 4 Oversees the school district’s three year Education Plan as required by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Supports administrators, supervisors, curriculum leaders, and staff in the planning and the evaluation of professional development. Monitors professional development with district administrators to ensure that professional development activities meet the criteria as outlined by Act 48, the Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership guidelines, the National Staff Develoment Council’s Standards for Professional Development Pennsylvania Academic Standards, and is research-based. Confers with Instructional Cabinet, Supervisors, and principals to monitor student assessment data to identify areas of need for professional development. Facilitates and coordinates District Professional Development Advisory Council. Communications - 0 1 2 3 4 Keeps cabinet, principals and supervisors informed of state and federal requirements that pe...
Proficient. The teacher clearly understands the concepts underlying the component and implements it effectively. Most experienced, capable teachers will regard themselves and be regarded by others as performing at this level. DISTINGUISHED: Teachers at this level are master teachers and make a contribution to the field, both inside and outside of their school. Though the expectation is that no teacher will be distinguished in Summary Worksheet Framework for Professional Practice FRAMEWORK FOR PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE - FOUR DOMAINS U B P D Domain One: Planning and Preparation